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Weight loss/Workout Thread 2013


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Thanks man! The biggest thing for me, was finding something to motivate me. Something to light a fire under my ass. Not going to lie, mine were all for vain reasons lol. I hated the way i looked. If you can find and keep the motivation to do it day in and day out, and make it a lifestyle. To me in my opinion. That's key. Or if people want to argue with me or have a difference in opinion, it's at least a big part of it.

I hear ya! Back when I cut down, it was a bad time in my life.....the ex was dragging me down and I was just sick of the fat lifestyle, it was too easy to be lazy and out of shape. Outside, life was going on without me, so my headswitch finally flipped to where it basically came down to "get busy livin', or get busy dyin'"

It was just my time for change, and that change had to be drastic or else! I still kick myself in the ass occasionally for not sticking with it and keep hacking away to chisel down and get really defined. But screw hindsight, I need to look forward again.

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I've had Spark before, it works for a while but like anything else.....I developed a tolerance :D

you need to switch it all up then, I will switch to Arbonne Fizz sticks once in awhile but end up back on Spark, shit's like crack! I'll get you and Snot a couple to try next time I order. Ever since they switched from the tabs to the sticks I limit on how many I buy.

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I hear ya! Back when I cut down, it was a bad time in my life.....the ex was dragging me down and I was just sick of the fat lifestyle, it was too easy to be lazy and out of shape. Outside, life was going on without me, so my headswitch finally flipped to where it basically came down to "get busy livin', or get busy dyin'"

It was just my time for change, and that change had to be drastic or else! I still kick myself in the ass occasionally for not sticking with it and keep hacking away to chisel down and get really defined. But screw hindsight, I need to look forward again.

Sounds rather similar to the situation i was in. Before the 310. I was 226. Got into a...long life altering relationship and gained the weight. Got out of that relationship, lost the weight and haven't looked back and never will! lol.

But yes, you can do it man! I have faith in you. If i can do it, anyone can! Best of luck. I know some about fitness, and the basics of losing fat (weight) but i'm sure there are others here who know much more. However, if you need any help or a question answered i would be more than happy to help.

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Hell When you put it that way Night Rider, In the end I just wanna look good naked!

:lol: Not a bad reason! If it helps, than what's wrong with that? And i don't think there's anyone here that doesn't want that either. Secretly, deep down or otherwise.

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Nightrider you look nothing like you did when you came down for the 40+ people ride I put together in 09. Damn good job man, impressive. :bow:

Thanks Nick! That was an interesting, but fun ride.

Mack's pictures kept coming up from time to time, and i would catch this picture. And start doing this. Haha. :nono:

Yeah, that's me right in front of you.


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Man I eat all day everyday

I know what your saying. I use to be the same way. I weighed 125 for a long time. Went to gym lifting weights and gained muscle mass and got up to 150. Make sure you take a protein shake within 15 mins after your workout. I also take creatine with my post workout. I use No shotgun as my pre-workout. 4 to 5 days a week and mix it up. Working the same muscle groups every workout will give you no results. Legs are a must for lifting and the stronger they get the more mass you will gain. Also eat 5 to 6 meals a day. 3 main meals and 2 or 3 snacks depending on the workout schedule. Make sure to eat every 3 to 4 hours to keep your metabolism going. A snack can be a protein shake with peanut butter. You should take into consideration how much protein you have in your meals. Think of it as 1.5 grams of protein per pound and this will help you gain mass. You can also substitute a mass maker as a meal. Check out sbmuscle.com and I use gaspari nutrition for my protein and optimum nutrition for the creatine. Hope this helps you as everyone is different. I can give you my workout plan and also the muscle building diet if your interested. Also make sure to count your calories. Your diet will be 70% of your workout plan. You body will burn calories everyday so just find out what is and increase your calories.

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Thanks Nick! That was an interesting, but fun ride.

Mack's pictures kept coming up from time to time, and i would catch this picture. And start doing this. Haha. :nono:

Yeah, that's me right in front of you.

That picture is missing a lot if any wonders because I said 40...we actually did a count and I think it was near 42...lol. That picture was after the ride and long time from beginning of it. A lot have already gone, about half.

Had to explain before somebody mentioned it.

