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Posts posted by cmoosego

  1. the level of douchebaggery in this thread is epic... I want to commend you jackasses for reaffirming my belief that some people shouldn't be allowed to procreate.. any j-hole doing triple digits on a busy highway is asking for trouble, and quite frankly deserves anything that happens... Keep your stupid antics to yourself. period. and to the OP grow the fuck up.... damn!

  2. Dude, how cool would it be to get pulled over by a cop in that outfit on that bike, especially if you had a chase vehicle filming it all? That'd be worth the speeding ticket. :lol:

    I'll be your camera man.... :D

  3. It's the female OSU bus destroyers you have to watch out for.

    I almost was skewered by one as well. You know what they say.

    Women Drivers No Survivors!

    almost as bad as chicks riding bikes by themselves... :D

  4. "For the men and women who have served,

    For the innocent blood that was shed,

    For all who never lost their nerve,

    For the living and the dead.

    Today has marked a victory,

    For Americans both home and away,

    For the last ten years of misery,

    Ends with Bin Laden's body in decay.

    We told Al Qaeda that we would not quit,

    Until we killed them all.

    That 9/11 we would never forget,

    And many answered the call.

    So it took ten years to bring to an end,

    That murderous life unfurled.

    Lets drink a toast to the men,

    Who fired the shots heard 'round the world."

    Sgt Michael M. Elder

    USMC 0311


    Fallujah and Afghan Vet

  5. On April 29, Obama approved an operation to kill bin Laden. It was a mission that required surgical accuracy, even more precision than could be delivered by the government's sophisticated Predator drones. To execute it, Obama tapped a small contingent of the Navy's elite SEAL Team Six and put them under the command of CIA Director Leon Panetta, whose analysts monitored the compound from afar.

    Panetta was directly in charge of the team, a U.S. official said, and his conference room was transformed into a command center.

    Details of exactly how the raid unfolded remain murky. But the al-Qaida courier, his brother and one of bin Laden's sons were killed. No Americans were injured. Senior administration officials will only say that bin Laden "resisted." And then the man behind the worst terrorist attack on U.S. soil died from an American bullet to his head.

    It was mid-afternoon in Virginia when Panetta and his team received word that bin Laden was dead. Cheers and applause broke out across the conference room.

  6. parking in german village is a mistake anytime of day and anywhere you do it.... they find reasons to ticket people that don't have those fancy stickers that say you belong... sucks but next time lemme know when you are down this way and you can park in my place... won't cost you extra...

  7. Really don't think they will get pasted Vancouver to the Finals.

    And all you Pittsburgh haters..... Suck it..

    always next year ... if crosby can come back from his injury...;) meanwhile....What's the difference between the Jackets and the Penguins??? About a week and a half.... BWHAAA HAAA HAAA HAAA:D
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