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street pilot

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Everything posted by street pilot

  1. definitely sweet. better than anything I have thats for sure... but with my limited knowledge of plasmas, I always thought LCD televisions were more reliable than the plasma in terms of flat panels. (plasmas are very susceptible to burn-in.) You may want to consider LCD for your next one. http://electronics.howstuffworks.com/tv-buying-guide4.htm http://www.flattvpeople.com/tutorials/lcd-vs-plasma.asp
  2. A county plow & salt truck (huge and heavy) got stuck this morning on the road by my girls house. As far as I know he is still there!
  3. ... A year later.. NSFW http://chill.to/xax/2004/12/teenusa2003.html
  4. I was behind a camaro on riverside drive tonight.. I felt bad for him. He was slowly making progress, but more sideways than straight. Hope he didnt have to go far!
  5. Its real I guess: http://www.snopes.com/photos/animals/gatordeer.asp big freaking croc.
  6. your math must be off. we have 6 inches in union county already!
  7. http://www.ddesfolio.org/tones/whats.wrong.with.this.picture.jpg graemlins/slap.gifgraemlins/lol.gif
  8. Thats weird, wonder why he sold his ring? At any rate, we are screwed without him.
  9. If you try those craftsman extractors, and they dont work, you will be left with absolutely no edges to work with. It will just chew the livin shit out of the screw head, so make sure you try some other options first. I have had more unsuccessful results with those extractors than good. I agree with a combination of two previous posts: Hose it down with PB blaster, and let it sit for a while. Hose it down again, and use an impact driver with the right size head.
  10. Ha. Thats where I am going too. How was it? Is Vasquez Cirque open? Did you ride it?
  11. nice. My cat has something very similar!
  12. Nah, I didnt miss out, I am just late. Heading out after Xmas. Where did you go?
  13. whats the difference between a 240Z and 280Z?
  14. The engineering behind ASIMO continues to amaze me. You know he can walk up stairs? Those things will take over eventually.
  15. 1 15x7" steel wheel from a 2000 pickup. 6 lug. No tire. silver in color. average condition. $35.
  16. I may be in depending on where or when it is. Mr Meanr: You ever been to Winter Park in CO? I am heading there next week, and would like to know what to expect. (mainly looking for details about Vasquez Cirque)
  17. Hell yeah, it looks real good now. I am not quite happy though, I would like a steak dinner too. *actually, I know some people were working on a new CR banner, maybe an applet for that would be pretty sweet.. or not, just an idea.
  18. Its cool and everything, but I hate a bunch of shiat at the top of web pages... This new banner bumps everything down another inch or so, ya know. However, it wouldnt even be noticable if you could move the regular CR banner up beside it, since they would fit like that.... I think it would look cleaner a well. smile.gif
  19. No, but I have heard of that program. I had a couple of friends that worked there as temps. If I understand it correctly, you have the option of either the 3 series or the SUV (x5?) for the same price. Pretty sweet deal. From what my friends told me, it was a good job. One of my friends ran a credit report for charlie sheen a couple of years ago... He was buying a new BMW wagon for a chef at one of his restaraunts!
  20. shoot me the code. email: removed per posters request
  21. street pilot

    Tire throw

    http://www.theprolificmind.com/toss.jpg We're in the high scores: http://www.theprolificmind.com/toss1.jpg graemlins/thumb.gif
  22. Look under your couch cushions. Thats where I found mine. graemlins/burnout02.gif
  23. to see boobies... http://www.programmagazin.hu/image.php?mediaid=354&p=2 check out all 4 pages. graemlins/nod.gif
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