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Zimmerman Trial


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we need to upgrade the forum so i can green bump something twice when I forgot I did it once already

I sure hope none of y'all verbalizing desire for harm of an elected official ever complain about others' ill-regard for life, law and order.

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yes, gents... please do not speak ill of our superiors and overlords.

Well, sure, if you wanna be crudely dumb about it, sure, go ahead and personalize/demonize him or anyone else who has a differing opinion all you want. It's an Ad-Hominem Fallacy and is indicative of lazy thinking. Both sides do it in spades, and its ripping the country apart IMHO. It directly leads to entrenched stalemates until someone goes to extremes and justifies lawless violence under the excuses of religion, country, lifestyle or resource claims.

Sorry for being an ass about it but IMHO the problem with 'Merica today is exactly this kind of hypocrisy. Government is nothing but a naked reflection of who we allow ourselves to be as individuals. We expect (no, demand!) that others listen to and respect us, yet we come up short on the flip side.

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Hardly. Maybe you find yourself within this criteria, but not many people I know, including myself, can be compared to this government.

I sure as hell don't, almost daily I find something new that pisses me off about it.
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we're still talking about this shit? just let it die already. nobody truly gives a fuck about this case. people just wanna riot beause theyre ignorant and think theyre victims. nobody gives a damn about trayvons little stupid thug life ass, or zimmerman. anyone who thinks these problems are caused by this case, is a fucking idiot too. black people (at least the uneducated ignorant ones) will take any excuse they can to be the victim. trayvons death is an excuse for people to act like theyre the victim and get away with riots and other shit they probably wanted to do anyways, but now can do with less fear of getting in trouble. im so sick of hearing about this stupid shit.....everywhere you go, facebook, OR,  break rooms at work, everyone is talking about this dumb shit. thats why its a big deal, because people make it a big deal. 17yr old black males die probably every hour in this country and nobody gives a shit. now this one kid dies and suddenly its omg the poor black community is being attacked by the white devil.


next person i see talking about this shit in person, is getting a piece of my mind as well. the fucking trial is over and done. let it die.

Edited by Steve Butters
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we're still talking about this shit? just let it die already. nobody truly gives a fuck about this case. people just wanna riot beause theyre ignorant and think theyre victims. nobody gives a damn about trayvons little stupid thug life ass, or zimmerman. anyone who thinks these problems are caused by this case, is a fucking idiot too. black people (at least the uneducated ignorant ones) will take any excuse they can to be the victim. trayvons death is an excuse for people to act like theyre the victim and get away with riots and other shit they probably wanted to do anyways, but now can do with less fear of getting in trouble. im so sick of hearing about this stupid shit.....everywhere you go, facebook, OR,  break rooms at work, everyone is talking about this dumb shit. thats why its a big deal, because people make it a big deal. 17yr old black males die probably every hour in this country and nobody gives a shit. now this one kid dies and suddenly its omg the poor black community is being attacked by the white devil.


next person i see talking about this shit in person, is getting a piece of my mind as well. the fucking trial is over and done. let it die.



Yet you clicked on this thread.

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Well, sure, if you wanna be crudely dumb about it, sure, go ahead and personalize/demonize him or anyone else who has a differing opinion all you want. It's an Ad-Hominem Fallacy and is indicative of lazy thinking. Both sides do it in spades, and its ripping the country apart IMHO. It directly leads to entrenched stalemates until someone goes to extremes and justifies lawless violence under the excuses of religion, country, lifestyle or resource claims.

Sorry for being an ass about it but IMHO the problem with 'Merica today is exactly this kind of hypocrisy. Government is nothing but a naked reflection of who we allow ourselves to be as individuals. We expect (no, demand!) that others listen to and respect us, yet we come up short on the flip side.


crudely dumb...   bwahahahahahaha


1. one does not spout off about ad hominem by starting with ad hominem. to top it off, you finish your hissy fit with a rant on hypocrisy. adorable.

2. i know English is difficult, but if you read Isaac's Papas posting above a 9th grade level of crude dumbness, you might understand he was mocking the president for his race-tur baiting comments, not actually wishing for his death.  i mocked your posting for the "we, the collective django, should revere our elected leader massas" flavor, and not because you bravely white knighted against perceived death threats against our supreme dear leaders.

3. you are preaching to the choir on hatred of bipartisanship. i don't expect you to have read everything or anything i've said regarding politics, but the fact that you thought to extrapolate political anything from my mocking statement is presumptuous and asinine at best. at worst... you should just lurk moar.

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Sandy much? You're taking this quite personally.

Granted I should have said "act" instead of "be" to avoid the ad-Hominem frag myself. I deserve it. So much for typing on a phone in a hurry before work.