I remember that name...Mack disappeared.

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I'll chat ya up when we meet for the ride sat.

I know what your saying. I use to be the same way. I weighed 125 for a long time. Went to gym lifting weights and gained muscle mass and got up to 150. Make sure you take a protein shake within 15 mins after your workout. I also take creatine with my post workout. I use No shotgun as my pre-workout. 4 to 5 days a week and mix it up. Working the same muscle groups every workout will give you no results. Legs are a must for lifting and the stronger they get the more mass you will gain. Also eat 5 to 6 meals a day. 3 main meals and 2 or 3 snacks depending on the workout schedule. Make sure to eat every 3 to 4 hours to keep your metabolism going. A snack can be a protein shake with peanut butter. You should take into consideration how much protein you have in your meals. Think of it as 1.5 grams of protein per pound and this will help you gain mass. You can also substitute a mass maker as a meal. Check out sbmuscle.com and I use gaspari nutrition for my protein and optimum nutrition for the creatine. Hope this helps you as everyone is different. I can give you my workout plan and also the muscle building diet if your interested. Also make sure to count your calories. Your diet will be 70% of your workout plan. You body will burn calories everyday so just find out what is and increase your calories.
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Oh man I need to do something other than hold a couch down. Running and biking in the wee hours of the night are probably a great way to get hurt though. Hmm need to come up with a plan.

Download any one of the C25K apps

Then sign up for something 10-12 weeks from now here


Running for the fun of it isnt fun for me. Running a race to beat your personal best once a month gives me the motivation to run the other days of the month.

Now just to get my diet under control........

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I started hitting the treadmill around the holidays and after 3 weeks I had dropped 15 lbs, then I rolled my ankle on the ice on my side walk, took several weeks before I could walk without a limp. That was about the time for our vacation in Feb, so I told myself when I get back I'm going to get back on it. Well while vacation I took a tumbble at the beach and ended up breaking 2 of my toes on my right foot and twisting my knee. The knee is better but the toes are still fucked up, and I'm too stubburn to see a doc. So maybe when it heals ill get back to it. Oh yea I gained that 15 back plus 5..lol

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I'm in on this thread as well.

Started last year at 290 and as of last month I'm at 221. Started with a boot-camp style workout and now working with a trainer twice a week. My trainer seems like such a sweetheart outside the gym, but damn she is vicious once the work starts!

The goal is another 20 lbs (at least) and I've already hit two goals this year. Did Tackle the Tower (running up 38 stories) in February and a 2 mile race last month. Up next is a 5K at the end of this month and one in May. A buddy wants me to do a half-marathon with him in November.

Started doing cardio 5X a week in the morning before work (averageing 5.25 miles) and then with my trainer I do strength training twice a week. I usually do a a light cardio workout before my trainer kicks my ass as well. Picked up a new mountatin bike to start riding around the track when I take pcitures as opposed to using my trusty 125 chinese POS.

Damn firewall at work blocks access to my filesharing account so once I get home I'll get a progress pic up. And if anyone is interested, my trainer is developing an on-line program and I'd recommend her without hesitation.

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I started hitting the treadmill around the holidays and after 3 weeks I had dropped 15 lbs, then I rolled my ankle on the ice on my side walk, took several weeks before I could walk without a limp. That was about the time for our vacation in Feb, so I told myself when I get back I'm going to get back on it. Well while vacation I took a tumbble at the beach and ended up breaking 2 of my toes on my right foot and twisting my knee. The knee is better but the toes are still fucked up, and I'm too stubburn to see a doc. So maybe when it heals ill get back to it. Oh yea I gained that 15 back plus 5..lol

Damn man! Guess karma's saying you shouldn't have went on vacation

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I'm in on this thread as well.

Started last year at 290 and as of last month I'm at 221. Started with a boot-camp style workout and now working with a trainer twice a week. My trainer seems like such a sweetheart outside the gym, but damn she is vicious once the work starts!

The goal is another 20 lbs (at least) and I've already hit two goals this year. Did Tackle the Tower (running up 38 stories) in February and a 2 mile race last month. Up next is a 5K at the end of this month and one in May. A buddy wants me to do a half-marathon with him in November.

