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Posts posted by cmoosego

  1. Let's timeshare this bird Wondertwin. Who else wants in?

    Speaking of in. I know she's pretty fresh cause it's well known Andy doesnt go too deep.

    and he doesn't like riding wet either... so you know he hasn't rode it hard...:D

  2. My 0.02$.

    I paid $300 for my last rescue. It covered shots, neuterage and went to help the next dog. I didn't mind doing it. I currently have 3 rescues.

    Continue with flameage.

    difference is you aren't going for asshat of the year...:D
  3. not high maintenence at all.. she knows where to pee and poop and I can leave her at home all day and come back to no accidents!

    wow... does she make sammiches too??:D

  4. Well we've been married a few months now, and i just don't give her the time she deserves. I'd rather spend my time riding and going out and partying.. I paid a huge price to have her, but I'm going to let her go for $500 if they can prove they would be a better husband than I...

    Thanks for looking! :D

    hell I'll give you a grand for that !!! :D she's got skills!!

  5. I'm done with sarcasm now.

    INSTALL THE FUCKING INVISIBLE FENCE, YOU DUMBSHIT. Turn the fucking computer off, go outside and start planning. While you're outside, play with your fucking dog that I guess you just HAD to keep because people on the internets made you feel like a worthless piece of shit.

    if he goes outside he might find $1.85 again.... and we just can't have that:rolleyes:

  6. take it for what it's worth, but I've always found that if you hit a dude in the balls you've stunned them enough to get away.... and you are small enough I'd say it's fair game to pick up an equalizer.... I.E. chair, bottle, plate, 2x4, ball bat..... and just haymaker your way out...If it's a "you or me" situation you do whatever it takes for it to be a "me walking outta there" result...

  7. if we can find a place with power and low light (pavilion?) I have a projector that makes old video games extra fun. Just need to plug in cheap computer speakers for audio.

    My sister and I were playing Mario Tennis a few weeks ago, and even on multi-player, we each got a 50" screen...

    I've got like 6 tv's and 2 of them are big screens... we could have a blast playing games all over the hall..:cool:
  8. What? You mean the rest of you don't think about other members' pregnant wives?

    Sorry moose, I guess it's just you now that Lance isn't on the board anymore. :dunno:

    the big difference there is I don't really want anybody's girl, I just joke about it... Lance would fuck anything that said yes... :D (and yes I can provide instances) :lol:

  9. if you gheys want I could wrangle the grill at the hall and meet up in any metro park and do the cooking, I'll even be willing to throw some burgers and dogs into the mix... then I'd have everyone bring something side dish wise... things that would fit into backpacks and saddlebags of course. then make up groups for a smaller scale scavenger hunt as in years past... then off the shallowtail and hollar for more Howard... ( I would just need a truck or small trailer to get the grill moved to where ever if some one could help with that)

    OR.... I could host everything at the hall as I have in the past and that way people can drop stuff off the night before and just show up on bikes and have a good time then head off to shallowtail... I'm open to either...

    Just lemme Know!

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