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Motoseries Aug 10-11 At Putnam


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so, is joe helping you sort through all those pics?  i always wondered how a collaborative would work.  i know it's hard work taking pictures, but from what i understand, sorting and processing is by far the biggest project.  just curious.

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Matt was sick to watch.  I'm just watching his times in the tower....1:12's over and over and over.  I want to say his best was a :12.29 or something like that.  We'll all see once mylaps get updated online but GD I was just in awe watching him going 4 seconds faster than the other top guys (which all did very well respectively).



He was 2 seconds faster than us.  1 second faster than Justin's fastest and David's fastest.  But, 1-2 seconds is a lifetime...  

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Brian got some good shots of you and Neyra in 10, good stuff bro.  With Joe from ElectrciEye helping me I have twice as much to go through (about 70 gigs).  so everyone please be patient!



Get me some examples.  I know I always ask, but I am picky on the shots.  I was talking to Joe about getting shots in places most never do.  I hate the traditional spots where everyone usually takes them.  So, let me see whatcha got.  I know Joe was in the Bus Stop which should have made for some cool power out shots...

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He was 2 seconds faster than us.  1 second faster than Justin's fastest and David's fastest.  But, 1-2 seconds is a lifetime...  


Yea...Steve cries like a little girl when Jinu sticks his giant penis in his mouth for just 1 or 2 seconds.

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Yea...we need to talk about turns 9 and 10. :D I could hear Justin and Matt screaming, "Watch out for that boat anchor!!"  I could tell you were struggling when they were all going on the outside of you in 9.  You still did good in the last race and even with just the 4 of you out there the fight for 2nd was fun to watch.



Yeah, 9 and 10 were tough for me that weekend.  I just was struggling on grip and with Matt's big crash there on his 1199, I was having a tough go at it.  Turn 2 was rough also.  I had too much rear wheel spin and with the bike so amazing on the bottom end, it was spinning hard and a lot.  I chose the wrong rear tire compound even though Justin and Matt both thought I should get a 7755...  Live and learn.  Excuses, whatever...  I felt bad through the weekend, but there were moments of positives.  The bike is awful hard on exit and while I was parking it in 9 and 10, the bike compensated with torque out.  


I was being a squid.  But, we pulled at least respectable times and even though Ive been a lot faster around that place, it just wasn't meant to be.  Matt is going to spend some time helping me dial it in at the next event in hopes to get me faster and thus pushing each other so we all get faster.  I'm just getting older and I think somewhat losing the drive I had...

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Yea...Steve cries like a little girl when Jinu sticks his giant penis in his mouth for just 1 or 2 seconds.

Yes, because when it happens to me, it's rape. When he does it with you, you are providing payment for services rendered.

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Yeah, 9 and 10 were tough for me that weekend.  I just was struggling on grip and with Matt's big crash there on his 1199, I was having a tough go at it.  Turn 2 was rough also.  I had too much rear wheel spin and with the bike so amazing on the bottom end, it was spinning hard and a lot.  I chose the wrong rear tire compound even though Justin and Matt both thought I should get a 7755...  Live and learn.  Excuses, whatever...  I felt bad through the weekend, but there were moments of positives.  The bike is awful hard on exit and while I was parking it in 9 and 10, the bike compensated with torque out.  


I was being a squid.  But, we pulled at least respectable times and even though Ive been a lot faster around that place, it just wasn't meant to be.  Matt is going to spend some time helping me dial it in at the next event in hopes to get me faster and thus pushing each other so we all get faster.  I'm just getting older and I think somewhat losing the drive I had...


I thought I saw you dealing with a bit of head shake coming out of 10 several times also.

Edited by r1crusher
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oh and lest i forget... congrats to nick for making it back! we missed you buddy!

Yeah, it was good to see Nick back out there.  He seemed pretty tied up with everything, but cool he got a weekend in.


Was kind of a rough weekend but good to get out there and see everyone. Was definitely a busy weekend and didn't get as much practice as I would of liked since I had not been to Putnam in over 3 years. Either way was nice to ride and now we have two weeks off before Nelson.m good riding by everyone.

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so, is joe helping you sort through all those pics?  i always wondered how a collaborative would work.  i know it's hard work taking pictures, but from what i understand, sorting and processing is by far the biggest project.  just curious.

Nope, I'm taking on that task since then it's easier for me to upload them.


Brian I was in 10 during your battle with Neyra.


And for everyone's edification, if there's ever a shot or an angle you want, let me know.  I can't read minds and some of yours I definitely don't want to read!

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I thought I saw you dealing with a bit of head shake coming out of 10 several times also.

Nah, exit of 10 was a strong point on the bike. The headshake is normal MO for that thing. It was skimming the front wheel and would shake which is normal. Actually was happy on its drive out of ten...

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For some reason my front bumping little bitt too much in turn 3 .i run same tire as you Brian ,I was sliding in 3,9 and 10. the second race my rear was gone after 5 laps.

Happy for the 3th in race 1,and second place in race 2 in 600 .

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Get me some examples.  I know I always ask, but I am picky on the shots.  I was talking to Joe about getting shots in places most never do.  I hate the traditional spots where everyone usually takes them.  So, let me see whatcha got.  I know Joe was in the Bus Stop which should have made for some cool power out shots...

here you go Brian: http://photos_by_marty.fototime.com/Moto%20Series/Putnam%20Park%20-%20August/Bike%2010

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short video of matt, brandon and I messing around in one of the advanced sessions.  i think this was pretty early in the day, and we were still trying to get our bearings at the track.


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