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Posts posted by BonkerS

  1. Finally got to read the full thread. I admit, I rode from Kelly's house to my place, a block away, without gear. Never again. I felt naked and exposed, which I was. Last week I stopped for gas and a tea at a gas station and the attendant at the counter asked why I bother to wear full gear when it's hot as hell out. I shook my head and told him why wouldn't I? The idiot actually replied "It's not as cool to wear it" I don't know if he meant temperature or perception but either way he's wrong.

    To which you inform him that:


    I wear full leathers and gloves and a helmet and still get called a squid lol

    lol. Gear only makes up one part of the acronym. :D

  2. I almost always wear helmet, jacket, boots, gloves, and a pair of jeans. Only on the real short jaunts (even rarely then) would I skimp on anything. Even if I was heading to the park to play soccer or whatever, I would bring a backpack or my tail pack with a change of clothes.

    Yeah, there have been a few times where I "tested the waters" and went the squid route, but it made me feel uneasy b/c you never know when shit is going to hit the fan.

    Ironically, I just had a low-side about three weeks ago and got out with some minor rash on my right arm (textile jacket tore at the seam). If I had not been geared, I would have been screwed. I nailed my head hard, my boots got torn to hell, and luckily I slid on my wallet (normal jeans aren't all that great protection).

    I personally think it's stupid to not at least wear a helmet, for obvious reason, let alone if you aren't on a cruiser with a big windshield, have fun taking all the bugs in the face.

    Either way, it's your personal decision and not my right to judge. Honestly though, I think the discomfort is well worth the price you pay to keep yourself from getting seriously f'd up when that day finally comes, because everyone goes down eventually...

    Yeah in the summer it can get quite toasty, but you only really notice it when you're in heavy traffic and/or stopped. It's honestly not bad at all when in motion. As for gear, as mentioned, you can get some nice riding pants that are well vented. I hear that a lot of the leather jackets you can get actually aren't all that bad with all the venting. Mesh, I don't trust. I went textile for me b/c my weight was fluctuating, and I didn't have the cash to fork out at the time for leather. I highly recommend boots, since they seem to be the most overlooked. I've seen enough crashes where people are geared, but wear their sneakers and have some pretty major repercussions. Heck, with my recent low-side my ankle would have been ground to the bone if I had worn my tennis shoes.

    As for the harley riders (and others for that matter). All I can say is who cares what someone else thinks/does. The question is, to what length are you willing to go to so that you can ride another day, or at least prevent from having skin taken off your ass to replace elsewhere on your body?!

  3. I have a Shoei RF-1000 and love it. It's very comfortable, has adjustable/replaceable pads (if needed), visor adjustment/removal is simple, effective, and easy, and the ventilation works well. Nice thing is, you can probably find a good deal on them since Shoei is selling the RF-1100 now.

    Unfortunately, I also got to crash test it two weeks ago. I low-sided and nailed my head pretty hard on the pavement after rolling about 15 feet. The helmet held-up beautifully, and while I knew I hit hard, it seemed like it was nothing. All I had to cope with was some pretty heavy whip-lash for the next several days.

    So yeah, definite thumbs up for Shoei from me.

    Either way, I highly suggest making the trip out to some shops and try on the different helmets first and see what seems to fit you best. imprez55 pretty much hit the nail on the head.

  4. fake?

    I thought that at first too, then when I examined it closer it didn't seem to be. Go to the 25 second mark and watch when they replay it right after it happens, when the camera out where the Knight Armor is. You can clearly see the watermelon chunks fly as it hits her face.

  5. Well, the problem lies in the fact that in Maryland it is considered a felony to record audio without all parties consent to do so. I remember reading somewhere that Mr. Graber even admitted to telling the cops he was not recording at one point in time.

    Either way, the cop was out of line and looked like a tool and now the knee-jerk reaction looks to be more retaliatory than anything. Not to mention the whole thing has been exacerbated (mainly by the PD) to a ridiculous level. So in effect, all parties were wrong, but I think the whole search and seizure was way overboard. I'll be interested to see how this continues to progress, because lets face it, citizens with cams = checks and balances.

  6. I applaud him for coming back to school. Hopefully its just to get an education and a job and no other motives.

    Only time will tell.

    Yeah, I agree. Props to him if he has grown up and is truly trying to make something better of himself.

  7. Yeah, you can. Technically you don't have to hook up the turn signals that are integrated in the light...but if you're keeping the stock signals, I wouldn't blow money just to get a strobing brake light. I just manually tap the brakes a couple times to get peoples attention behind me if needed. ;)

    I want to get rid of those darn signals and was going to buy an integrated light, or at least different signals, but I can't afford either. I guess I'll stick with my custom $18 fender eliminator for now. :D

    If you want some suggestions, gimme a txt/call...Lord knows I spent a lot of time researching and looking into different options. Missed ya last weekend...homo. :p

  8. It seems to be a good light, probably one of the better ones that I have come across that goes into the stock mount for the 07+ 600RR. It is completely plug and play, including the signal hook-ups, which none of the others that I have come across are (if you don't want to hassle with it).

    I know tobefast.com had a coupon code for OR not so long ago and I think it came out to around $130 shipped. Unfortunately my unemployed arse can't afford much of anything, so it didn't matter to me anyway. :D

  9. My deepest condolences... I know how you feel, as I found my best friend dead several years ago. It took me a long time to get over the whole thing. We were the same way as in doing pretty much everything together...it's like a part of you dies with them.

    I'm so sorry for your loss. I will keep you and his friends/family in my prayers, for a long road lies ahead... :(

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