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Everything posted by magley64

  1. Thank you for repeating what I just said, but sanctimoniously... "we're fatally flawed, the only cure is christianity" 1. Your bible is a shitty moral compass, it condones slavery, mass murder, and genocide. 2. Your god is the product of the imagination of bronze age goat herders... and thus isn't very imaginative. Now why do you hate your family so much? If that is not the definition of cult mentality.. i don't know what is.
  2. Infinite regression... so how is your god immune from infinite regression? Oh yeah "magic" again... right?
  3. I haven't seen anyone with it since it went out the door. I didn't see who's vehicle it went into, I didn't see it at yota's after-afterparty.
  4. I don't know anything about someone going and returning it, all i know is who i saw take it from the establishment was not fonzie.
  5. #1 define "christian" and tell me how catholics, baptists etc do not fit that definition. #2 Yes it is EXACTLY what i said... Read slowly and understand... According to Christianity ALL humans are "sinners" and damned to hell. Me: OH NO! How do I fix this fatal flaw? Can I dedicate my life to serving others, feeding the hungry, healing the sick, and doing good things on my own? Christians: NOPE! That won't work, you're still damned to hell! Me: What if I dedicate my life to finding a cure for some disease that kills millions of people and causes undue suffering to children? Christians: NOPE That won't be enough, you're still damned to hell. Me: What do I do to save myself from this terrible post death fate of burning dead for eternity? Christians: Become a christian Me: So all I need to do is become a Christian? Christians: yep Now depending on what denomination you're talking about, various sects do require certain behavioral standards, but the 1 thing they ALL have in common is that the most important thing is that you join their cult.
  6. That wasn't who I seen take off out the front door with it...
  7. or for stealing decorations...
  8. That is EXACTLY what i said, nothing to do with "works" vs "faith" There is a fatal flaw with me, I was born with it. I am a "sinner". The only "cure" for this flaw is !Tadaa! Christianity. Also I love my father, my mother, my sister, my nieces, my nephew, and myself, so I cannot be a christian (jesus said so) So why do you hate your family so much? I'm pretty sure I know your response to this particular passage, and it's a cop out. "he said "hate" and he meant "love less than me"" Then why does the bible say "hate"? Did he mix up his words? did someone mess up when translating the bible? (that can't happen, it's the true word of god)
  9. That's the same formula that most religions use. #1. You must first be convinced that you have some fatal flaw. #2. What's the "cure"? Surprise surprise, joining their cult is the magic cure to your fatal flaw...the one they just convinced you that you have. With christianity, you're a "sinner" (no matter how good you really are) and unworthy of the eternal happiness offered by their after death mythology. With scientology, you're infected with energy sucking alien ghosts called thetans, they drain you and keep you from reaching your full potential.
  10. I'll get back to you, no idea what Kevin wants for it. I believe it's a 2002
  11. I'm working on a Klr 250 for a friend, they are planning to sell it once i get it cleaned up and running well.
  12. http://cleveland.craigslist.org/evg/4129126670.html
  13. Definitely get yourself represented...
  14. if your insurance doesn't provide you a lawyer, yes absolutely get one.
  15. I'm just referring to the horror stories about BMW drive shafts grenading spontaneously. I also had a friend who had to tear apart his entire 1100 RS to fix a roller bearing that the transmission just spit out.
  16. As I've stated, my XX is perfect for me solo. I am just considering in the future when my (at that time) wife will want to come along for long trips across country. the #1 and #2 considerations will be comfort and reliability, nothing comes to mind doing those 2 better than the 2 wheel civic.
  17. You don't like the "which is worse" game, Jerry? I would consider a Beemer, but they aren't really known for "Bulletproof Reliability" with regard to their motorcycles. Wings have mother honda's record of reliability and longevity behind them. That's half the reason I have the XX. Mine has lived up to the challenge, no major repairs save a clutch swap in the near 50,000 miles I've ridden her. I'm willing to bet she goes another 150.
  18. "good" handling is a relative term when the bikes get that big and heavy.
  19. That bad huh? I take out the Sunl 150 chinese scooter at my moms from time to time. It's rated at 9 horsepower, I think that is a gross overestimation.. it's still fun even though it's completely gutless and can't get over 50 mph on flat pavement. I'd still rather take the scooter than a car on a sunny day.
  20. I don't see it as that bad either way. I'd prefer a slightly more capable bike with significantly more power. Pauly would prefer something that looks better/sounds better to him. A day when you can enjoy a ride on a harley or a goldwing is still a great day in my book. Might not be near as good as a day on his ducati, or on your 600, but still better than a car or riding the bus.
  21. Look at the numbers... Where does the money go? I didn't say it was the baby boomers' fault (themselves) but blaming that "bill" on the current administration is just as ignorant. Social security was a bum deal for america, but it was still a deal we made and a deal we have to pay for. It's like we bought a lemon on credit, it didn't pan out well for us cost us a lot more in maintenance than we ever anticipated, but it got the kids to soccer practice. We still have to pay for it, and we can't ignore our other bills either so we're gonna be in debt until it's paid off. I'm kind of in the same boat, I'm in debt, and I have bills. the bills are temporary, and once they are paid off I'll begin digging myself out of debt more quickly.
  22. So do you ask for a raise or stop paying the mortgage? electric bill? stop buying groceries? our number 1 expenditure is social security.. why? Baby boomers... when the social security pyramid scheme was started, it was supposed to be a government charity for widows and orphans, it got expanded into a "retirement plan" Works great as long as there are lots of workers paying in and fewer people retired collecting. Baby boomers flipped the script so to speak, and now they are at the top of the pyramid collecting (and thanks to longer lifespans usually much more than they paid in). As soon as the baby boomers die off, this debt problem will "begin" to fix itself. The social security pyramid scheme will be righted again.
  23. Too bad the microphone was off... From the sound of things this would have been even more entertaining. Some religious nut goes to the main podium of the house during the vote to reopen the government and starts spouting off about god. http://news.yahoo.com/house-employee-escorted-off-floor-after-rant-074436271.html
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