I wasn't gallantly defending the prez - you missed the point. "Crudely dumb" was aimed not at your or IP's linguistics, but at a potential mentality of lumping things together into coarsely sound-bitable, slogan-worthy snippets that can be pinned onto a person, aka, ad-hominems. Its always been in politics but the 24-hour media cycle exacerbates it, not to mention all the super-PACs (thank you "Citizens United"), industry lobbyists, shock jocks, party factions and anyone else who wants a piece of a non-thinking public struggling to make sense of ANYthing more complex than a football lineup. Put simply, its easier to hate a person than to grant any credit to their position towards understanding and yes, compromise. And which of them gives a shit about compromise when they're getting paid to stir the pot? When we citizens do it, we become a part of the stir.

You guys sound far more intelligent than that, hence my (albeit curt) challenge. When we fail to discern, we become part of the problem by letting others set up false generalizations to carry the day. To me, that's exactly what's happening to Z. It's what makes people to shut down their ears and brains and let others find patterns (real or synthetic) for them, like labeling Z a racist or murderer and turning him into this specter of hate.

Tacitly voicing joy over the theoretical wounding of an official is a little seed of the same.

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Where are all these riots we were promised? I seem to have missed them...

Try reading the news sometime.  Although they were not called 'riots', they were almost certainly of the same lot.  You should just go back and stick your head in the sand.........

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Try reading the news sometime. Although they were not called 'riots', they were almost certainly of the same lot. You should just go back and stick your head in the sand.........

An overturned rack of sport coats at men's warehouse is hardly a riot.... Rodney King, that was a fucking riot....

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Sandy much? You're taking this quite personally.

Granted I should have said "act" instead of "be" to avoid the ad-Hominem frag myself. I deserve it. So much for typing on a phone in a hurry before work.

I wasn't gallantly defending the prez - you missed the point. "Crudely dumb" was aimed not at your or IP's linguistics, but at a potential mentality of lumping things together into coarsely sound-bitable, slogan-worthy snippets that can be pinned onto a person, aka, ad-hominems. Its always been in politics but the 24-hour media cycle exacerbates it, not to mention all the super-PACs (thank you "Citizens United"), industry lobbyists, shock jocks, party factions and anyone else who wants a piece of a non-thinking public struggling to make sense of ANYthing more complex than a football lineup. Put simply, its easier to hate a person than to grant any credit to their position towards understanding and yes, compromise. And which of them gives a shit about compromise when they're getting paid to stir the pot? When we citizens do it, we become a part of the stir.

You guys sound far more intelligent than that, hence my (albeit curt) challenge. When we fail to discern, we become part of the problem by letting others set up false generalizations to carry the day. To me, that's exactly what's happening to Z. It's what makes people to shut down their ears and brains and let others find patterns (real or synthetic) for them, like labeling Z a racist or murderer and turning him into this specter of hate.

Tacitly voicing joy over the theoretical wounding of an official is a little seed of the same.


you don't get to call anyone sandy while you're going full bore sahara vagina.


and while you were busy prancing around on your high horse who we shall call "Sanctimoneighhhh", suited up in your shining white armor of "douche ex hominem", and swinging your epee named "epee-nis of self righteousness" wildly at random people whose view points you really didn't understand, never did ask for, and lets be honest... simply jumped the gun in a fit of e-douchery


after being called out on it, you'll back pedal with something lame like "i was just challenging the notion of hurtful comments, generalizations and presumptions" with a "curt" challenge by doing your darnedest at being all those things. i will give you that you move backwards so well while being weighted down by your lush velvety cape of hypocrisy. i mean... i guess i'm not sure about hurtful since I find it all pretty adorbz, generally hilarious, easy to deconstruct your generally valid, yet, tragically misdirected points and above all else: enjoy making puns on your silly and misguided white knighting.  why? cause i thought it was pretty funny, just like when some race baiting dildo keeps saying "that could've been my son that whitey killed" "that could've been me that creepy azz cracka killed" and someone says, in a huff: "too bad it WASN'T you... then we wouldn't have to hear a half whitey fap to the scene of a fellow half whitey get lynch mobbed". i know, i know... you didn't find it funny because (and i promise this is the last one) you were too busy spit shining that shield of "buckler-ing under the sheer weight of pretentious serialness".

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Didn't mention that he tried to buy a blunt wrap, but was refused when he couldn't provide ID. He then had 3 guys he met outside the store go back in an buy the same blunt wrap that he had attempted to buy with the same amount of change he was just given. 


Nobody cares, he was an innocent child.

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What he bought is irrelevant - good or bad - to the case.  Don't care if he bought a bible or a bazooka.  All that is relevant is "Did he start the physical confrontation?"  Jury says yes, end of story.

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It's irrelevant, now. However, the case being made was the incredible character manipulation delivered by the prosecution and, mainly, the media. Their bias was incredibly blatant.

Yep and Fuck Holder and Obama for still spouting off at the mouth with what we know now. 

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