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Everything posted by magley64

  1. Stops fraud how? Just like voter ID laws stop fraud?
  2. I know a bunch of Harley riders who all rent gold wings for long trips because they can't ride their harleys that far without major back pain and numbness in butt legs and hands...I'm also talking about hours and hours of 2-up touring... your lady seems an accomplished rider, mine is a noob, and i'd feel way more confident with her on my bike than on her own right now. Especially on a long trip somewhere.
  3. Does stricter income verification make the aca better? Or is it just one more hassle for people trying to sign up for health insurance?
  4. And its over... Looks like the only change to the aca was stricter income verification...yay more red tape!
  5. That's kind of funny... May hold some merit regarding the average owner, but there is nothing to compare when considering the capability of the machine. 2 wheel civics are way more capable, powerful, comfortable...etc than the 2 wheel John Deeres.
  6. It would be nice to have that kind of infrastructure when trying to rent a motorcycle. When i was in socal last time, the only place i could find that would rent a motorcycle was a luxury car rental. On the bright side, the blackbird was an option there.
  7. buddys was great while it lasted...
  8. One is SCIENCE, one is MYTHOLOGY. One uses complex, testable, and repeatable scientific observations and mathematical principles, the other uses magical sky fairies and magic words. If you want your religion taught as science, subject it to the scientific method. The problem is there is nothing testable, repeatable, verifiable, or falsifiable when you invoke "magic" as the answer. String theory, the big bang, m theory, are the best solutions we have so far for how our universe came to be. (nothing mentioned in the bible about how the universe came into existence anyway bronze age goat herders couldn't fathom such a grand scale) Evolution is by far the best explanation for the diversity of life on this planet. The discoveries made in the field of genetics supports evolution. The fossil record supports evolution. Testable, verifiable, and scrutinized by a great many scientists trying their damndest to poke real holes in the theory. Darwin himself was reluctant to publish it because he didn't believe it, but couldn't find any flaws in it. Conflating evolution, abiogenesis and the big bang theory is a common mistake made by religious people. They are 3 separate things.
  9. Exactly... This is another problem I have with a lot of the religious. They claim that they want religious freedom, but what many of them really want is their religion declared THE religion and forced on everyone. Not the freedom to worship whenever they see fit, but the freedom to force their religion on children, and into public policy. You have the right to teach your child whatever religion you want, or none. When you try to teach your religion as history, or as science in public schools and in government functions, that crosses the line.
  10. Sure, you can acquire a taste for some things... but then with some things it doesn't matter how much you consume, it will always taste bad... Even so, you can't just decide it tastes good when it really tastes bad, but you can decide to keep drinking it regardless.
  11. FWIW her name is Jill..lol That aint ingelish, that's 'Merican!
  12. and another... "It was me being aware and driving defensively that kept this accident from being worse than what it was."
  13. that is unique, but at least flossing you can do while watching the road.
  14. I'm planning a ride to the creation museum in kentucky... I want to see the T-rex with a saddle.
  15. Belief is not a choice, just as taste is not a choice. You can choose to eat kale, you cannot choose that kale taste better than chocolate ice cream. You taste it, and your brain determines what "tastes" good based on the information your taste buds send via electrical signals... Some people don't like kale, some people don't like ice cream, but it's not their choice to like it or not like it. Just as my skepticism is not a choice. I embrace my skepticism, and I'm proud of it, but it's not something i chose.
  16. There are plenty of women who know how to drive. Having a Y chromosome doesn't make anyone a better driver.
  17. The other pet peeve of mine is "choose to believe". There are very few situations where I have a sense of agency with regard to belief. I can't "choose" to believe, I can "claim" to believe, and I can "want" to believe, but whether I actually believe something has very little to do with a conscious decision in my mind. It's a rough calculation done in my brain, almost subconsciously, that considers the evidence, and comes to a conclusion with varying degrees of certainty.
  18. I claim to be an atheist, and at no time will you find me praying to any deities. Be whatever brings you happiness. Who cares if nobody agrees with you, who cares if others see the world differently... what matters is that you're happy with yourself. So long as you aren't harming anyone in the process, WGAS?
  19. http://www.thebricktestament.com/genesis/index.html#the_garden_of_eden I'll just go ahead and leave this here for the lols... I know I enjoy flipping through it.
  20. Don't forget Lillith... She is destructive, she can fly and she has a penchant for sex. Yet this tale adds a new twist: She is Adam’s first wife, before Eve, who boldly leaves Eden because she is treated as man’s inferior.
  21. They were hoping to "get" the ACA repealed by refusing to fund the government. I don't know what they did end up compromising about, or if they just caved
  22. I've yet to see what the republicans "got" out of this deal.
  23. The house has been the hold up since the beginning... More specifically, the speaker of the house.
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