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Soon we'll be able to legally go a little faster


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The left lane of 270 is where the Somali sheet head women roll 63mph in a 15 year old minivan while clicking and clacking in their flip phones.

You forgot to add government supplied flip phones....

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left lane parkers should lose their license. I drive a 9000lb truck and routinely am an asshole to left lane parkers. I WILL tailgate and if you make the decision to brake check me and total your car and cause lots of time and hassle for yourself while my truck barely gets a scratch that is a gamble I will take

I am that asshole driver and have no problem admitting to it and accept the consequences

Even more hardcore.

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left lane parkers should lose their license. I drive a 9000lb truck and routinely am an asshole to left lane parkers. I WILL tailgate and if you make the decision to brake check me and total your car and cause lots of time and hassle for yourself while my truck barely gets a scratch that is a gamble I will take

I am that asshole driver and have no problem admitting to it and accept the consequences

Some guy in a huge pickup towing a 5th wheel tried to tailgate me on the freeway last week. Got within 5 feet despite the fact I was already doing over 80 in a 65, was following another car at the same speed for miles and constantly passing people in the next lane right. Unfortunately for him I had to slow down to make the lane change out if his way and he wasn't expecting that. He ended up rubbing the side of his trailer against the median wall as I slowed and he had to escape into the left shoulder.

Not sure what else he wanted me to do, because tailgating usually means get into the next lane, but the next lane was doing 65 so I had to slow to 65 to slot into an available space.

He flipped me off and kept driving. No contact was made with my car, just him into the concrete barrier so I figure he doesn't care.

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Some guy in a huge pickup towing a 5th wheel tried to tailgate me on the freeway last week. Got within 5 feet despite the fact I was already doing over 80 in a 65, was following another car at the same speed for miles and constantly passing people in the next lane right. Unfortunately for him I had to slow down to make the lane change out if his way and he wasn't expecting that. He ended up rubbing the side of his trailer against the median wall as I slowed and he had to escape into the left shoulder.

Not sure what else he wanted me to do, because tailgating usually means get into the next lane, but the next lane was doing 65 so I had to slow to 65 to slot into an available space.

He flipped me off and kept driving. No contact was made with my car, just him into the concrete barrier so I figure he doesn't care.

See that is where this guy and I differ, first I wouldn't do that towing a trailer but most importantly you're already doing 15 over and that is acceptable left lane use. That guy is a wayyyyyyyyy bigger asshole than even me!

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I ride the far left lane and when someone wants to pass I will get over when its convenient for me, (meaning when I dont have to slow down just to let you pass). Ive usually got no issues with people like that unless they are tailgating me. And i can tell how far away they are in my backup monitor. If they are within 12 feet they get the finger when they go by. If they get within 5 feet which several have, they get a phone call to the nearest state trooper office
I gave one the finger last month for tailgating me on 1-75. About 10 miles up the road i got pulled over by the OHP. Apparently he called in and said I was passing people in the grass median and on the berm..:cry: I'll probably keep my finger in its holster next time.
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I gave one the finger last month for tailgating me on 1-75. About 10 miles up the road i got pulled over by the OHP. Apparently he called in and said I was passing people in the grass median and on the berm..:cry: I'll probably keep my finger in its holster next time.

Did you convince the cop it was a hoax - can they take any action against the caller?

I didn't think the police could pull over a car based upon an anonymous report of bad driving.

Edited by Scruit
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Did you convince the cop it was a hoax - can they take any action against the caller?

I didn't think the police could pull over a car based upon an anonymous report of bad driving.

It happened to me many years ago after leaving the Flats. I was in a '96 Impala SS and if anyone knows that car it has insanely wide tires and a horrible front end that is impossible to align. The nature of the beast would cause it to tramline like crazy. Apparently someone noticed me doing this and thought I was drunk (I wasn't). I got pulled over on 611 and was given a field sobriety test....which I passed.

So, I don't know if it's illegal or not (I doubt it), but they are gonna pull you over regardless.

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Did you convince the cop it was a hoax - can they take any action against the caller?

I didn't think the police could pull over a car based upon an anonymous report of bad driving.

He said since he didn't see me do anything that he couldn't cite me. He did ask me what happened and even appologized for stopping me but said they had to " check it out" since someone reported me. He also said it was a case of" he said she said" Edited by Kritz
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I got pulled over on my bike in Woodsfield because someone called in to report me passing over a double yellow line way outside city limits on Route 800. I did not recall committing the alleged crime so I did not get a ticket. I'm pretty sure that if I would have fessed up I would have gotten a ticket.

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To return to the issue of the speed limits, I approve.

The change to 70 on the turnpike—a year and-a-half ago?—made a noticeable difference in the riding experience, I thought. Traffic seems to flow more quickly. Or, so I think. The turnpike has high OSP presence, but they seem institutionally indifferent to 75mph or so.

71between Cleveland and Cbus and then between Cbus and Cin definitely could have a higher limit than 65. It’s always had a higher speed stream. The change is long overdue.

I don’t see why 90 can’t be 70 mph, too, outside of Cleveland. Traffic is high speed on that highway as it is from Lakewood all the way to the merge with the turnpike. There are cities along the way, but there aren’t that many exits and entrances after Crocker Park.

I take it Ohio is not imposing split limits for trucks and cars along these routes, too?

60 on the rural roads is an obvious and good change, too. That is long overdue as well.

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I drove home from Hilton Head SC yesterday, hit the WV Turnpike around 2100, almost immediately found myself being passed by a Sheriffs Deputy in a Ford Explorer.

For almost the entire Turnpike, it was he and I, most of the time I had my cruise set at 80MPH(actual speed 78MPH).

It was just me, him, and some trucks.

Best run I ever had through the Turnpike.

Hilton Head SC to Dublin Ohio, just over 10hrs, and that's counting stopping twice.

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Honestly, speed change traps are for the morons who aren't paying attention and deserve it anyway

I could pretty much tell you 90% of the spots staties prefer on 71 between Cleveland and Cinci so all it takes is a little paying attention and speed traps are beat

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Honestly, speed change traps are for the morons who aren't paying attention and deserve it anyway

I could pretty much tell you 90% of the spots staties prefer on 71 between Cleveland and Cinci so all it takes is a little paying attention and speed traps are beat

Sometimes people drive on highways they are unfamiliar with. Traffic often obstructs the view of signs... if the limits change without logical reason on a single stretch, that's BS.

I wouldn't say missing a single sign on an unfamiliar road with heavy traffic, makes anyone a moron that "deserves" a ticket. Yes, ultimately they are responsible, but accidents do happen.

Looking at the map..makes you wonder about true intentions. Safety or State Income?

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