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street pilot

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Everything posted by street pilot

  1. Go easy on the tires at first or replace them. They are most likely flat-spotted/hardened/cracked, etc.
  2. Congrats man, I have always liked those buells. Not a big fan of the belt drive or header placement, but other than that, very sweet.
  3. You were the first to bite, huh? I cant view those two links you posted because you have to be a member. graemlins/jerkit.giftongue.gif
  4. Rockford Fosgate OmniFi DMS1. Stream audio and video from your pc to your TV or Stereo. If you have a wireless router, you can stream wirelessly.. otherwise it hooks up via ethernet cable. Read the specs/details here: http://www.crutchfield.com/S-zBQSke0n3Or/cgi-bin/prodview.asp?i=575RFDMS1&g=200650&search=dms1 http://www.theprolificmind.com/dms1.jpg Also have the antenna for wireless streaming. http://www.theprolificmind.com/ant.jpg Brand new in box. (both items) $75 obo [ 15. March 2005, 01:45 AM: Message edited by: Patiently Waiting ]
  5. street pilot


    I like variety. No thanks to the "hot and hotter" climate.
  6. I used to like glow. The crowd was great, and atmosphere was better. If you open one in the Arena district, dont change your "happy hour" specials because there is a blue jackets game that night and your place will be packed. I hate that shit. Went to "the lounge" for the first time last night. Peanuts are a good idea. (especially since we cant smoke.) On that note, if the ban is still in effect, have some means for smokers to go without actully leaving. (the lounge has a little heated area in back)(other places ignore the ban) *brothers is pretty nice, but their "security" seems to always be on an ego trip. You definitely have to have the expandable wall and patio for when its nice. Also, the little beer stations away from the main bar are a great idea since the main bar is always so damn crowded and under staffed.
  7. graemlins/lol.gif For dragging your knees? HA thats awesome! graemlins/grin2.gif
  8. Cable is definitely faster, but one thing I have noticed is DSL speeds can vary greatly depending on your location. (distance from ISP)
  9. The worst part is they should have seen it coming. They found weapons on him earlier, and they let him go non-handcuffed into the courthouse, escorted by one female officer. c'mon, ya know. What is really crazy is the ammount of judge slayings lately.
  10. Looks good, the banner at the top is TITS! But EZboard? graemlins/doh.gif
  11. street pilot

    last try

    yay [ 11. March 2005, 06:16 PM: Message edited by: Patiently Waiting ]
  12. ghetto ass pucks? haha what were you using.
  13. I am always down for the twisties. I like to ride down around hocking hills area, never been over near newark though..
  14. street pilot

    New bike

    sweet, congrats... even though it is a gixxer. tongue.gif Hoblick, sent you a PM.
  15. Cool idea. I probably wouldnt do it on my street bike though, sounds like there would be a lot of excess oil flying off. (That and I dont use "oil").
  16. Definitely check out classic cycles. http://www.classiccyclesmc.com/home2.asp
  17. I agree with the above. I doubt you are crazy, we all do stupid shit sometimes.
  18. http://host.oddcast.com/skittles/index.php?id=2502936&AID=1 Second one is NOT WORK SAFE: (taken from another board) http://host.oddcast.com/skittles_host.php?door=84&cl=22&AID=1&id=2491024
  19. Was the car ever re-painted? (before this last accident)
  20. Another quite credible source: http://www.tirerack.com/brakes/tech/rotors_track_use.jsp
  21. It used to be a good idea in the days of Asbestos brake pads. The holes help clear the gaseous product of asbestos pads. In this day and age of ceramics and metallics (which give off little to no gas bi-product), drilled rotors are a waste of money. Drilled rotors also have less material to dissipate heat. That would explain why they get glowing red; its not a good thing. While your at it, why not run half of a rotor? It would give you about the same surface area of a drilled disk. tongue.gif +1 for the blank crew. Here are some articles for the non-believers: http://www.teamscr.com/rotors.htm http://www.teamscr.com/grmbrakes.htm
  22. 14" steelies. Originally from a honda civic I believe. Bolt pattern is 4x100. Set of 4, no tires. $50 obo.
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