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Everything posted by magley64

  1. No you can break half of them with no legal explanation at all, the other half you can get away with depending on circumstance.
  2. Concur, I believe the purpose of this exercise is to push the limits of the ruling that allowed the 10 commandments statue... so that they overturn it.
  3. Let's hope it either gets approved or the existing one gets taken down...
  4. Congress, pushed by the gun lobby, in 1996 put restrictions on CDC funding of gun research into the budget. Restrictions on other agencies were added in later years.
  5. Yes gun lobbyists have funded studies, but the federal government has laws restricting the use of federal funding to do studies RE: health risks of guns.
  6. Ley me get this straight, in this scenario, someone has already pulled a gun out and aimed it at you, you think is likely that a: they won't squeeze the trigger in the time it takes you to pull out your own gun, and b: they will be so intimidated by your gun that they will drop the one they've already pulled on you, and surrender?
  7. Wow, somebody loves me, I just said I was incorrect on this particular topic, kinda the opposite of what you just said, huh?
  8. Use all the euphemisms you want, we all know what you mean by neutralize a threat. It means to mortally wound, and yes you intend to use it if a situation arises that you feel is justified to do so.(Whether you're actually justified or not)
  9. Wasn't trolling, Was posting a joke... Title said "landslide", Looked like one, figured it was one... Commented Joke... act of god, don't pay a penny son... sounds like you got your panties twisted over nothing.
  10. Color me corrected, Hadn't been reading the story, just sound bytes here and there.... wasn't particularly interested in the story.
  11. Really, how is a city going to prevent a mudslide?
  12. if you were in a weaponized vehicle, and the object was to run over as many cones as possible, you might have a point...
  13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GJW4rnN6q84
  14. Act of god... Don't pay a penny son...
  15. Okay, Call me clairvoyant or psychic, But i'm predicting there will be another Highway sniper, or rooftop sniper at some point in the not too distant future... I'm also willing to bet that this person, before shooting at people, shot at targets to improve their skill level... If shooting at targets isn't "effective practice for the real thing", why does the military, when training soldiers, use targets? HMMM?
  16. Looks good. drying the sweat out of helmets?
  17. Nail guns have a productive, and functional utility, they aren't designed as weapons. As with many of the other things you listed. As for target shooting, that's just gaining proficiency for when the time comes to shoot someone or something for real... And it still causes damage and destruction in the process.
  18. It certainly could affect me if a gun worshiper decides that they find my face threatening and decide to shoot it.
  19. The Vatican thought he was a cunt. And the way some of you worship guns, I find it a fitting comparison.
  20. I don't mind being outnumbered, galileo was outnumbered, too...
  21. A report released in January 2013 by the group Mayors Against Illegal Guns (PDF, 2MB), founded by New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, found that since 1996 the CDC’s funding for firearm injury prevention has fallen 96 percent and is now just $100,000 of the agency’s $5.6 billion budget. The CDC’s online guide for grants funded by the agency’s Injury Control Research Centers currently includes a section titled Prohibition of Use of CDC Funds for Certain Gun Control Activities, which states that “In addition to the restrictions in the Anti-Lobbying Act, CDC interprets the language in the CDC's Appropriations Act to mean that CDC's funds may not be spent on political action or other activities designed to affect the passage of specific Federal, State, or local legislation intended to restrict or control the purchase or use of firearms.
  22. So 70% of all homicides are committed with guns... What? I'm shocked... shocked
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