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Is there any reason to arrest him?


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I think the police were every bit in their right to arrest him, especially since it was being taped. That did nothing but engage an officer over something stupid, he is really lucky he made no actual contact with the officer.

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Wow... He jumped over them.. Didn't make contact, didn't hurt anybody, didn't break any laws..... If I was that cop I would have laughed it off and let the guy go about his day... Fuck those two asshole cops, and you guys who see nothing wrong with what they did, I pray you're the minority because that's some stupid shit to assault and arrest somebody for

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Cops are like dogs - you run, they chase. It's in their psyche (and training). If you run from a cop expect to be chased down and cuffed while the figure out why. That is how it is the world over.

Was he arrested or just detained? Handcuffs doesn't necessarily mean arrest.

The "I'm about to ruin your day" comment was not called for, and is an unlawful threat of force/action against someone who has not broken any laws (that I can see). If the police felt his jump was legally actionable then take action - the filming is irrelevant. I'm not clear on what action they could take though.

I'm sure they'd have every legal right to prevent the jump in the first place, or to stop any future jumps (tactical reasons - running at a cop without permission is a great way to get shot) but once the jump is over I'm not sure what actions could be taken as I don't believe any laws were broken. Tell him not to do it again as his rapid approach could have been mistaken for an assault. The footage is his and not illegal, as evidenced by the fact it was returned.

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This is the problem in this country, no fucking respect. I was taught to show respect to the police, to people in general. What the fuck was the purpose of this dumb ass other than to get his 15 minutes of Internet fame? The tool got what he deserved. I'm pretty sure that if someone did that to me I would beat the shit out of them for invading my personal space.

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This is the problem in this country, no fucking respect. I was taught to show respect to the police, to people in general. What the fuck was the purpose of this dumb ass other than to get his 15 minutes of Internet fame? The tool got what he deserved. I'm pretty sure that if someone did that to me I would beat the shit out of them for invading my personal space.

You would kick someone's ass for jumping over you? I think people like YOU are the problem in this country, not others. It's nothing to even get upset about, you took no harm and suffered no loss. Honestly, who gives a fuck? Everyone nowadays seem to be a bunch of stuck up, uptight, sandy fucking vaginas. People get mad over the dumbest shit; it blows my mind.

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You would kick someone's ass for jumping over you? I think people like YOU are the problem in this country, not others. It's nothing to even get upset about, you took no harm and suffered no loss. Honestly, who gives a fuck? Everyone nowadays seem to be a bunch of stuck up, uptight, sandy fucking vaginas. People get mad over the dumbest shit; it blows my mind.

If I wanted to be prop in someone's circus I would have joined the circus. If I'm sitting in the park and minding my own business and someone fucks with me then yes I would have an issue with it. Again, it's not about being uptight, sand in the vagina bullshit it's about having respect for other people and their personal space.

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You would kick someone's ass for jumping over you? I think people like YOU are the problem in this country, not others. It's nothing to even get upset about, you took no harm and suffered no loss. Honestly, who gives a fuck? Everyone nowadays seem to be a bunch of stuck up, uptight, sandy fucking vaginas. People get mad over the dumbest shit; it blows my mind.

You are totally missing the point, when you purposely do something to catch the attention or possibly engage an officer, that is stupid and very unwise. The problem now is that every Tom, Dick and Harry are wanting 15 minutes of fame for something, and many times it is pushing the limits with a law enforcement officer. Those officers were sitting minding their own business, and some little punk ass pulls a stunt like that. Law enforcement are not the same as civilians, and you don't have the right or law on your side to poke them with a stick. The amount of negativity that I read on this forum toward law enforcement is very disturbing. :nono: And the real problem at hand is the lack of respect for and toward others, and you wonder why this county is heading toward peril.......actually we are already there.

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Officer stated, I'm gonna break your freaking neck. Is that not menacing. What the stunt monkey did was dangerous, the officer could have been injured. But I only saw one lawbreaker on this one. Bronze should have called it even, after making that statement.

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Screwing with people (or cops) is a good way to get your ass kicked (or arrested).

I see they were ok with it till they saw the camera.

I believe they intended to find out intent and purpose of filming.

If he had just wiped it and gone away, but no, he tried to run.

We can film people in the USA for fun, but don't try it in Europe.

It's invasion of privacy in Germany and some other places.

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2 faults here. #1 kid should not be an attention whore #2 Cops should have been more professional . I understand their reaction because in my option the kid was looking to provoke a reaction and possibly humiliate them esspecially by setting up the camera and basicly saying "look what I got away with". the cops should have left it a "don't do that again" and if he did then react appropriately and professionally. Cops are due some respect but that respect has to be extended to me from them as well, if I am aproched by a officer and he gives me attiude he will get in return. The whole skit the kid put on was uncalled for, the remarks and over reaction from the cop was equally uncalled for. Someone should have stepped forward and been the bigger man and actted more mature and either side had a chance to do that, the kids at the begining and the cops at the end.

Sent from my DROID3 using Tapatalk 2

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Screwing with people (or cops) is a good way to get your ass kicked (or arrested).

I see they were ok with it till they saw the camera.

I believe they intended to find out intent and purpose of filming.

If he had just wiped it and gone away, but no, he tried to run.

We can film people in the USA for fun, but don't try it in Europe.

It's invasion of privacy in Germany and some other places.

Did you watch the same video? They got pissed about the video because their behavior was inappropriate. Their "break your fucking neck" comment is not how these so called professionals are supposed to act.

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Did you watch the same video? They got pissed about the video because their behavior was inappropriate. Their "break your fucking neck" comment is not how these so called professionals are supposed to act.

Yeah, maybe. But if was NE or New York, everyone talks like that.

As well as many other parts of the US.

They stood up. He moved and ran. They chased.

That's normal.

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Just because you 'pay their salary' and they are 'nothing without their badges and guns' does not give you the right to behave like douche nozzle and treat them like dirt or as your as your personal movie prop.

I want to see the unedited video where he cries and pleads with them not to arrest him, then sobs for his mommy. But the edited one was much cooler:rolleyes:

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