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Everything posted by magley64

  1. I find it absolutely enjoyable... Beats the hell out of driving a car that drags it's rear wheels in the snow.
  2. so in this situation, not having her boyfriend to contend with, and having full use of your arms, do you haul off and punch this girl in the face, or do you deflect, or as in your previous example temporarily immobilize her?
  3. I'll just leave it at this. I think he's a punk bitch for punching her, and given the same situation I can assure you with 99% certainty that I'd not have done the same. That's just based on my own ethical standards... Do with your own ethical standards what you will.
  4. So then the question becomes, does it matter, or should it matter to the big muscular man how old his much smaller female opponent is? if she's 18 fair game to beat the shit out of her, 17, no go. Or do you look at her and go "this person poses zero threat to me, and isn't inflicting any damage at all to my body (despite her best efforts) I think I'll just wait until security shows up or she loses interest...While laughing in her face at her futile attempts to harm me.
  5. Are you watching the same video? seriously? karate? I didn't see any flying roundhouse kicks coming from her, just frantic and uncoordinated punching.
  6. Nope, just an educated guess based on how he's reacting... Doesn't change the fact that he shouldn't have punched her, especially if he was sober and thinking straight.
  7. Do you know how old that "woman" is? Does it matter? She looks 18 or 20, but she could be 16 or 14 I'm talking about a power disparity.
  8. So next time my 4 and 7 yr old nieces gang up on me I should just smash their faces in.... they have it coming...
  9. Excessive use of force... That is my position on this topic. The girl posed no physical threat to him, (as much as she may have wanted to) he reacted excessively. Had this been a fight between people of roughly equal size/ability then by all means defend yourself, but it's a little girl... cmon man He had no issues just smacking shot after shot away from the dude in the blue shirt... he just wanted to be macho dick and punch a girl.
  10. She may have been asking for it, but with power comes responsibility... Would you have given him a pass if he pulled a gun and blew her head off, instead?
  11. I got a 60" plasma... better than live. Instant replay, pause, cheaper/better food, Super short commute, and if the game gets boring I can switch to something else for a while. I see no reason to go to a game.
  12. So you concur that tires are #1, AWD is #2... And yes, preference matters.... you might spank me all over the track with an AWD, and make it around way faster, but I'm going to have more fun, more often, with a RWD... Kicking out the rear end, drifting it through corners, oversteer after oversteer giggling my little ass off the whole way.
  13. No argument there... beauty is subjective... and what I call "boring" you might call "the epitome if exciting"... Whatever gets your juices flowing. But if I were going to buy a sedan or a wagon, it would be way more exciting and powerful than a subaru... something like a CTS-V And as long as I don't buy it "new" I should be able to afford one when my time comes to need a "family" car.
  14. Because I think your car is as exciting to look at as a 94 chevy lumina?
  15. Everyone has different needs when referring to cars.. I have a fiancee... no typical need for more than 2 seats, sometimes I'll bring along nieces or nephews, so 4 seats is great, but i definitely don't need more than 2 doors. Small sedans and wagons are, and always have been boring to me, which is half the reason I ended up dumping the STS, despite having similar power and handling characteristics to my Eldorado, I hated looking at it while walking up to it.
  16. "prefer" would be the key word I would choose RWD over AWD in the snow... And no I've never driven any of the various AWD options that I can recall ( Based on what i've read, honda's AWD version is much less agressive than say subaru) I refuse to buy a subaru AWD because their AWD cars are ugly, boring sedans and wagons.. I don't have the money for a COOL AWD car like an Audi R8... then there is this http://www.popularmechanics.com/cars/news/industry/the-myth-of-the-all-powerful-all-wheel-drive-15202862 My friend andrew has a 09 WRX, he has 2 sets of wheels. during the summer months he runs custom wheels with dunlop star specs, and during the winter he runs stock wheels with blizzaks. There is nothing like having traction.
  17. Someone who has a couple snowmobiles and enjoys snowboarding? I'd rather it be nice and dry and warm year round, but if it's gonna get cold, I'd rather it snow.
  18. Gotcha... I know I'm in the minority here, (as with many other things) but I will still take a RWD car over a FWD or a AWD given the option... I just don't want the Wheels responsible for doing the steering to have anything to do with the wheels doing the driving, at all. Especially in snow.
  19. Yeah, nothing quite like Chardon though, eastern lake county, western Ashtabula county FTW, it's like 100 penises of snowfall per year, LOL
  20. If i wanted a boring grandpa sedan... 4 doors is too many doors, I'd consider a brz if it were turboed and AWD, but it's neither...
  21. trucks would have lighter tails, so less traction? (unless you loaded it with something)
  22. I pass 4x4 trucks with my eldorado, I've passed 4x4 trucks with my 67 Tempest/Gto, my dad passes 4x4 trucks with his FWD cobalt. 4x4 trucks aren't all that stable at high speeds, a lot of weight = a lot of inertia, and 4wd doesn't help at all with braking.
  23. I don't see what the shape of the cab has to do with the driving configuration (RWD car vs RWD truck), but yeah, the only experience i have with 4 wheel was my old 86 blazer. had detroit lockers front and back, and 33" snow tires... wasn't real stable going own the road at speed, but going slow there wasn't much that would stop it.
  24. Yep, it's so tiny, and it snows a lot, like this one night, it snowed over night like 50 of my penises high in just 6 or 7 hours, it was pretty crazy.
  25. No evidence that there isn't a teapot orbiting saturn, or that there are aren't brand new ipads buried underneath my pool, should one believe everything, no matter how unlikely because it cannot be readily disproven? CONGRATULATIONS: You've won the zimbabwe lottery, all you have to do to earn your millions is go to your local zimbabwe consulate once a month and give them your pocket money... at some point in the future, zimbabwe will build you a mansion and buy you a car after filling your bank account with your millions. PBUH Nope, Didn't even read the whole article. I don't "believe" that one man. His credibility means nothing at all to me. He's simply reinforced one of many concerns I had with the whole religion. First and foremost is the religions reliance on "magic", god is a magical sky fairy that can do whatever he wants even if it is paradoxical, except when questioned on things that make this world terrible at times, then somehow he loses his powers and it's all the fault of his creations. Second is the inconsistency of the religious texts (it's been said that the bible is the strongest advocate against christianity if read using critical thinking skills) Third, and the one this article has some bearing on, is the lack of credibility of bronze age goat herders, and their "priests". Anyone can see that Jesus is a rehash of the story of Horus, they didn't even bother "changing" some of the names: Both raised a man from the dead, Jesus raised "Lazarus" and Horus raised "El-Asarus", both have no records from 12 to 30, both baptized in a river at age 30, by a man who was later beheaded; Jesus to John the baptist, and Horus to anup the baptizer. Jesus was raised by Joseph, Horus was raised by Seph. Jesus was born to a virgin, Mary, Horus was born to a virgin, Meri... There is so much more but I'll hold it there...
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