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Best Cell Phone Provider?

DTM Brian

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I am sure asking this question is the same as asking which of the 4 japanese manufacturers makes the best sport bike. I have had Nextel since 2001 and I am looking for a change. Mainly because nextel does not have all the "cool" phones like the companies. Who is the best all around provider in 2008?

One thing that is real important to me is that I keep my existing phone number.

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+2 for verizon. I had nextel for 5 years or more. I always had problems with billing and other stuff. I switched to verizon a few years back, and kept my number. like the phones annd customer support is real good.

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I have a choc. got the first gen. when they came out and it was junk so they sent a new one for free. It was junk in a few months also, so I called and they sent out a new 2nd gen. for free, again. man i love those guys.

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I have the second gen. Dont get me wrong. Its a high quality phone. just too hard to navigate. and it has these annoying touch buttons that send you into the depths of the menu every time it touches your face when you are on the phone, causing it to beep constantly during conversation.. I find myself using the earphones all the time. Could get the bluetooth, but I dont want to be THAT cyborg guy.Awesome MP3 player. Which is why we got them. Have it rigged to hook into the car stereo. 400 songs and no CD's to mess with. Sweet.

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Verizon runs OHIO. They have NO service in Wisconsin though when I'm up there. It sucks. I have to call from a Land line to check my voice mail when I'm up there. Spring runs Wisconsin.

I have the 2nd generation chocolate. My wife is getting the Voyager soon.

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+1 for Verizon, although I'm not exactly thrilled with their customer support - it's more of a necessary evil. Verizon isn't any worse than all the other companies that try to dick you over.

I've got Verizon because the actual NETWORK hardware is good as far as reception and dropped calls...and because I get 20% off service because my mom was a gov't employee.

If you're looking for plans try:




I got my last phone off of mobiledia for free (Moto v710) and it's served me well for the last 2.5 years. I'm due to to get my "New Every 2" phone, but I haven't found a free one I like.

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I have had alltel for 5 years now and I love them. My dad has had them for like 12 years and he loves them too. If I ever have a problem I go to one of the stores and they take care of it no matter what. The only thing I have ever bitched about is that the free phones that they offer always fucking blow. However the last 2 times I got a phone I spent 50 on one and 75 on the other and both lasted me for the full 2 years without a problem.

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I have had alltel for 5 years now and I love them. My dad has had them for like 12 years and he loves them too. If I ever have a problem I go to one of the stores and they take care of it no matter what. The only thing I have ever bitched about is that the free phones that they offer always fucking blow. However the last 2 times I got a phone I spent 50 on one and 75 on the other and both lasted me for the full 2 years without a problem.

Alltell isn't in Columbus. I had one of their phones for work. (co. based in cleveland) and it didn't work too well here.

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ive also got att, I love it, about everyone I know here has them too. I'm also on my iPhone, in Portland Oregon posting this. I travel all over the country for work and aside from some BARREN places in TX, ive always had good signal. No complaints here.

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so, there's this mill/plant that rolls high pressure gas line, kinda looks like a paper towel roll when their done, only 20" and steel. Well they've got to clean 6" in on either side so it can be welded inside and out. The company I work for makes sand blasting equipment. But the catch is its for cast steel grit, and we recycle the blast media and throw the waste out, were the only company so far thats EPA approved for lead removal with a reuseable media. We mainly do bridges, but we've been stupid busy with water storage tanks and shipyards the last year or two. Even though their not lead based paints like bridges, the reuseability factor has allot of guys switching over.

I do personell training and equipment setup. I travel all over the country doing setup and training. Its a pretty cool job, but sometimes the hours suck. I put in 20 hrs today, and will prob have 55 in by wed when I finish here. Plus another 13 or 14 Thursday for travel time home. Then Friday and sat will be office time prob taking service calls.

I flew to Atlanta once to change 2 fuses. But the best one is when I drove to Cinci to pull an Emergency Stop button out. Thats about the best one, lots of operator error trips, but the last year or so I've just been doing all setups and training, and this newer kid has been doing the repair trips, unless its electrial, its still only me and the Forman in the shop that can diagnose/repair the elec. system.

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