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Everything posted by KruelHouse

  1. Average Hoes?!!? I'm in!
  2. Congratulations Man! Glad that worked out for you.
  3. Thoughts and prayers are with his loved ones... RIP
  4. Congratulations mayne!!! Ummm... Keep up the good work? Just kidding man... Congrats again.
  5. HA! I win! But only because I'm a slow eater and a fast reader:D
  6. The unmistakable high-pitched sound of the fuel pump priming just before starting the engine. If there was ever a prelude to ultimate bliss, that would be it.
  7. True. He could probably at least give you some feedback on the jacket: Cut, comfort, etc.
  8. Talk to Blake (nochknstrps). He has one up for sale.
  9. Rest In Peace My thoughts are prayers are with you guys. Let me know if there's anything that I can do.
  10. Turtle Wax Bug and Tar Remover works well for me. Spray on, let it sit, and scrub with a soft kitchen pad/sponge. Leaves a light film, so you'll want to follow up with a clean cloth. I usually apply the product before washing the car.
  11. Thanks for all of the Birthday Love guys... It feels good... It just feels good.
  12. Man... Hurry up and sell this so that I can list mine! Free Bumpage BTW
  13. KruelHouse

    No caption

    Notice the guy's face in the background!
  14. Perhaps someone would fancy a sidecar for their oxygen tank?!!? http://www.nbcchicago.com/news/local-beat/Nursing-Home-Residents-Form-a-Biker-Gang-84805857.html
  15. If you look hard enough, you can get Alpinestars GP Pros for that kind of money ($149.00 pricepoint). See ebay link. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Alpinestars-GP-PRO-Gloves-Red-White-Size-LARGE-NEW_W0QQitemZ260554467022QQcmdZViewItemQQptZApparel_Merchandise?hash=item3caa41a6ce
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