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Fighting Teenagers


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Was out and about yesterday evening and went to the bathroom at the Skyzone in Orange/23.  Just getting finished up and became aware that 2 of the 4 teenagers (~13-14?) also in the bathroom are starting to get loud at each other.  One was unhappy about his ear because of some surgery or something, and the other was telling him he "should have though of that before" or words to that effect.


As I was finishing up the words stopped abruptly and I heard the tell-tale sounds of a pansy fight.  You know the type - no hitting or footwork, just hugging and grunting. Had to get myself zipped up real quick and separate them.  Granbed them both, got in between them and yelled; "What the hell are you doing?"  


They both looked like they were about to piss themselves, but just stammering "sorry, sorry" so I told them to get the hell out and went back and finished my piss.


5 minutes later they were out on the trampolines at skyzone, best of friends again. Go figure.



Of course then I took a moment to think about it.  What if the two had turned on me?  And the two spectators (who showed no interest in stopping it themselves)?  What if they had walked out and told their parents / staff / police that I randomly attacked them (4 peoples words against one).   What if I had ignored it and one of them got his ass kicked all over the place and seriously hurt?


My reaction to separate them was just natural.  I help teach a kids' karate class (7-16) and I've officiated at more sparring sessions than I can remember - it's just become instinct to recognize when the kids start to lose their temper and go from light sparring to actually trying to hurt each other - my first reaction is just to get in there and split them up, calm them down.  


Thoughts?  Should I have let them fight it out?  Separated them, gave them both pointers on how to NOT fight like a pussy and them yell Hajime (Start sparring)?   Seriously - as someone who takes karate training seriously it was embarrassing to watch...  I should have given them both dojo business cards.


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  On 7/21/2013 at 11:43 PM, dustinsn3485 said:

So I read all this and my first thought is you stopped mid-piss, zipped up, separated them, then resumed pissing. That's impressive.


And I never even washed my hands.   :fuckyeah:

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  On 7/22/2013 at 2:40 AM, chevysoldier said:

So I talk to a kid in the restroom, after we've both pissed and washed and I get some flack here. but scruit actually touches two minors in the bathroom, before washing his hands and that's okay? Lmao!

key here is you followed him, you're very lucky he didn't clock you
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  On 7/22/2013 at 1:49 PM, zx3vfr said:

key here is you followed him, you're very lucky he didn't clock you

Technically, I went in after him, pissed, washed then before I walked out while he was at the sink, talked to him. Didn't know passing a few words standing near the sink justifies getting assaulted, I'd like to see that fly in court. "Your honor, he said 'please don't wear the uniform in public' while I washed my hands so I felt the need to hit him".

Good logic there bud.

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  On 7/22/2013 at 5:59 PM, chevysoldier said:

Technically, I went in after him, pissed, washed then before I walked out while he was at the sink, talked to him. Didn't know passing a few words standing near the sink justifies getting assaulted, I'd like to see that fly in court. "Your honor, he said 'please don't wear the uniform in public' while I washed my hands so I felt the need to hit him".

Good logic there bud.

I think that was a Zimmerman reference...

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  On 7/23/2013 at 12:01 AM, Steve Butters said:

Wow, I'm the only bubby here who would have sat back and watched these little shits pummel each other? You guys disappoint.


count me as another. Fuck kids and the stupid shit they pull, I would've probably started taking bets too on which pussy was gonna get pushed over first

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  On 7/23/2013 at 12:01 AM, Steve Butters said:

Wow, I'm the only bubby here who would have sat back and watched these little shits pummel each other? You guys disappoint.


Maybe I should have given them medieval melee weapons and them filmed it for youtube?

Seriously, there was enough pansy hugging going on I wondered if they were fighting or making out... 

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