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Time to ban knives?


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Bad idea to use this story this way. The anti's will point out that no one died.

Well that's ok then. Slash away, as long as nobody dies. Ban lead bullets and replace them with rubber balls. Stings like a mofo but not fatal.

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I don't get how he got away with stabbing that many people, without someone reacting and doing something about it... Fear/panic I guess.

Shock, fear, surprise, inaction at the time. One of a hundred people would move in and deal with it. The rest are sheep.

Historically, no one wins a knife fight. Both parties die.

Basically the reason that Bowie knives and knife fighting duels were outlawed.

Medical assistance might be quicker now, but the results are about the same.

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Right. I'm not saying I would go in and bum rush the guy like some kind of super hero, but there is strength in numbers. I didn't think about the surprise factor though. I'm sure a lot of people didn't know exactly who was doing it at first.

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Right. I'm not saying I would go in and bum rush the guy like some kind of super hero, but there is strength in numbers. I didn't think about the surprise factor though. I'm sure a lot of people didn't know exactly who was doing it at first.

I have done a couple of active killer seminars (most recetnly at Ohio Krav Maga) and we did a knife attacker drill. The attacker just walked into the crowd and started slashing people silently with a rubber knife - couple of sobering thoughts from that were...

1) The first victims may or may not communicate what has happened to them to the crowd. I was the first victim and I didn't say a thing. He slashed 5 people before someone said anything.

2) The folks who try to take down the attacker should assume they will get stabbed/cut and may die. The attacker in our case was a child who was easily overpowered - but a full grown man with a knife could only be safely incapacitated by a ranged weapon like a gun, taser or similar. Yes, you might be able to incapacitate by going hands-on, but doing so without injury would be a stroke of luck.

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Shock, fear, surprise, inaction at the time. One of a hundred people would move in and deal with it. The rest are sheep.

Spot on.

I have done a couple of active killer seminars (most recetnly at Ohio Krav Maga) and we did a knife attacker drill. The attacker just walked into the crowd and started slashing people silently with a rubber knife - couple of sobering thoughts from that were...

1) The first victims may or may not communicate what has happened to them to the crowd. I was the first victim and I didn't say a thing. He slashed 5 people before someone said anything.

2) The folks who try to take down the attacker should assume they will get stabbed/cut and may die. The attacker in our case was a child who was easily overpowered - but a full grown man with a knife could only be safely incapacitated by a ranged weapon like a gun, taser or similar. Yes, you might be able to incapacitate by going hands-on, but doing so without injury would be a stroke of luck.

First thing we teach (@ OKM) with regard to knife defenses: You WILL get cut. In most realistic scenarios, you will get cut, potentially multiple times, before you can even react. Most trained people would rather go up against a gun @ close range than a knife. Knives are scary in that they don't jam,don't run out of ammo, can change direction easily and often, and it takes a whole different psychological state to want to experience the sounds and sensations of cutting someone (up close and personal) versus shooting someone from a distance.

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Knives have practical utility outside of injuring people.

So do guns, but you won't admit it. A knife is designed to be a wedge, and it can be used in many ways. A firearm is designed to launch a projectile, and can also be used in many ways. Here are some that disagree with your previous assesments(firearms are only used to kill or train to kill(now "injure")), but this list is not all-inclusive. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Firearm_%28tool%29

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So do guns, but you won't admit it. A knife is designed to be a wedge, and it can be used in many ways. A firearm is designed to launch a projectile, and can also be used in many ways. Here are some that disagree with your previous assesments(firearms are only used to kill or train to kill(now "injure")), but this list is not all-inclusive. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Firearm_%28tool%29

Flare guns and nail guns are just fine, its the bullet ones I'm talking about...

Come show me how your standard carry weapon drives nails, or directs rescue ships at night.

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Flare guns and nail guns are just fine, its the bullet ones I'm talking about...

Come show me how your standard carry weapon drives nails, or directs rescue ships at night.

Allowing my wife to defend herself when Im not home isnt enough for you? Allowing a 90yr old person to defend themselves against a home invader isnt enough for you to accept that a gun is a useful tool?

The freedoms you enjoy have been secured at the end of a gun, have you forgotten that? Revolutionary war was fought with guns, Civil War was fought with guns, WWI and WWII were all fought at the end of a gun. Each was fought with an increasingly more updated version as technology allowed. Get over yourself and stop living in a fucking dream world that evil doesn't exist.

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