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Everything posted by magley64

  1. Answers: none, (or at least little enough to be negligible) and all of it.
  2. I also believe Joe of new York existed, but the same number of stories are correctly attributed to him.
  3. Why do we keep using the euphemism "entitlements"? What you really mean is Democrats are buying votes with food stamps and unemployment benefits... Yeah let's stop giving people food stamps, then they'll start voting for fucking Republicans, right?
  4. Looks like the same roads they used in the MIA music video, they are definitely screwing around.
  5. $8.50 is 2 or 3 meals for some people.
  6. No, they wouldn't... fact: Republicans do better in elections when voter turnout is low..period. Any means of supressing votes = better election results for republicans.
  7. Yes welcome to the family of "getting in my fucking way"
  8. I was nice as well as sincere, lol
  9. Looks pretty, should be fun to look at the scenery on that.
  10. If photo id's are free, I'm for it, until then, I've never heard of someone going ona voting spree and killing dozens of people.
  11. Votes don't blow big life threatening holes into people's bodies... once they do then we can start regulating them like firearms.
  12. They're so much better at it on that MIA music video for "bad girls"
  13. I'm not talking about online, I'm talking about mailing in a ballot.... can you mail order guns? I dunno, I've never tried...Have no use for one.
  14. If you're voting in your kitchen, who is going to check your id?
  15. No, it's the republicans constantly bitching that we need voter ID laws, when they're also the ones bitching about how intrusive government is and How the government is passing laws that can't be enforced... IF you truly can vote anywhere, why the hell do we need voter ID laws?
  16. jeez, youre right, i been in my new house for a year and 1/2...
  17. So then why are republicans bitching about voter ID laws?
  18. would be applicable if the only place you could fire a gun was in a gun range...
  19. Funny, I didn't realize they asked your party affiliation before letting you enter a polling place...
  20. Aren't 7 bullets per magazine enough?
  21. Squire is head and shoulders better than epiphone. For a beginner guitar, you can get into a squire bullet pretty cheap. Humbuckler pickup is nice, too.
  22. Perhaps I used imprecise terms... Looks like a hella fun Scoot.
  23. pretty commuter bike... looks like fun.
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