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Everything posted by magley64

  1. I totally agree, the planet will have no problem sustaining life long after we're extinct, we're just making it less conducive to sustaining OUR lives in an increasingly rapid fashion...
  2. Not according to jesus... see above quote... money MUST play a role.
  3. so the destruction of or planet's fragile ecosystem is a more important story than whether some woman required tea party super pacs to fill out extra paperwork? Gotta be a conspiracy...
  4. I don't believe he actually existed either, but he does certainly exist as a character in a book. Jesus said "And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God." Just as bugs bunny said "what's up doc?"
  5. So a refusal penalty of eternal hell doesn't qualify as coersion? Is yaweh not a governing body?
  6. He says to sell all your possessions and give the money away.
  7. it's okay jesus is a commie, too... they'll just glaze over it.
  8. Don't do it, female mantii generally decapitate their mate, and consume their head...
  9. They have thought of this, the Nucleotides that they used are completely synthetic. If not supplied by the lab, the organism cannot produce them on their own. We could do cat sized praying mantii with the current set of base pairs...
  10. It's a little scary, sure. I find it VERY exciting. It's completely new territory. Jurrasic park was just about recombining DNA into forms it had already been in at one time (or close). This is something completely different.. Will the new nucleotides give this organism any properties previously inconceivable for life? Could there be even more nucleotides that could be added? All life on earth, in all of it's diversity is just a code of four letters AGTC, and look at all of the complexity and diversity... you start adding to that alphabet, and nobody knows what could happen... Very exciting.
  11. This is pretty effing cool... http://mobile.theverge.com/2014/5/7/5691744/scientists-create-life-form-with-alien-dna-six-letters
  12. Yeah, I'm not a fan of theirs... And I could care less about Harry Reid, except that he stole my definition-accurate disparaging title for ol' redneck bundy and a horde of his supporters.
  13. I'm okay with sharks, they are for water, and like fish, if you fear sharks you must also hate water and/or fish. Also, it's difficult to "nail down" the Koch brothers on many issues, since they give money to so many organizations. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_activities_of_the_Koch_family Historically, they have given a great deal of money to right wing candidates who do oppose marriage equality and marijuana decriminalization.
  14. Voted no on taxes, don't like any of the politicians
  15. Just do it... I rode across the country on a whim... 1: don't try a new dandruff shampoo on the night before the ride, an itchy head is no fun under a helmet.
  16. I rode today, I can tell i'm not in riding shape cause my thighs and abs are a little sore right now... but on the bright side I didn't forget "form" cause my wrists and arms are fine.
  17. Welcome back... Enjoy the new machine.
  18. http://lprfacts.com/myths-vs-facts/ They mentioned it here, in my skimming I noticed they referenced the dppa and your concern, which is why i mentioned it... Didn't have time to read the whole DPPA...
  19. I believe the DPPA already addresses this.
  20. In a 2-1 decision in September 2006, the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit ruled in United States v. Curtis Ellison that random plate checks are not an unconstitutional invasion of privacy and that "so long as the officer had a right to be in a position to observe the defendant's license plate, any such observation and corresponding use of the information on the plate does not violate the Fourth Amendment." Ellison appealed the decision, but last October the U.S. Supreme Court refused to hear the case, letting the appeals' decision stand as the current law of the land. In its decision, the court joined virtually every other federal jurisdiction in saying individuals have no reasonable expectation of privacy when it comes to license plate numbers. The courts in the Tenth Circuit - in two separate rulings - the Fifth Circuit, the Eighth Circuit, and the Ninth Circuit all made similar determinations, and in both 2000 and 2003 the Sixth Circuit itself OK'd random computer checks of license plates without probable cause or even heightened suspicion.
  21. So you're saying they can't run every single plate they see? or every 5th plate? As I understand it, there are no such limitations on police officers during the course of normal traffic duty... Now with your specific example, that's for personal benefit, not in the normal course of his police duties, so I could see that as a violation.
  22. Dammit, I hate agreeing with Ohio mike, lol Plates are out in public in plain view, search and seizure don't come into play...
  23. 6 (unless you "feel threatened") 8, and 9 if under oath.
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