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Got A Old Smartphone Lying Around? Use It As A Gps Speedo!


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I don't know how those come up with your speed,  when I drive past one in my truck it says exactly what my speedo says but my phone and garmin says I'm going 4 mph slower.

figure that out.

Radar, they always set off my detector and freak me out.

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Well I actually drove past one of those police "you are going this fast" signs just now and it said I was doing 65 when my speedo said 75 :/


I changed maps on that a couple times, no telling what I did last...I believe the last map I had on there was the Arrow slip-on tune which is usually good for most slip-ons.


Have you got yourself a cable off of ebay yet and downloaded TuneECU? You can check where it's at if you did, it's just set up as a %. If the "you're going this fast" thing was right, and you were going 65 but bike said 75, set that thing to 65/75=86.67% or about 87%. It should be pretty close then.

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I changed maps on that a couple times, no telling what I did last...I believe the last map I had on there was the Arrow slip-on tune which is usually good for most slip-ons.


Have you got yourself a cable off of ebay yet and downloaded TuneECU? You can check where it's at if you did, it's just set up as a %. If the "you're going this fast" thing was right, and you were going 65 but bike said 75, set that thing to 65/75=86.67% or about 87%. It should be pretty close then.

Yeah, I had one from my Daytona 600, awesome software! Had to use it to disable the EXUP valve like a week after I got the 675.

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It was nice too it tracked my total miles driven, total time elapsed,  and avg and max speed.


I'd learn how to clear that in a hurry.  last thing you need is for the cops to have that info if you're pulled over for reckless operation and they seize the bike, with the phone attached. 

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Tonight was the first time I was ever able to check my speedo against a gps using this setup.

The speedo wasn't off to bad (assuming the gps app/phone is correct).

In the 0-60mph range the bike speed was 3mph fast.

In the 60-90mph range it was 5mph fast.

Over 90 it seemed to be fast by about 7mph.

It's pretty common for most bikes to be about 5% off which looks like what yours is.

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I'd learn how to clear that in a hurry. last thing you need is for the cops to have that info if you're pulled over for reckless operation and they seize the bike, with the phone attached.

It's only Swingr, his max speed is 67

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Used this to check mine the other day. My speedo is off by 4% reading faster than my actual speed. I just put new tires on it I wonder how much it will change when they get worn down?

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I've developed this app and I'm happy to see that you like it. I just wanted to thank you for downloading my app and to tell you that if you have any suggestions, I would like to hear them - my email address is cadar[dot]dan[at]gmail[dot]com


Thank you!

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  • 3 years later...
On 6/27/2013 at 2:48 PM, Bad324 said:

It's only Swingr, his max speed is 67

Took me over 3yrs to reply to this post so just shows you how slow I really am ;)

But I'm still here bitches!  Log in maybe once a year lol.

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1 hour ago, SWing'R said:

Took me over 3yrs to reply to this post so just shows you how slow I really am ;)

But I'm still here bitches!  Log in maybe once a year lol.

Well we were getting this place cleaned up, looks like we have more work to do. :nono: ...... :lol: 

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