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JackFlash had a crash.


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The 555 ate another bike today, picked up the rider and sent him spinning

off through water, mud, and grass. Film at eleven.

Yep! I was having a very good day. I thought it would be a wonderful day

to go riding, and that's what I did. Everything was fine and going well, until...

I was traveling north of Chesterhill, when not far south of 78, I was coming

down a hill with a left hand curve. The road had a lot of slippery dust, and

was gritty in many, many places. Knowing this, I was being cautious. I

wasn't in a hurry to get anywhere.

So, approaching this curve I discovered this debris well out into the

roadway on my side. Attempting to slow a bit, my rear wheel slipped out

from under me, I hit the road, the bike spun a 360, and I went flying through

water and mud, and ended up in the grass.

A few words were spoken, the kind you wouldn't say in front of your

grandmother, and I lay there waiting to see if anything was going to begin

to hurt. Thankfully, I could get up and walk without much of a wobble.

The bike, the poor thing, was on the edge of the road on it's left side, turn

signal flashing, and motor off. I attempted to pick it up but couldn't get my

hand far enough under to get a grip. I was all alone.

I got the bike spun around, and to where I could lift it onto it's wheels. It

was a muddy mess, almost as bad as me. The left side of the handlebars is

now bent into a racing style position. My concern was that I wouldn't be

able to steer it if the handgrip hit the fairing. It didn't.

Now, the bike wouldn't start. Crap! Thinking for a moment, I discovered the

clutch safety switch had come unpluged. I pluged it in and cranked it. No

start! F%&*K! I opened the throttle fully and tried again. Zoom, zoom!

Things were looking less bad.

Standing then walking beside the bike, I throttled it, and eased out the

clutch hoping to be able to get it out of the mud. It worked.

Hurt, you ask? Who me? People, I'm JackFlash! Whatayamean hurt? Well, my

hip is a little sore from me landing on it when the road took a bite out of my

day, but other than that, I think I'm okay. Ask me again tomorrow when

things get a chance to get achy.

I got on the bike and eased it on down the hill. Regaining my confidence,

and sitting at a funny angle from a bent handlebar, I gave it some fuel and

buzzed down the road. It wasn't for another mile that it occured to me that

my face shield was missing from my helmet. I stopped, turned around, and

went back to the scene of the crime.

Sitting there in the water, unscratched, was my face shield. I picked it up

and took off my helmet. Oh crap!

The mechanism where the face shield attaches to the helmet was filled with

mud. WTF now? I always carry a rag to check the oil, so I pulled it out of

my saddlebag and soaked it with water. A long time later, I finally got

enough mud and crap out of it for the faceshield to fasten on. Back on the

bike and off I went.

It was a beautiful day for a ride. I hope yours went better than mine. Unless

I can find and replace the handlebars before Saturday, I'm going to be out

of the running for the big ride this weekend.

So, now the search for handlebars for an '08 Suzuki GS 500F. Any


I forgot to mention that the entire time I was there at the side of the road,

after my spill, and when I went back, not one vehicle passed by. Not one.

Here's a link to where it happened: http://goo.gl/maps/S9dtt


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Man, glad you're okay!
If all you noobs crash before the big ride, there's not going to be anyone to crash during the big ride. Just kidding, you glad you are okay. :D

Fix it up and ride another day.

The 555 was littered with this gritty, dusty, slippery stuff. It was almost invisible until you

were right up on it.


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Glad you didn't get badly hurt, and it's usually day 2 afterwards when severe soreness sets in on me.

Maybe everyone should just keep the bikes at home until the ride :dunno:

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Glad to hear your ok!! Please tell us what gear saved your ass today!

I wear a TourMaster riding jacket with mesh outer, and pads in the elbows, shoulders,

and down the back. I took the wind liner out around noon because it was getting very warm.

My pants are also TourMaster with pads on the hips (thankfully), and hard pads on

the knees. They have removable panels to expose mesh for air flow on days like today.

My helmet is simply an HJC $140 type full face with flip up and removeable shield.

Different tints are available.


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Man, glad you're okay!
...glad you are okay.

Wow! Glad you walked away. I am actually surprised you went down, since you are a cautious rider and are familiar with the area. I hope you find the bars in time.
Glad to hear your ok!!
Glad you're ok, bummer about the handlebars, but glad you're ok.
Glad you didn't get badly hurt, and it's usually day 2 afterwards when severe soreness sets in on me.

Sorry to hear, glad you are ok!

Thanks for all the kind words. Now, it's off to bed, as 3:30am comes quickly and I have to work tomorrow, provided I'm not too stiff to get out of bed. Goodnight folks.


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Ah crap that really sucks ass!!!! I am not a fan of 555, so if it is on the Epic ride route I may be taking a detour. Time for you to get a new bike, had that been a Vstrom it would've barely been damaged. ;) GLAD YOU ARE OK!!!!!

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Ah crap that really sucks ass!!!! I am not a fan of 555, so if it is on the Epic ride route I may be taking a detour. Time for you to get a new bike, had that been a Vstrom it would've barely been damaged. ;) GLAD YOU ARE OK!!!!!

Yea I wanna give that road the middle finger next time I ride threw there, if I do again lol.

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Ah crap that really sucks ass!!!! I am not a fan of 555, so if it is on the Epic ride route I may be taking a detour. Time for you to get a new bike, had that been a Vstrom it would've barely been damaged. ;) GLAD YOU ARE OK!!!!!

May be a good idea for all.

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