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Everything posted by KruelHouse

  1. That's true among some churches. I've never been a member of, or even attended a service in one of those mega-churches. Truth be told, I've never been to church in OH, so the only time that I attend is when I'm back home with my family. That said, some organizations do perpetuate a message with their giving, and others only perpetuate the message of giving. And that's how it should be. Charity for charity's sake.
  2. I think that we're looking at the "church" as a person, and not a building/institution. The vast majorith of the money being donated to the church comes from its paritioners. These people work, get paid, pay taxes, and donate some portion of their NET income to the church. The only individuals (pastor/preist/etc.) who actually receives monetary compensation from the church, must pay taxes on this income. So the church (it's paritioners) does work for it's money.
  3. Don't tax churches. As stated before, church contributions are donations, and donations shouldn't be taxed. That said, then you'd have to look at taxing the Toys for Tots drive (just an example) as well. Hell, each year, my GF and I adopt a family. So would you expect a family (who's probably already struggling) to tally up the cash value of the toys, clothing, food, etc. and pay taxes on those items? Another thing to consider is that most churches do TONS of community service projects to further benefit the local society. Food drives, habitat for humanity, transporting the elderly and sick to their Dr. appointments and to get their medication. Not to mention tutoring services, and some even host after school programs (a big help now that many rec. centers were closed down due to the declining budget.).
  4. You're more tolerant of the cold than I!... I don't even want to walk to the car!!!
  5. Nah... She needs to start kickin' it with a non-celebrity. Just some extra-regular ass cat.
  6. :lol: Wanted to give you REP, but I have to spread it around for some reason.
  7. Quite the contrary. I do recall a media sh*tstorm develop when news of that saw the light of day as well. There was even discussion of impeachment (granted they said that they wanted him to be impeached because comitted perjury by lying about getting said blow jobs). Now to say that it was no big deal "to many of the people that are crying foul about Mr. Woods" is something that I cannot guage. Mainly because to accurately do so, I'd have to know exactly who thought that Former President Clinton's transgressions were no big deal, and find out who's crying foul about Tigger stroking in the sandtrap.
  8. This thread was an entertaining read! Full of life, laughter, drama and despair. 1. Tiger effed up. Plain and simple. He's human, and humans eff up all the time. I don't condone what was done, but nothing surprises me anymore. 2. Media ran with it because as someone hinted: He's a famous athlete who's beyond rich... And our society just lives at teh edge of our sofas, futons, and chaises waiting to consume such tender morsels of gossip. I actually remember hearing a poll while sifting the channels asking if Tiger owed the public an explanation (this was last week when he was keeping quiet), and somebody actually said "Yes, because he's a celebrity! He owes the public an explanation of what's going on behind the accident." WTF?!!? 3. DTM: Sorry to hear about what happened... But as others have stated, at least you found out now before taking that step. You'll bounce back mayne! 4. Co2: I don't, haven't, nor plan to ever fall into the 60% category postulated in the initial post. Ask me later about my theory on cheating and weakness. Contrary to that statement (haha), if you're on Sugar Mama Status, I'd like for you to know that my family won't have a problem with me bringing a black woman to the family picnic. That said, go ahead and scoop up a black 999s for me, and a few shiny items at Tiffany's for my girl, and we'll consider giving you an audition.
  9. BALTIMORE, MD?!!? Seriously?!!? I guess the poll was single and fit... Not fit and disease free. LOL. I moved from DC in 2006, and I remember a study that was released that stated that at the time (2004 or 2005) both DC AND Baltimore were in the top 10 for US cities with reported HIV cases. I think that DC was ranked #1 (and not in the good, "I hope that my team is #1 in the BCS sense either), and BMore was a close 2nd or 3rd. What's crazy is that both of those cities are physically small and they're like 45-50 miles apart. Also according to a study referenced in the book "The Tipping Point" (take this reference with a grain of salt), I believe that BMore was also leading the Syphillis effort as well. Just sayin'
  10. I was told the same thing that Wrillo posted above concerning WD-40 causing deterioration of the O-Rings. I've used it in the past, however sparingly. Rather than bathing the chain in it, I'd just spray it on a rag, and use the rag to clean the chain. I've since fallen in like with Motorex Chain Clean 611, and I follow up with regular Honda Chain Lube.
  11. Store the bike on them during winter (keeps tires off of cold concrete). Great for cleaning/waxing the bike (don't have to get as low to compensate for the bike leaning on the sidestand). Ease in cleaning/lubing the chain... Also good for oil changes My avatar pic was taken after I finished 2 of the activities above.
  12. Bump for an enviously clean bike (seriously, it looks like it's never been ridden) Why are you selling it?
  13. Great Find!!! Trust me when I say that bike will NEVER let you down! Oh, and +1 on what you said about the cams. The whine emitted from gear-driven cams is unbelievable. Welcome!
  14. My Mum challenged me to made my own good decisions..... By whupping my-azz when I made dumb ones.
  15. Season chicken. Wrap with bacon. Prepare saute pan with olive oil, and cook the bacon-wrapped chicken Slice bread, and place in oven until very lightly toasted. Sandwich the chicken betwixt the bread (add a slice of cheese) and enjoy.. (I hope the breast is boneless). Cook the biscuits so that when your neighbor smells the delicious chicken and wants to partake, just stuff them with rolls while you enjoy your sandwich. Pretty soon, they will fall off into a carbohydrated-induced coma. Now go raid their kitchen for tomorrow's lunch!
  16. +1 to everything posted in this thread. HAPPY BIRTHDAY NICK!
  17. Sounds like an actor in a bad 70's porn flick... "I understand you have some pipes that need snakin'" :: Cue the bass guitar::
  18. Not really... The Raiders game was more like: Philadelphia Eagles Philadelphia Eagles Offense looked like hot buttered ass.
  19. WTF Elliot?!!? You changed your SN? Never noticed before. Oh, and what's a Yamandokawsouthernplayalisticcadillacmuzik?
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