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Everything posted by magley64

  1. now that's an idea, an electric scooter, sit on a big ol' battery, and have a little 'lectric motor direct mounted to the rear wheel... good for zipping around town or back and forth to work.. low maintenance..
  2. I like shifting.... That said, an electric motorcycle for commuting would be cool. No fuel for my trip to work and home, instant torque...
  3. magley64

    2006 Honda 599

    wasn't trolling, just pointing out that the current bike has the potential to be more like what you want... if you're willing to do just a little tinkering. enjoy!
  4. magley64

    2006 Honda 599

    if that's your only criteria, slap a set of clip on's on this thing and enjoy... way cheaper than another bike. either way LBTS GLWS!
  5. magley64


    Just report their posts, the admin and mods are pretty quick to smite them.
  6. I know a lot of rednecks, and most of them are assholes... therefore my experience rednecks are assholes
  7. Lol... and crazy cat ladies will be the only ones to survive when the catgod aliens return to earth, better start buddying up with some old woman who smells of cat piss...
  8. Actually, they flipped the script and apologized after some social media backlash.
  9. Demitri martin: "I like camoflauge, because in the woods it makes you invisible, in the rest of the world it has the opposite effect... 'hey look, there's an asshole'... if you were in the woods, you'd be like...'is there an asshole out here?"'
  10. i thought sebelius was supposed to be the obamacare heroine...
  11. oh no, he's an asshole in every/any religion so basically: "my religion was here first (well after we stole the land from the peole who lived here before us) so we have a right to subjugate the entire nation under the rules and regulations of our enterpretation of a book written by bronze age goat herders... that's the definition of "religious freedom"... the first amendment freedom of religion gives you the freedom to be my religion"
  12. And now for the opinion of a gay christian man from texas...
  13. Imo, it may or may not be born... it could very well have at least partial environmental triggers, but we agree that it isn't a choice.
  14. And i love how sarah palin jumped on this as a freedom of speech issue when less than a month ago she demanded Martin Bashir be fired for exercising his... priceless.
  15. no, "your imaginary friend" was a collective "your" directed that those who proclaim "god hates fags" not a personal "your" tpoppa's as I had no idea what your personal religious convictions may have been.
  16. FIFY Just because you don't understand associative literary principles doesn't mean they are pathetic... I couldn't care less what your imaginary friend hates, but when people start likening people who happen to love other adults of the same gender identity to people who murder innocent human beings for political capital, that's when the line becomes crossed. Stop equating homosexuals to terrorists, stop equating homosexuality to beastiality... it's not that difficult.
  17. what does that have to do with the associations made by robertson, or the devices he used to make the associations?
  18. see, I have a problem with people who can't comprehend literary devices like ingroups and outgroups, be they stalin, mao, tpoppa or sarah palin... all of them should take a course in sociology. see how when constructed that way, the context clues in the list give the impression that you're either an ruthless dictator, or a total blithering idiot?
  19. Funny, I don't think so... I'm pretty sure i read that correctly, he likened homosexuals to terrorists by placing them in the same sentence in the same outgroup opposite to the ingroup of the "righteous"... it may not have been overt, it may not even have been intentional, but it is absolutely accurate to say he made that association. perhaps it's your reading comprehension that is lacking.
  20. close enough... equating homosexuality to beastiality, equating homosexuals to terrorists...
  21. you do realize "slippery slope" is a logical fallacy, right? https://yourlogicalfallacyis.com/slippery-slope gay rights don't "slide" towards other things, they are simply the recognizing the rights of adults to consort with other adults as they all consent to, regardless of their respective genitalia and chromosome shape or gender identity. you also tossed in an ad-hominem by saying they consort with nambla https://yourlogicalfallacyis.com/ad-hominem nobody cares who gay rights activists consort with, it has nothing at all to do with the cause at hand.
  22. OH GOD YES, we're so oppressed, we can't say derogatory things about minority groups without getting bad publicity.... oh the horrible burden of being a white man...
  23. Sure, if you can get the current produce manager to quit... at the grocery store I started in he had been the produce manager for 8 years, and wasn't retiring for another 30 or 40. The store manager had been there 18 years, and wasn't retiring for another 25 or 30. So if you want to keep bagging groceries and wrapping strawberries for 30 years until you get your "big break" be my guest. This is exactly the reason I finally decided that I needed to go to college, I wasn't working in a grocery store the rest of my life so in a few decades I might finally crack the poverty line. As for my dad, he started in his current company 20 years ago, he was a press operator... the job kind of sucked, but he made a living wage, and got incentive rate on top of that (make 110% of "rate" earn 110% of your pay). He excelled at his job, cracked 200% on some occasions, and made a decent living. A few years ago a maintenance position opened up, and now we jockey back and forth over who makes more money. I'm extraordinarily proud of my dad for the work he's done, and grateful for the opportunities, and lessons he's provided me. He is proud of me for the things I've accomplished with those opportunities and lessons.
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