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Posts posted by cmoosego

  1. The thread title stated "

    Late night wheelie collision next to my neighborhood"

    The article stated that two brothers were riding together and the wrecked bike didn't look like a Blackbird. Fairly safe bet that it wasn't you so yes funny. I missed the part where someone could die but I can see how a drama queen, insecure, attention whore could go there. Keep responding to me and we might get somewhere.

    have I told you lately that I <3 you??? :D

  2. Nobody's wishing it upon you, but nobody would be surprised if it happens either. If I had to venture a guess, I'd say you've probably rarely if ever touched alcohol, never seen over 100mph (that 185 in kph?), never raced a Mustang flapping your arms or whatever, have never seen 10s, etc. My guess is you're a young kid, still wet behind the ears, riding on daddy's motorcycle shirt-tail. Talking a big game is not impressive around here. Chill. Settle in. If you haven't already, take the MSF class. Always your gear. Respect other riders. You'll get the hang of things eventually.

    damn you said it better then me... ;)

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