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Posts posted by BonkerS

  1. I remember seeing this a couple years back. Think it goes to show that not much is going to deter them. If you look, it takes 25 seconds from when the VAN (yes, a van) door opens until they have it loaded and close the door and leave the scene.

    This video is a good example on how they scoped out the bike, the set-up for the grab, and the theft itself. Sad thing is, if you really think about it, I doubt that if anyone realized what was happening that they would have bothered to intervene anyway. :(


  2. I'm in this boat too. Yes they should disarm her. But the body slam of a frail 84 year old lady crosses a line imo. Cops should use some tact now and again. Every person can not be dealt with the same way. They should realize that old people may not hear their command well, or that it may take them a second or two to comprehend what they are hearing and comply. Hell I'd bet any one could have taken that knife off of her without getting a scrape. Grab arm remove knife from hand.

    Body slam? Come on now. It was a simple leg sweep. You guys act like she picked her up and power bombed her. If you look, the elderly lady STILL will not give up the knife even while on the ground until a citizen steps on the blade, and the other cop steps in to pry her hand off the handle. Once again, +1 for the cops.

  3. I vote one for the cop. A knife can be just as deadly against even a firearm within even several yards (no, probably not with the old lady though). But at that close distance, even with the old lady, chances are very well there of being stabbed, even if only accidentally. The woman refused to put it down, then appeared to struggle a bit (cameraman fail @ running closer at that exact moment), and the cop quickly acted to neutralize the weapon to both protect herself, and who knows...even that same elderly lady. We can all play the "what if" game here, but that will accomplish nothing. Obviously the cop didn't take her as too much of a threat since she moved right on in to try to take the weapon, then realized she had to take her down. No real chance of death involved (taser => pacemaker...etc). Now if the cop would have done something more while she was on the ground, then I think there would be a controversy here, otherwise, no. Just my 2 cents...

  4. lol *scratches head* I wonder why you would say something like that? :rolleyes:

    250's are good to start on. 600's honestly (I don't think) are that bad. They definitely have the ability to get you into trouble, but so do the 250's. It's a motorcycle... Biggest thing is get what YOU feel comfortable riding. Go out to some bike shops and sit on some different style bikes so you can get an idea on how the different riding positions would feel for you, as some are more aggressive than others.

    Buying used is definitely the way to go, but if you do, try to find someone to go along with you (if you don't know what to look for) to inspect the bike. Biggest tip is that when you do finally get a bike, don't ride above your skill level...it's easier to get yourself into trouble than you think.

    Anyways, I'll shoosh for now. Once again, welcome and good luck on finding a bike!

  5. Well it has been a little over a year and I finally got together with some OR peeps. Only wish I had done it sooner...was a good time aside from my scrub moment when leaving Clear Fork Resevoir... :/ Wish I had the time to check out the festivities downtown afterwards. Was definitely nice meeting you guys and thanks for your hospitality.

  6. Doh! I would check and see if they can do it for you real quick when you're there. If they do charge, it should only be like $15 - $20 probably. Only takes them like 5 minutes max if they do it right away... You can get a stand any time. ;)

  7. No no, I don't know. I was just talking about one of my local dealer locations. All I have to do is call and they give me a time to come in and take care of it for me. I'm up in Mansfield, not down in C-Bus. :D

    I take it you're not heading up then?

  8. Whether I make it or not is going to depend on if I can haul myself out of bed, make it to iron pony to buy a bike stand, adjust my chain, and then make it to registration in time... I think i can!

    Pre-planning fail! :p

    They won't give you free chain adjustments there? I spent my afternoon cleaning the whole bike, then chain & lube...took it to local shop and got a quick free adjustment. Although the stand is a definite nice thing to have...I need to snag one yet. :(

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