I had a son w/shit load of allergies in the OH school system. We had to turn the epi-pen over to the school nurse (he was only 3) At the very least your teenaged son should have his epi-pen in the nurse's office guess that makes me and the wife enablers... We donated over $2k worth of supplies and toys to the OH school system when we were there, another $1k to the school system we're in now, and every X-mas we adopt a family or two. There are a few assholes out there that actually put they wanted a Nintendo Wii (the adults, not their kids), we obviously ignore all that shit and usually do a gift card to a grocery store for the adults, and one or two toys for the kids each, then clothing and schools supplies. As far as specifying Crayola, I whole heartedly support that. Wasn't there a lead issue w/the crayons made in China? but tissues are tissues, I will send WTF ever brand I choose. To avoid the tissue thing, we donated a Costco case of tissues to my son's first grade class. It takes a village....