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Weight loss/Workout Thread 2013


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I actually bought the 60G protein Shake. and I use 1.5 scoops instead of the 3 scoops since your body can only take 20-25 at a time anyway.Plus it ends up being cheaper, I also snagged it for 2/$50 normally $38 per.

Couple years ago my brother and I started lifting hard and we were taking Mdrol. we both had Awesome results during the 6 week cycle but If I didnt drink enough water I would start to get the shakes. awful bad. Then after wards If you didnt still hammer the weights and protein you would lose a lot of it in the next 6 weeks. weird shit. Wont be doing that again.

Yeah, I never wanted to use anything like that. :lol:

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I actually bought the 60G protein Shake. and I use 1.5 scoops instead of the 3 scoops since your body can only take 20-25 at a time anyway.Plus it ends up being cheaper, I also snagged it for 2/$50 normally $38 per.

Couple years ago my brother and I started lifting hard and we were taking Mdrol. we both had Awesome results during the 6 week cycle but If I didnt drink enough water I would start to get the shakes. awful bad. Then after wards If you didnt still hammer the weights and protein you would lose a lot of it in the next 6 weeks. weird shit. Wont be doing that again.

What kind of bro-science is that?

Goal is to drop 3-5% bodyfat for summer and maintain my manlet 5'7" 225.

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I tried a high protein diet while doing P90x, and even though I was drinking what I would consider to be excessive amounts of water, my kidneys were hurting. I have had kidney stones in the past, so maybe that's part of it, but it was not good for me.

High protein is always hard on kidneys, gotta filter out that ammonia.

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My daughter is getting married at the end of the year, so I figured this year I would try and drop some weight. To that end, I got lucky getting a slot in the Marine Corps Marathon this year. Never have run one before but I have done a half once, so this should be interesting.

For decades, I did bodybuilding workouts, doing different body parts every day, and when I was still in the Marines, that was fine because that's just what we did. But for years after I got out, the question in the back of my head was always "What I am I doing this for?" The health aspect, of course, but for what purpose? Its not like I EVER wanted to strap on a speedo and pose. :supergay: I wanted something more functional, that combines more flexibility, endurance and useful strength.

So this year I think I am going to give crossfit a try. I have a respectable home gym, and I just picked up a Concept 2 rower for crosstraining days when I take a break from running. There a few things I can't do but not many. And I can always substitute exercises. I can really tell how tight my muscles were and its taking a real effort to get more limber, but so far so good. These workouts are short but intense! I like that part.

Its not for everyone for sure, and honestly I don't even know if its for me yet, but I'm going to give it a fair shot. I'll report back up when I look like a Greek God. You can hardly wait. :rolleyes:

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What kind of bro-science is that?

Goal is to drop 3-5% bodyfat for summer and maintain my manlet 5'7" 225.

When I went into GNC I asked where the whey shakes were. An associate guided me over and ran through the different kinds and the protein levels. he then said that this has 60g of protein which is more than your body an take at a given time but that it ensures that you get as much as your body can take. I swear he said 20-25 but it might have been 30. If thats wrong then tell me whats right cause I sure as hell dont know.

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When I went into GNC I asked where the whey shakes were. An associate guided me over and ran through the different kinds and the protein levels. he then said that this has 60g of protein which is more than your body an take at a given time but that it ensures that you get as much as your body can take. I swear he said 20-25 but it might have been 30. If thats wrong then tell me whats right cause I sure as hell dont know.

A lot (most) of GNC employees don't know much about nutrition. Although I knew a few literally 2j ust people in cbus/gahanna/pickerington that know their stuff.

Fyi they don't care about you and they are paid on commission. They're gonna push GNC brands or w/e they make money on.

Better off buying from bb.com and wait on shipping.

By your quoted text if you ate a 10ounce steak only 3~ounces would be digested. Clearly that's not the case and your body can and will digest more than that.

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Digested id different than metabolizing. youll digest everything but what your body actually takes in to use is what (im guessing) he was talking about.

also guessing that its more like 20-30g per sitting because like most everything else your body metabolizes its a g/hour type thing.

