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Posts posted by cmoosego

  1. Not looking forward to getting that done, and I have several impacted ones and I really don't want to be derailed from work right now. I wish it was covered by insurance...they would've been out seven years ago. :mad:

    I have pliers and mass quantities of liquor... I'll pull them for free!:D if they get difficult I have a angle grinder!

  2. Well this thread went well. Cant believe im going to explain what i was saying but I guess I have to...I started the thread, i didnt think it was a golden rule to have to post OR "start off" the subject at hand. I figured a poster can submit an idea for a thread and the repliers will fall inline. Was it the subject that was too guarded? Maybe, i can see that... Or that the newb was just gonna get fucked with..Thats fine. I was gonna post, i started it but didnt think it had to be immediately or id be crucified.

    TITS or GTFO:D NOW DAMMIT!!!:lol:

  3. did you give him any money up front for said design?? If so I'd be calling after about a week... I've had a few designs done, but always had a definite interpretation when I walk thru the door.. if you didn't give up cash you may just wanna touch base and see how the design is coming...if you like the guy give him a chance, artists are a flaky bunch.. otherwise I know of a few good ones here in town..

  4. I am just happy that someone from this board had the integrity to call Oakley before Meanie actually used his discount and pass on a good deal to some of us, thank God there are still some decent people out there..

    First it's using your personal discount, then it's hanging at a bike night with HARLEY riders! Then what!

    next it'll be taint rubs and sweaty ball sacks touching in the dark as we tag team some drunk hooker...:D

  5. We are going to a strip club on Sawmill cause one of the guys knows a waitress that is going to get all of us in for free, and hook us up on drink prices and whatever else she can do. After having the vasectomy on Friday I'm not real excited about the strip club. I'll probably have to slap some bitches.

    you won't have the nuts to slap a hoe!!! Literally!!:D

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