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Everything posted by magley64

  1. What i've learned so far "trust your gut" I've got to stop trading before my limits hit, I shorted liox last week, then i got nervous when it started coming back up so i covered... today the CFO sells off his shares, and the price plummets.
  2. you said "breaks" i asked about the "brakes"....nvm
  3. What about the brakes? See, it's not the squids' fault they crash a lot, they are riding shoddy equipment...
  4. I think you're unclear on the term "typical" vs "stereotypical" or "idealogue". Typical liberals don't believe people have the right to rob a store, you're being intentionally inflammatory. (which is your right, but not helpful.) Ows isn't populated by "typical liberals" and the tea party isn't populated by "typical conservatives"
  5. What was the last industrialized country to have the testicular fortitude to declare us their "enemy"? What was the last country to declare "war" on the United States?
  6. "The NEA is a loser. Yeah, it accounts for a penny out of our paycheck, but he gets to hit you with it any time he wants"
  7. A coat hanger still opens 95% of doors... if you can drive a wedge into the top corner far enough to snake a coat hanger inside, hitting the power lock switch or catching the manual lock is just a matter of patience... and a brick opens 99.5% of doors.
  8. IIRC only mods or admin can do that...
  9. http://www.buzzfeed.com/bennyjohnson/breaking-down-the-most-important-white-house-picture-ever?s=mobile
  10. I give a person to person judgement call... If the person seems knowledgeable enough when discussing the bike, then I may allow a test ride without cash in hand... safe side request cash in hand before test ride, and/or hold their license until they bring the bike back...
  11. SHIT! I shouldn't have sold 22nd century (XXII) it went way up... and the game won't let me short it because it's less than $5
  12. I'm sure you could, but that means showing up to court, burning a vacation day, our losing your pay for the day, best case scenario you get one instance tossed, but the law still sits on the books as is... So the next prick cop having a bad day writes you a ticket and you're back at square 1...
  13. No exemptions that i can see on orc... If the engine is running you're illegal in Ohio...
  14. Biker Boyz never went 300 mph on a harley being chased by a jet powered motorcycle with superglue tires... Biker Boyz never jumped their motorcycles onto a moving train... Biker Boyz never used their motorcycles to fence, via slapping their front wheels together during a stationary wheelie... and Biker Boyz didn't elude to the fact that "I live my life 1/4 mile at a time" was the dumbest f*cking thing they had ever heard.
  15. deductible is $2000, employee is responsible for the first $660, the company takes the other $1340 and the insurance company covers everything beyond that.
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