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Everything posted by magley64

  1. Then what are you complaining about? $30 seems affordable to me... The only legitimate bitch you seem to have is that the insurance companies are raising your premiums. Surprise, surprise they cite the ACA that they lobbied so hard against as the reason for jacking your rates. The good news is that now there is a limit to how much they can jack your rates and how much of your money they can waste on advertising and executive bonus checks.
  2. I've always enjoyed that movie... I've made it a habit, or tradition to watch it on that day. The official website seems awfully anti-capitalist though.
  3. http://ohioriders.net/index.php?/topic/103053-desecrating-or-freedom-of-speech/page-2
  4. we used to have achievements... I cracked 10k recently...
  5. http://thinkprogress.org/politics/2013/10/08/2748461/members-only-congressional-gyms-deemed-essential-remain-open-during-shutdown/
  6. I'm not gay. I agree with being gay though. Whatever floats your boat. Be gay, be straight, be bisexual, or asexual. Have intimate and emotional relationships with whoever you find emotionally, intellectually or sexually attractive so long as you're both of consenting age. I don't find much of it appealing personally, but I'm not in any position to declare what others should or should not find appealing. I also think that if you find someone you want to make your partner for the forseeable future, and they want to be yours for the forseeable future, it shouldn't make any difference what genitals you have in common or not, which shape your chromosomes are, or what gender identity and societal role you choose. None of that should make any difference at all to anyone.
  7. You said you don't "condone" being gay. And I suggested this is the position and statement of a bigot. (specifically, your refusal to accept these people) You have every right to be a bigot, I'm just pointing out that it's awfully ignorant to suggest that people's sexual identity or gender preference is subject to your approval. They have the right to be creative, They have the right to be gay. You have the right to judge them based on their gender preference, and I have the right to point out that your judgement is nonsensical.
  8. Funny, I don't condone, nor do I agree with being a bigot. I don't know if a person can choose whether or not to be a bigot, I imagine some have a choice, still others were indoctrinated with bigotry at a young age, and it's too deeply ingrained in their personality to change. I don't know if being gay is born, or if it's a combination of environmental factors. Regardless, adults should be free to live their lives with other adults however they choose. saying you don't "condone" it doesn't make a lick of difference. Jews and muslims don't eat bacon, but they don't say things as stupid as they don't condone your bacon eating lifestyle.
  9. Funny, I used to consider myself a republican, but the party has taken such a huge step away from what I valued as a republican, that I couldn't count myself among them anymore. My first 8 years of voting, I voted R when I was in doubt. I still consider myself more republican than democrat, but I've noticed that republican politicians aren't any good at running the country. They are too polarized in opposite directions, contradictions within themselves. You got the religious right, who claim to be all about jesus, and then you've got the "fiscal conservatives" which is just a euphemism for rich white guy who wants a tax break. Now you've got the tea baggers co-opting the party just to tank the government in order to build their theocracy... it's become quite the cluster, devoid of much rationality, compromise, or logical thinking. I miss the old school republicans, like Bush 1, and Reagan. These new school republicans are just self serving blowhards.
  10. actually, the amount spent on 1 war started by Bush about equals the entire debt increase during the Obama presidency. Bush accomplished what with the 6 trillion dollar Iraq war? Obama Has rebuilt our entire economy with his 6 trillion... which was money better spent?
  11. any reason you didn't rattle can the camper to match the truck?
  12. Of course, at that time money was being wasted in the billions in iraq, as opposed to now where it's being used to dig us out of the biggest recession since the great depression, but sure.
  13. one of the many reasons I don't like to ride in big groups... Egos and mob mentality combine to bring out the worst in people.
  14. I also find it ironic that the proper way to get rid of a flag is to burn it... Yet burning it is viewed as disrespectful in the wrong setting.
  15. Does that include American flag lapel pins? American flag clothing? Stars and stripes on paper plates and napkins? Where's waldo? How far do you take the flag from it's "official" form before it's not an american flag anymore?
  16. That sounds plausible... I had suspected there was more to the story... I don't condone the actions of the motorcycle riders in question, but thought there might have been at least some sort of provocation on the part of the range rover.
  17. You find it insulting, others find it empowering... nuance and perspective. I'm not particularly moved either way. My feelings regarding my country have no direct ties to a symbol, or an idol.
  18. absolutely. You will probably make a lot of people angry, but it's not illegal. you have the freedom to express your views, no matter how much disdain others may have for it.
  19. it's not even a very convincing likeness of an american flag.
  20. so are FSA's or "cafeteria" plans but then on the other hand, if you've got someone who is sick or injured A LOT, the copay is sometimes a better option.
  21. funny, looks kinda like an american flag, but it isn't... wrong number of stripes, wrong color stripes... There have been WAY worse things done to the flag in the name of patriotism.
  22. I think you might be getting the terms "copay", "deductible", and "coinsurance" mixed up... I think what you're saying is that your deductible is $300 (you pay that amount before your insurance kicks in) Your co-insurance is then 80/20 (you pay 20% of the bills you accrue from that point forward) if this is not correct, please correct me Copay is usually a set amount for basic services (no matter what the doctor charges the company) $20 for an office visit, $100 for emergency room, $200 for CT/MRI/PET scans etc...
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