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Everything posted by AOW

  1. making it fully auto is minor surgery:D
  2. AOW

    Add a caption

    No, YOU'RE the poser! No I'm not, you're the poser
  3. pretty sure I met your mom at a Van Halen concert back in '89
  4. I really don't want to go to this 7 year old's b-day party... 78〫sunny, 28% humidity, and bike just fucking sitting in the garage. FML
  5. that would suck for passengers in your car or on a bus, or locked in your trunk
  6. good luck with that, Kenya's still a little peeved over the whole Nelson Mandella imprisonment thing by the British regime in South Africa. Not real keen on the pigmentally challenged in government rolls in Kenya.
  7. AOW

    When I came back from PA

    tears just welled up in my eyes @fazerlady: DL Yuengling (founder) immigrated from Germany where he was a fourth generation brewmaster. So no, this is not Pennsylvania's version of a German Beer, this is the original German beer of America.
  8. never been a Cali thing in regards to terminology. African American was never a preferred term, it was a label created by those that thought just saying Americans wasn't good enough. I just popped back over to edit my statement because I felt it would be offensive to those that it didn't apply to, such as yourself. That being said, USA is the only country that still refers to folks generations removed from another country as that ethnicity. For instance, Italian, German, Irish American, and the number one idiotic term, African American. If you have to count the years in 100s to get back to your so called "motherland", then you're just American. Obama's father is/was Kenyan born and raised, his mother USA, that still makes him African American, unlike the rest of the black folk that just like that term because they think it comes with some type membership to a secret society. Just for the record, Charlize Theron is African American as well. (thrown in for the African American wannabes reading this) In closing, Barrack never referred to Kenya as his country, his wife did. But I'm guessing your wife never stated something you didn't agree with.
  9. The OH laws & guidelines allow the insurance companies to act like jackasses.
  10. mmm home country as in where his father was born? All the midwest white boys still refer to the black folks as African-Americans, (when they're in public) but then get but hurt when someone embraces their African heritage.
  11. nailed a rabbit and a squirrel so far.
  12. Now I'm jealous!! I'm down to my last case of Yuengling!
  13. when the two Gahanna cagers tried to kill me, the grey hair that hit me from behind used her car to block traffic and tended to me until the EMTs showed up. Don't know if it was guilt or a good heart, but it was definitely appreciated!
  14. thanks for the heads up!
  15. GOONER: have you checked out BARF yet? It works in CA because most motorcyclists including the LEOs do it. CA even has bicycle lanes on the roadways, whereas in other states you're lucky to have sidewalks in your neighborhood. I lane split and love it, even at speed (if speed limit is 65 and traffic is moving at 55). I've only run into one at a red light that saw me coming up the lanes and intentionally moved over and even opened his driver's door. I just jumped to the other side and accidentally bumped his mirror off:D But in all the lane splitting I've done that is the only I've encountered.
  16. carrying a gun and having the balls to pull the trigger when pointed at another human being are far cries from each other.... I'm just say'n.
  17. that was a real shitty thing to do.
  18. Pretty fucking awesome to see & touch snow then walk on the beach in shorts all in the same day isn't it! Yeah, that's why I moved back.
  19. that pacaderm would have become extinct! Don't fuck with my kids.. Period!
  20. AOW

    car bike trailer

    Only someone from PA.....
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