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Free Pitbull - Reynoldsburg

Steve Butters

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The people I got my dog from are looking for a home for his sister. Shes a female, 2yrs old, has all shots minus rabies shot. She has given birth to two litters of pups recently, so her stomach is a little saggy. Shes a sweet dog and good with kids and other dogs. They are trying to rehome her because their males are fighting over her. Free to a good home, someone help her out please. She will make an awesome family dog, shes nice and relaxed and will get along great with kids or other dogs.






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Sorry I'm drunk... I think they plan to fix all 3 dogs. But honestly, I doubt it's the female that's the problem. They have two highly dominant males that are gonna fight wither way, but I'm just helping then find a home for this female. She's such a sweet dog and my dog is from her litter and he's very nice too... Good breeding... Sorry I'm kinda up so maybe I can answer better later

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Steve:  Your friends ever heard of spaying?  Would solve a lot of the males' aggression.

Problem solved, but instead we won't then we'll try to dump her.  Awesome.  GLWS, wait, it's free, so it's not a sale.  Hopefully whoever takes her can afford, or are willing to spend the cash to get her fixed and this is no longer an issue.  

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Ttt... Nobody is willing to take this dog in? You can often find free places to get a spay (especially for a pitbull), and a rabies shot isn't expensive... She's still young only 2yo old and will make a great family dog... Like I said, she's from the same parents as my dog and he's awesome.. Very relaxed, good with people and other animals... Doesn't have that high prey drive typical of terriers... Good breeding

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I would but I already have a female.  and she's kind of a bitch to other dogs.  I'm sure they'd fight.  I want to come get her badly because she looks so much like mine.  except all the black is white on mine.  if it wasn't so far for me to drive I'd love to introduce them and see how they get along.

Edited by serpentracer
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That's good to hear that she is treated well.  Although if she is actually located within the city limits of Reynoldsburg, I am concerned.  Does your breeder know that "pit bull type dogs" are banned in Reynoldsburg?  Violators are subject to fines, jail time, and the dog being destroyed.  One of our supporters is actually in danger of losing her dog because of the law.  There are also many, many "pit bull type dogs" in shelters that need good homes.  Breeding these types of dogs, while not inherently wrong, doesn't help.  Please visit the Facebook page Pit Bulls for Reynoldsburg to support our effort to end discrimination in Reynoldsburg.

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