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Everything posted by magley64

  1. magley64

    Thanks Obama

    Yeah, that's the problem... Not that the only legitimate jobs they can get pay enough to keep them below the poverty line...
  2. If it was his property, there would be no debate, the fact that he was stealing the raw materials for his business is the issue.
  3. so it's okay for bundy to kill cattle but not okay for the BLM to kill the same cattle? now who's being disingenuous?
  4. I wave at everyone... if they look stupid I give them the "Jbot wave"
  5. Isn't that the definition of hunting? killing animals with weapons? plenty of people do it for sport...
  6. Does shooting an animal in the head with a rifle qualify as "cruelty"? If so, there are a lot of hunters guilty of cruelty to animals.
  7. Isn't there already a court order giving the government permission to confiscate the trespassing cows? if the cows were legally in their posession at the time, they the cows belonged to the government not Mr. Bundy...
  8. good thing a cow doesn't qualify as a person...
  9. magley64

    Thanks Obama

    so the only reason you work is to eat? interesting. I originally got a job for a bit of freedom. I was well fed, had a roof over my head, but I wanted more. I wanted freedom, and freedom costs money, so I sold some of my time for money. It enriched the rest of my time. I then wanted other things, things that I could call my own. (which is why i promised myself I would never be a renter) I worked and saved for a down payment on a house, spent some on cars and fuel. Now i have a piece of property to call my own, a very high degree of freedom, and a sense of pride that comes with being a homeowner. It's not hunger that motivated me, ever. I can honestly say I've never gone hungry, so it's never been a motivator for me.
  10. so how do you know these cows didnt kick the agents? that could be deadly force...
  11. Can burglers be shot? bank robbers? armed or unarmed? Bundy's cows, and by extension bundy were stealing from the federal government for 20 years. I hope when i go rob a federal bank, people will show up with guns to point at federal agents... and... they're fucking cows... guess what, if an animal comes trespassing in my yard, they are getting chased off, if they turn and attack me, they are going to die. Depending on their species, they will then either be refrigerated for later meat processing, or buried in the back yard...
  12. Yes, that's why all the cows that were trespassing are now dead...What was bundy's plan with the cows? let them die of old age?
  13. None of that would have happened if they were on bundy's property... per multiple court orders.
  14. are you afraid of melting?
  15. LoL again @ Breitbart...Come back when there is a story.
  16. Yeah, well when the defendant represents himself, and his only defense is roughly translated to "this court's authority doesn't exist, and your courtroom is a sham" you're probably not likely to take his argument under any serious consideration. at least they gave him a month and 1/2 to get his cows back onto his own property...
  17. some more info... http://www.factandmyth.com/bundy-nevada/bundy-court.pdf
  18. Meth is the big drug up this way... There were 2 big meth raids up here recently.
  19. there is a law, passed by congress in 78...http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_Rangelands_Improvement_Act_of_1978 Later modified by reagan in '86... http://www.reagan.utexas.edu/archives/speeches/1986/21486b.htm Bundy's claim is that there is no US government...
  20. Aren't all legal decisions "one sided"? Bundy had his chance in court, he decided to represent himself and simply deny that the federal government exists... Great defense in a federal court. So 20 more years of illegal grazing, and the blm gets an order to legally remove the trespassing cows.
  21. A man was shot by his son in church last year, we're still right around 1 murder per year on average, depending on when you start counting, and most of those are spouses. I'd still have no worries umbrella dancing down station Avenue (widely regarded as the most dangerous part of the city) at 3 am in a pink tutu.
  22. I hope they get federal prison time. Eric Parker can be first.
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