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Speeding Tax


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5 years, 3 bikes, 25,000 miles...and I got my first speeding ticket.  74 in a rural 55 zone, on the 300.  Hwy 40, outside of New Carlisle(greater Dayton).  Don't know the price of the ticket.
Oh well, cop was professional.  I was pulled over, before he completed his U-turn.  Thought I might get lucky fore being honest/polite.  I guess this is the price we pay to have fun, once in awhile.


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It won't be the ticket that hurt's the most. 15mph or more over speed limit is more than just a speeding ticket. It's almost like reckless op. Hope your insurance company is slow in checking driving records.

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It won't be the ticket that hurt's the most. 15mph or more over speed limit is more than just a speeding ticket. It's almost like reckless op. Hope your insurance company is slow in checking driving records.


Never had any craziness with speeding tickets in cars.

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Some companies dont check more than annually if at all. If you don't have an accident then you could be ok for awhile. Keep your fingers crossed. Definitely go to court and try to get it reduced at least. Might be worth getting an attorney especially if you know one as a friend or maybe we have someone in group. Get in under 15mph one way or another. You might be able to play to judges sympathy if this is all thats or your record. You know beg and promise future more carefullness that kind of thing. It's a biggie to have on you rcord for 3 years.Hope I helped ya!

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My last ticket I was doing 75 in a 35 in Akron. It was on George Washington avenue which is 2 lanes each direction with very limited access...could easily be a 55 zone if not for a few driveways. I had my carry pistol on me and I started pulling over as soon as I saw the cop. I knew he didn't have time to run my plate before he got out of the car so I informed him of the .38 on my hip and told him I was getting my wallet, not the gun. He took my I.d. and insurance and said "dude, I HAVE to ticket you, I can't just let you skate on this". Comes back and hands me a citation for 54 in a 35, thanked me for being up-front about the pistol and sent me on my way. Since theniI've been yanked for speeding 3 other times, notified the officer or sheriff of my ccw license regardless of if I was carrying or not and was issued warnings each time. Once for ~60 in a 40, once for ~60 in a 45 and once for ~45 in a 25. I'm always respectful and cooperative and do things cops like during a stop like keep my hands on the wheel/bars, turn on dome light, remove helmet etc...

I can't help but figure the chl, my diction and actions and being 100% legal with no prior trouble the last 12 or so years has a lot to do with getting so many warnings.

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It won't be the ticket that hurt's the most. 15mph or more over speed limit is more than just a speeding ticket. It's almost like reckless op. Hope your insurance company is slow in checking driving records.

False...20+ over in Ohio is reckless op. I've gotten 4 speeding tickets in Ohio in 13 years of driving and every single one has been 19 over and about $130

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I don't see the point of pulling over for cops on a bike. By the time they would radio in, turn around, you can be 3 miles the other direction.


You can't run from the choppa!!!!

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Brian, I said it's almost like reckless op and 2 my point was the big cost wasn't going to be the ticket but the effect on his insurance. Chill, man LOL

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Brian, I said it's almost like reckless op and 2 my point was the big cost wasn't going to be the ticket but the effect on his insurance. Chill, man LOL

I appreciate the heads up.


I have progressive, and pay $275/year for 2 bikes.  I should be safe.

Edited by Tigerpaw
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False...20+ over in Ohio is reckless op. I've gotten 4 speeding tickets in Ohio in 13 years of driving and every single one has been 19 over and about $130

It CAN be reckless op. Still depends on the officers mood. I got 71 in a 45 and it was regular 2pt speeding ticket

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Here's what you should of done, and can use this in the future:


Officer: after he has your DL, INS, and reg...


(For example u were going 70 in a 55 zone)


You: "Officer, I'm not sure what the speed limit was?"


Cop: "The posted speed is 55 MPH"


You: "Ohhh, I thought it was 65, that's why I was going 5 over"


Cop: "Alrighty, but still I'm going to have to cite you"


You: "since I wasnt sure of the posted speed limit is there any way you could write me a ticket for driver inattention?"




The cop might just write u for that w/o even asking.


Driver inattention might cost u about $15 more for the fine BUT.....is a NO POINTS violation.




In your case....fight it in court and argue u thought the speed was 65 MPH and weren't "paying attention"


Judge might drop it to "driver inattention"


end result, no points, no insurance increase.

Edited by silentcropduster
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It CAN be reckless op. Still depends on the officers mood. I got 71 in a 45 and it was regular 2pt speeding ticket


9 times out of 10 your not going to get railed for RO, unless ur doing 20 over and waving in-out of cars or doing something else to be a jack ass in front of the said popo :crazy:

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It won't be the ticket that hurt's the most. 15mph or more over speed limit is more than just a speeding ticket. It's almost like reckless op. Hope your insurance company is slow in checking driving records.

Last big fat one I got in the 80's was "20 and over"  ADDS reckless op to the total. 

I just paid a 15 over ticket in fucklorida, and it was over 200 bucks. 

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9 times out of 10 your not going to get railed for RO, unless ur doing 20 over and waving in-out of cars or doing something else to be a jack ass in front of the said popo :crazy:



Its not an automatic RO. Ive had 4 tickets in my career. first 2 were both 76 in a 55. next was next 2 were both 57 in a 35. Never a RO. all 2 point tickets between $110-120. 

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I know someone cited for reckless op at 15 over. Judge dismissed it and told him unless it was 20 over or more, reckless op wasn't in play which is what I was basing my comment on

Sorry Don if you thought I wasn't chill...but you don't wanna see MexiHulk mad though

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I know quite a few police officers, they usually let bikes off if they stop solely because they want bikes to stop and not run. They know how hard it is to keep the throttle under control.

Usually speaking, as long as you keep 2 wheels on the ground and aren't doing dangerous things around others, they are pretty friendly provided you show them respect when they stop you.


Of course repeatedly getting warnings will probably warrant a ticket every once in a while.

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