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Posts posted by BonkerS

  1. Actually now that I think about it; I went to school with JRM. I imagine he'll look somewhat the same... I'll pm in-case though. I'll be on an orange CBR600RR (can't really miss it lol).

    I'll check in on here in the morning since you guys are watching the weather.

  2. The problem was the fact that I work third shift (10p - 6a) on the weekends...but I think I just managed to get tonight off, so I may be a go. So how do I know who I'll be looking for? Should I pm someone my cell number in case you're running late?

  3. My CBR600RR was/is my first. I thought about getting a 250 for the longest time, but felt comfortable that I would be okay with the 600...let alone I wanted that little extra "oomph" since I have some extra padding on me. :D

    I rode my brothers CBR1000 a couple days back...honestly I like my 600 better. I'll probably stay with it until I go to a cruiser.

  4. It's pretty sad that we only know she is flipping off the camera man because of her arm position. You can't really see a finger in there because the rest of her hand is so freaking huge. :wtf:

    Oh, and just so you know. Ohio is in the top 10 for fattest states...Indiana is not. ;)

  5. Glad to see you're back in the saddle after your incident. I always take it easy on roads I am unfamiliar with, especially those blind turns. I would much rather slow down and know for sure I'll make the turn w/o a problem than try to look cool or appease the cager tailing me, let alone anyone else. What you feel is perfectly normal. I have not had an accident myself, but my sister was in a car crash several years back, and now she sits FOREVER at stop signs and wont move until there is literally no cars coming. That stuff sticks with you.

    Our lives are on the line every time we go out on our bikes. We don't have the luxury of having a ton+ of steel surrounding us in case the unfortunate happens. As stated before, if someone tailing you is becoming too aggressive with it, just slow down and wave him on. Ride how you want to ride, and how you feel safe and don't feel bad about it. You'll enjoy your ride more. I'd rather have you keep riding than having you get too stressed out over it and sell your bike or get into another accident. Hang in there bud!

  6. I am sorry for your loss. I had to put my dog down of almost 14 years last month after she had suffered a severe stroke which debilitated her at the end of March. I had a really hard time with this, as she still was as spunky as a 3-yr old Border Collie and because of the suddenness of it all. :(

    I took this pic probably about one week before she had her stroke:


    Anyways, after about a month, I think I have finally gotten past the grieving period and have started looking for another dog. I definitely want to get another Border Collie because I love their energy level, demeanor, and intelligence. Let alone I am looking at trying to get my next dog involved in Flyball or maybe Agility competition. So if anyone knows of any clubs for those, or anyone who has Border Collie/BC-mix pups, I would definitely be interested.

  7. I would be furious! Sorry to hear that crap happened. You don't want to think someone would do that, but I don't put anything past anyone. My friends still make fun of me because if I park my bike to go in somewhere, I like it to be where I can see it from where I am at (i.e. restaurants, etc.). Although that's next to impossible to do at OSU...

  8. Gun control is the tool of Christians so they can wipe out non-believers more easily that won't convert .

    I'm pretty sure the last time Catholics/Christians we're killing people for not converting was back in the Spanish Inquisition. It's quite the opposite actually anymore. Look at the people being slain in other countries because they are secretly practicing Christianity. Your statement is childish and very poor form. This shall be the only thing I will comment on this, as I know your just trolling for a flame war. I'm not going to stoop to your level. Good day to you sir.

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