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Everything posted by magley64

  1. This one will NOT be an issue, Kirk gave it a positive review...
  2. Found this one on amazon... Not sure if I should pull the trigger, but the reviews are proving to be very helpful... http://www.amazon.com/Samsung-UN85S9-85-Inch-Ultra-120Hz/dp/B00CMEN95U
  3. all of the single insurance buyers at my work have had their costs lowered by $5 per week...
  4. http://finance.yahoo.com/news/cost-health-care-law-seen-233512407.html
  5. Yeah, I've never ridden a naked bike with clip-ons for any length of time either... the XX has a short enough double bubble that i do get some wind in my chest, but it's not what i would consider a major factor on ride comfort as far as wrist fatigue is concerned.... The biggest difference for me was using my legs and core to support my weight, not the handle bars.... once i got that under control, I've done long (cross country) trips with no pain.
  6. It's all about core strength... get your abs in shape, and ST clip-ons become easy...
  7. how long was that runway in 6? like 30 miles long?
  8. https://yourlogicalfallacyis.com/no-true-scotsman "real" christians don't exist because christianity contradicts itself...
  9. 557 a week net would be more than manageable, but that's almost 30k/year... that's "middle class" around here...
  10. Expires in 2017... Lets hope it dies
  11. Thanks for the friendly advice HD, I've never been afraid to get dirty and love input from operators. When I'm setting up processes and equipment, I've seen my job as making theirs as easy as possible while making the best possible product correctly every time. Not too much of that in my current company, but as it expands, we'll be bringing on more equipment... and that will be a priority. I don't make near that much, but I do my best, and my employers are happy with me. I've also got a pretty good opportunity for advancement with this company, so fingers crossed, the pay should bump as well.
  12. http://salinapost.com/2012/12/07/car-stolen-while-being-warmed-up-thursday/ http://www.newschannel5.com/story/23981124/mans-car-stolen-after-he-left-it-to-warm-up-in-driveway Lots of cops not worth a damn hanging around convenience stores apparently...
  13. Speaker-laden couch still my daily summer ride....
  14. That's interesting too... what qualifies as "unattended"? Within earshot, visible, within reach?
  15. Lots of cars don't have ignition keys anymore... How do you enforce that? Parking ticket? Wait around until the owner comes along? Tow it?
  16. You can't split it in half, you're married... her income counts against your household income... if your household income were capped at 22k, could you do it? Bills would be managed, mortgage would be difficult, and buying fuel oil for heating the house would be very very difficult. We'd have to be eating ramen noodles every day, with generic bread and generic peanut butter...... Either that or I'd have to live in some shitty apartment... I hate apartments.
  17. I'm not complaining, I'm right around the median household income for the state on my own. Once I take that 1 way trip down the aisle, we'll be well above it, and things are looking nothing but up with my current employer... It hasn't always been easy, and I've had to "start over" a few times with my salary to get my feet in doorways. If things go as I expect and hope they will, money will not be a major issue for me as my career progresses. I also have a few off the wall ideas which may turn into nice little income bonuses. Point is, I've been at income levels at or below that of your average "assistance patron" and I was not happy with the life I had at that income level.
  18. I'm not 100% sure what the algorithm used to calculate unemployment compensation actually is... The year prior, I earned 40k gross and the year before that I was at right around 27k gross... In my experience (the couple times I was unemployed) it seemed to be closer to 50% of my net pay while i was working. I also elected to have federal taxes deducted from my unemployment so I wouldn't get hit with that at the end of the year... it was also my first time being "unemployed" directly after an engineering gig. The time before when I was dropped from an engineering job, i took a bunch of temp jobs rather than signing up directly for unemployment. This last time, there weren't any temp jobs out there for me to fill... despite being signed up with 4 different temp services and 3 head hunters.
  19. magley64


    but their can-bus is louder than anyone else's can-bus.. that shit is patented.
  20. interesting, but looks like just an add on to any lid...
  21. well, grammatically he told me that he was my "truly a Right Wing Nutjob" not that I was "truly a Right Wing Nutjob" Your vs You're Your shows possession. Your car was parked by your house, but is now in your swimming pool. You're is a contraction of "you" and "are" You're not so good at grammar. You're short sighted. You're going to need to contact your insurance company....
  22. 17,000 would be 1416/month, I don't see any pay here that low... http://www.militaryfactory.com/military_pay_scale.asp 22k is higher than an entry level enlisted, but not by much, and 22k includes all of their free benefits (phone, housing, food) it's not 22k in addition to all of those things (as with military benefits)... Now, if you think you could be happy on 22k/year, that's your perogative. Myself, I was getting almost that ($18,200) per year for the few months I was unemployed, and it was not fun. I had to scrape and borrow to make my house payment and bills, I went stir crazy sitting at home all the time, and I didn't have any money left over to do anything else....
  23. I don't see it as a bonus, I see it as a salary cap.... and if those people are willing to live under that salary cap, I'm not of a mind to take it away from them.
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