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Everything posted by AOW

  1. AOW

    Forum software

    keep what we have until you find something that works better and you like better
  2. yeah they're required to carry the liability insurance, but their standard contract and the fact that Ohio is a buyer beware state, means that if they miss something and it costs you to correct, you're shit out of luck. You don't have to take my word for it though, just contact any real estate attorney and let them know you want to sue a home inspector. As for wood destroying insects, get a pest inspection from Terminix. If you are a current customer they will usually do it for free. In addition to being experts in their field, they can actually give you real numbers about treatment and aren't afraid to climb into the attic, crawl spaces, or move stuff out of the way to look for varmits. As Chris Farley so eloquently stated in Tommy Boy, "I can take a crap in a box and stamp it guaranteed..."
  3. AOW

    RIP Phil Harris

    WOW, they just released on Monday that he was doing better! RIP to a good family man.
  4. You would be better served getting a friend that has construction and or maintenance background to do the inspection with you. In the state of Ohio, and a few states, the Home inspector has ZERO liability for anything missed during the inspection. Majority of home inspectes have NO building or maintenance experience at all, unless you include the 1 hour of video their company makes them watch. Save your $300 or more and have a friend in the industry (Moose perhaps) that has building & maintenance experience do the walk through with you. Do NOT hire a real estate agent or broker, per Ohio law they are forbidden from disclosing anything to you that the buyer has not disclosed via the disclosure paperwork. Ohio is a "Buyer Beware" state, so there is no legal recourse for anything the seller or the sellers' agents hide from you. DO hire a buyer's agent. Buyer's agent is a registered Realtor, but because they are hired as your agent, they are now permitted to disclose any and everything they know about the potential property, location, and can legally offer their opinions. Ohio state registered Realtors are not permitted to offer their opinions on neighborhoods or properties or risk being sued by the seller
  5. I meant to post pix of my morning drive to work, but forgot to install the GoPro onto the bike
  6. I just spit wine all over my Macbook after reading that weather warning. Just full of LOLs....
  7. AOW


    Partly cloudy, only 50〫and it drizzled today. I feel your pain Ohio, I feel your pain...
  8. AOW


    Unless something has changed in the last 2 minutes, Legs, I mean OSUMJ, is a moderator. So if you really want to keep her out of your threads, post on a different forum.
  9. Window World for your windows. The come w/lifetime guarantee against breakage, even if your kid tries to throw a baseball through them. I had all 20 windows on our old house replaced by those guys. Quick clean work! $300/window is the installed price for double hung, argon gas filled, UV, windows.
  10. Pittsburgh mounted police used to ride their bikes year'round. Of course they had sidecars during the winter months, but still. This guy doesn't give "bikers" a bad name, no more than when a cager runs off the snow covered road gives cagers a bad name.
  11. god I have Valentine's day! Hallmark and Cupid should both be shot!
  12. Casper: I have a new smiley request....
  13. Ouch! My vrod has minimal chrome and isn't quite that noisy. Besides, I ride further than just down to the local watering hole so I don't quite fit in with the orange & black, leather tassels with fringe crowd.
  14. AOW


  15. I see minions of grandmothers and other tech slacking folks that already have an iPhone and need to replace their 1998 home CPU, flocking to this device. It's an oversized iPhone so the learning curve is minimal. I'll stick to my Macbook & Palm Pre
  16. is it odd that Anden finds comfort in hotdogs being in his ass?
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