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Everything posted by DangBruhY

  1. There might be people on here that have them, but probably don't want to sell them. I don't think the 1911 is typically a gun that a lot of people have. I've been thinking about buying one, but there are a lot of guns I've been thinking about buying.
  2. I have a 7 year old girl. I'm dealing with this crap too. (Not the boyfriend crap, but the worrying)
  3. Somehow my HDR did not record that episode.
  4. Adding fuel to the fire... I have no idea what this world is coming to... http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,584936,00.html
  5. Welcome to the site. Hope to see you around sometime.
  6. DangBruhY


    It was a rough bike ride in today with all that snow on the ground.
  7. I heard that the reason Vinny left was because Jr wasn't always there, but always took credit for the bikes, even though Vinny did just about all the work.
  8. California is getting a rail that goes 200mph+.
  9. Yeah, even though Paul Jr thinks his shit don't stink, he was a big asset to the company. I always hoped that they would get back together and start building bikes again. I agree that when they started doing stuff in-house, they took a lot out. And yes, I like the first season the best.
  10. http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2010/01/24/obama_uses_teleprompters_during_speech_at_elementary_school.html He needs them when he is talking to 12 year olds?
  11. Sorry... Guess I shouldn't have 3 different tasks going while I'm trying to post on here.
  12. You know... I try not to get involved in politics here, because I think some of you are pretty cool, OUTSIDE the politics rhelm.
  13. I'm going to go with military for now.
  14. Let's bash Sarah Palin... http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/politics/2010/02/08/lemon.palin.cheat.sheet.cnn?hpt=C2 Telepromters are WAY different than writing a word or two on your hand.
  15. Never had that problem... Like it was stated before, there have been a lot of various forums that have had the same problem.
  16. The song goes... WHO DAT SAY DEY GONNA BEAT DEM SAINTS? WHO DAT?...... It sounds better if you hear it with the Nawlins accent.
  17. It's going to be the best Mardi Gras ever. They didn't have any parades all day yesterday. They canceled them all because of the Superbowl. Man do I wish I was down there right now!
  18. Welcome to the site. We'll have to meet up sometime.
  19. WTF OVER?! All my buddies said that every time they Saints made a good play, fireworks would go off over the city. He said it was crazy as hell after the game. WHO DAT!!!!! (I'm from New Orleans btw)
  20. DangBruhY


    They said that Dayton was going to get hit by 11... It's just about 11 now and I don't see any flakes coming down.
  21. What would happen if you sprayed it on a ducks back?
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