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This time of year gets me every year.


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I don't normally start many threads but I just need to get some crap off my shoulders. This time of year sucks. Rewind to feb 20 2011. My dad suddenly passed away due to an ulcer perforating his stomach. Fast forward one month to march 20 . A good friend of mines mother suddenly passed away due to a heart attack. She was like a second mom to me. Whom happend to pass away on my fathers birthday and said friends birthday. Fast forward to yesterday and as some of you may know, the Miami county highway department had a guy killed on the job. He was also a friend of mine. It just seems like this time of year always gets me down. I'm ready to ride. Enjoy life as you never know when your hour glass may run out!

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Picking up what you are putting down!

Sorry for your loss...

My sister passed away 15 years ago, January 16th, 1998 at age 20. From mid January to my first warm ride is like prison. Need to feel the warmth of the sun and smell the smells of spring...new life.

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Yes, he was in the tree trimming accident. It sounds like the log was on the ground and he was cutting it up and it shifted and a limb got him.

Whaler- you hit the nail on the head. That's too bad about your sister. That's way too young .

Edited by oldschoolsdime92
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Sorry to hear about you losing someone else close to you. I guess you could say misery loves company. Just last week the wife and i were enjoying pictures from her ultra sound and sounds of the baby's heart beat. Unfortunatley over the weekend she had a miscarriage. Seems that the older you get the more of these types of situations you have to deal with.

So yeah, i could also go for a nice ride in no certain direction.

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Yep. I get the same way this time of year. Lost my dad five years ago on St. Patricks day. It really sucks to have bad shit happen on a holiday. I'm reminded of it for the whole month of March with every commercial and other holiday based thing that comes along.

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I didn't know Jerry but have known his wife Joy since I was a tot. I'm so sorry for the family, just can't imagine. Many prayers for them all and I'm sorry for your loss as well. Riding does wonders for heavy thoughts. Very therapeutic for me. Take care.

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Sorry for all the loss.

I lost my grandmother 3 weeks ago, we were close. But she would be upset if she knew I was focusing on her death and not her life. The love she gave makes the pain worth it.

We are all blessed to have people we love in our lives. We must mourn our loss but rejoyce in the memories.

So treasure your memories and focus on the wonderful times you had.

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Damn, sorry to hear about this Brandt....Jen just told me. I had no idea, haven't been on the forum much today, and I didn't catch the news lately.

January was a rough month for me for quite some time back in the 00's, lost my Dad Jan 19th '99 and was lost without him for several years, especially around that time of year. I got married on his Birthday to help give me other reasons to celebrate.

Would be nice to commemorate those you've lost and visit that now and then when times like these are getting to ya. I planted a tree in a special place with some of my Dad's ashes. I used to visit the spot a lot ( Greenville Falls ) but haven't been in quite some time. Chin up bro, like you said you just never know how much time you've got......and you know I'm always here for ya man

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  rdrunner said:
I didn't know Jerry but have known his wife Joy since I was a tot. I'm so sorry for the family, just can't imagine. Many prayers for them all and I'm sorry for your loss as well. Riding does wonders for heavy thoughts. Very therapeutic for me. Take care.

I wasn't super close with Jerry but I saw and talked to him pretty regularly. We both work in the same line of work and always had good convo. Too bad. Super nice guy. I always looked forward to talking with him.

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Sorry to hear you have a lot of things that happened early in the year.

My father passed June 2012. His birthday is Jan 31, My B-day is in Feb, and my parents anniversary is April.

This will be the first anniversary without Dad. They would have celebrated 46 years together this April.

Makes you enjoy day and make memories while we are here.

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I know exactly what you mean! I lost my mom about 15 years ago. She died in September, but it always hits me on her birthday, St. Patrick's day. She would have been 61 this year. It all hit me pretty hard this year, and I had a day and a half of feeling almost numb with the emotional pain of it all. Making matters even worse, I was saddened by the realization of the fact that she will not get to meet her grandchildren, the oldest turned 4 in February.

I really try hard to not let it get me down so much, and the past few years I have managed it pretty well, but this year I lost it. I try to hold it together so hard, because my wife's birthday is 3-18, and my step-mom's birthday is 3-15.

The good thing out of it is that when I finally bounced back, it has been REALLY good! I'm worn out physically from a lack of sleep, and a shit-ton of work and preparing to go out of town for a few days this weekend, by with the other stuff going on, I have been feeling really good!

All I have to offer you guys is prayers for comfort.

They say it get's easier, that time heals all wounds. I disagree. Time only pushes the wounds back out of sight. When they do pop back up, look out, it's pretty tough.

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