Started doing cardio 5X a week in the morning before work (averageing 5.25 miles) and then with my trainer I do strength training twice a week. I usually do a a light cardio workout before my trainer kicks my ass as well. Picked up a new mountatin bike to start riding around the track when I take pcitures as opposed to using my trusty 125 chinese POS.

Damn firewall at work blocks access to my filesharing account so once I get home I'll get a progress pic up. And if anyone is interested, my trainer is developing an on-line program and I'd recommend her without hesitation.

Awesome.....70lbs is a major accomplishment and that's the kind of determination I need to have. My mtn bike was my best weapon against fat, and some mean off-roading makes for a killer full body workout.

When did you start last year? What kind of diet have you been sticking to?

I think it would be a good idea if everyone could post up what's working for them to share methods for us all to try when we hit plateaus

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My turn to share!

So I'm 5'11

I weighed around 260 in High School

Started dropping weight after my senior football season was over due to me attempting to go in the service. I got down to 195


After not going in I stopped my daily runs and started eating what ever I wanted and shot up to 280 in a year


Started trying to loose weight last year and it was slow. At the Dream ride last year I was still around 270-275


Now this year I hit it hard as far as cutting pop (As best I can) and watching what I eat. Also just trying to be more active and picked up shuffling (See sig) Its a hell of a work out and I have dropped almost 40lbs since Jan. just in doing that. Once it really warms up a friend and I plan on running at least a mile a day.


I my goal is to be around 220 by July.

200 is my goal weight overall.

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Awesome.....70lbs is a major accomplishment and that's the kind of determination I need to have. My mtn bike was my best weapon against fat, and some mean off-roading makes for a killer full body workout.

When did you start last year? What kind of diet have you been sticking to?

I think it would be a good idea if everyone could post up what's working for them to share methods for us all to try when we hit plateaus

Thanks Mutt!

Started the boot-camp workouts in February. Twice a week until August and then switched to the one-on-one training. Boot-camp workouts were never the same ones twice, but they were P90X-ish. Go hard for a minute, rest for 20 seconds, repeat. First classs I did I last only half of it (45 minute classes). Did the next one two days later and lasted the whole class but had muscles hurting two days later I didn't know existed!

The one-on-one training is a different workout each time. On leg days I can count on a wide variety from walking lunges, regular lunges, box squats, squats, burpees, jump-squats and others I just can't think of right now. On arm days I can usually count on lat pull-downs (either rope handle or regular bar), 21's, rack runs, curls, planks (up to two minutes right now), chest presses, overhead presses, rows, TRX bands, medicine ball slams, dips, pull-ups and others as well. On core (ab) days its planks, back extensions on a stability ball, crunches on a stability ball, push-ups, toe taps and few other things thrown in as well. Occassionally when my trainer's in a mood we'll do all three in a session or mix up two of the three in a session.

I tend to shoot myself in the foot with my trainer as I tell her to mix it up and just keep increasing the intensity levels. Usually end up paying for it the next day like today (having a hard time putting my coat on!).

As for diet, trying to pre-plan meals so I can avoid going out for lunch. If I do go out for lunch it's usually a salad with red wine vinegar for dressing or if at Subway I get their veggie delight on flatbread with no cheese or mayo and just red wine vinegar as well. if I go somewhere else like QS&L, I'll do up a big salad from the buffet and only 1 order of 8 wings. I save QS&L for days that I have session with my trainer. If you're into tuna salad switch out the mayo for plain greek yogurt. Eating more turkey (have a killer spicy turkey sausage recipe), eating more fruites and veggies and rarely have pop. I end up drinking between 1 to 1.5 gallons of water a day. The wife and kids went to DQ yesterday and I skipped it. I've also cut my portions way back when I eat at home or on the road.

I have another goal already in the works and it's going to take every ounce of dedication and energy I have in my body to get it done. That goal only my trainer and my wife know of (and no it's not doing both of them at the same time, but I wouldn;t pass that up:D) and I have 12 months to get it done.

My wife jokes that my trainer has created a monster but I'd admit to it! I;ve told my trainer that if I wine or complain to just kick me in the ass and thankfully she hasn;t had to resort to that. The client before me yesterday was driving me nuts, so I know my trainer's gotta to be a saint with the patience she had with that client.

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