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My weight has never been an issue until this past winter and I'm only at about 162 #'s. To put that into perspective, the most I've ever weighed is 165 #'s when I was on active duty and had very low body fat while attending the SFQC - I was solid muscle. After I ETS'ed in 1995, I've been able to maintain my weight between 155-158 #'s with very little effort.

Now I'm seeing the effects of virtually no exercise, a love for beer, and good, home cooked meals. The loss of my six pack is probably the wake call I've needed but the total lack of motivation to work out is frustrating despite having P90 and P90X on DVD's along with some other devices for home training.

Sometimes I think that 65 # ruck was my best friend for keeping in top condition.

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Fuck it ill join in. The years of being a bus driver have not been kind to me and my love of beer doesn't help either. I don't really have weight goal so much as a wanting to fit into my old clothes and be single digit pant/dress size again.

Me 5 years ago



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Digested id different than metabolizing. youll digest everything but what your body actually takes in to use is what (im guessing) he was talking about.

also guessing that its more like 20-30g per sitting because like most everything else your body metabolizes its a g/hour type thing.

"The word metabolism can also refer to all chemical reactions that occur in living organisms, including digestion and the transport of substances into and between different cells, in which case the set of reactions within the cells is called intermediary metabolism or intermediate metabolism."

Please tell me how its different.

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Digestion to me means that it runs through your digestive tract and is expelled. While your body takes the nutrients it needs and only as much as It can handle. While metabolizing is the actual use of those nutrients by your body.

Just because you can eat a 2 lb steak and you digest it doesn't mean that you metabolized every last bit of nutrients. Like I mentioned earlier. It's a g/hour amount. Same thing goes with alcohol. You can process basically a beer an hour.

I haven't done any research b the above statements and its all just me thinking it out. I'm not saying its right or wrong.

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Update week 1.

Just stepped off the scale. I am at 209 which means after week 1 I have lost 4 pounds. not hateful. Going to go work out now and ill step on again later to see how much it changes after working out and dinner.

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no point In weighing yourself every day or after workout lol water weight varies depending on your intake and if you sweat it all out at the gym what the point lol. I'm sure we all know salt make your body retain water as well. But no real reason i know of to weigh yourself everyday

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no point In weighing yourself every day or after workout lol water weight varies depending on your intake and if you sweat it all out at the gym what the point lol. I'm sure we all know salt make your body retain water as well. But no real reason i know of to weigh yourself everyday

Yes. Once you wake up and start eating and drinking, that will add to your weight over the course of the day. Water retention and so on.

The best way to weigh yourself, and to get the most accurate number possible is: Wake up in the morning. Use the restroom (whatever you have to do. Empty your bowels if possible) and then weigh yourself.

I think a decent way to go about it is weigh yourself on a Mon, and then do it again on Fri. If you're doing a Mon,Wed,Fri routine and or cardio in between. Just my thoughts. To each their own

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havent weighed myself since last wednesday when I made the thread. you make a good point about doing it in the morning though. this is roughly the same time of day as when i first posted this so i figured it was a good comparo.

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Minor set-back for me two weeks ago, but I'm still at it. I have a tear in my right Planteris muscle that happened when I was running with my son to get ready for this month's 5K. Had I rested it from the get-go as opposed to waiting two weeks to see the ortho doc it would have healed. But I went right back at it on that Saturday and re-injured it. Took a week off from running and stupidly did a major leg work out and did re-injur it but didn't help it either. Doc's orders are not running on pavement or even the treadmill for two weeks.

But I'm still good to do cardio on the ellitpical or the bike. Hit a personal best today on the ellipital clearing 6 miles in 45 minutes. I just wish I could have that type of pace while running on the pavement.:D Killed the arms on Monday and Tuesday of this week and we'll see what my trainer has lined up for me tomorrow when she kicks my ass some more. Speaking of trainers, she took 2nd place in her competition out of 20 last weekend.

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probably from those dance moves in your sig!

Yup :D went to plant to spin and my knee said "Fuck you" was still a fun rave besides that.

Healing up pretty well I can walk and what not just can't fully straighten it yet.

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