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College Baseball Player Murdered By Bored Teens


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Perps were 15, 16, and 17-year-olds.  One admitted they were just bored and felt like killing someone and he just happened to be jogging by them.


Local news video:



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I am trayvon martin.


Not a "Hate Crime" just some teenagers out for some fun.


CBS and USA Today, et al, are bending over backwards to avoid the obvious racial implications of this murder. To them they are only random acts of violence.


USA Today even throws in a little gun control advocacy for good measure.


These "troubled teens" were on their way to murder a second "random" person for the day.




Juveniles typically won't be tried as adults so their out after a couple of years of crime school.

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That photo answers the nagging question all of the news feeds I've read that failed to make mention of the race of the accused murdering scumbags much less post any photos.  Too bad they can't get the death penalty and of course, no one is going to make a big deal out of another black on white crime except to say something stupid about gun control. 


I guess there aren't enough angry white men in this country to get it the attention it deserves outside of the MSM. 

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Perps were 15, 16, and 17-year-olds. One admitted they were just bored and felt like killing someone and he just happened to be jogging by them.

Local news video:


In the interest of accuracy, one of the accused ALLEGEDLY said they did it because they were bored. That "quote" was a hearsay statement from a police officer.

Depending on how/whether it was recorded, it may or may not be admissible in court.

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That photo answers the nagging question all of the news feeds I've read that failed to make mention of the race of the accused murdering scumbags much less post any photos. Too bad they can't get the death penalty and of course, no one is going to make a big deal out of another black on white crime except to say something stupid about gun control.

I guess there aren't enough angry white men in this country to get it the attention it deserves outside of the MSM.

Nagging question? I called that shit right away, didn't even need to see the pic to know.

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The lack of outrage simply pisses me off.

On who's behalf?

Should whites march everytime a black murders a white? My legs would get tired very fast.

If blacks marched and protested everytime one of theirs murdered a white person their legs would get tired too

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That photo answers the nagging question all of the news feeds I've read that failed to make mention of the race of the accused murdering scumbags much less post any photos.  Too bad they can't get the death penalty and of course, no one is going to make a big deal out of another black on white crime except to say something stupid about gun control. 


I guess there aren't enough angry white men in this country to get it the attention it deserves outside of the MSM. 


Because we have a "Free Press" in the USA which in no way supports or is in collusion with any social engineering philosophy or political agenda or party affiliation.


Isn't it odd that all crimes that feature "teenagers" or "youths" or the like the perps are always black?  

Isn't it odd that we have a new race this year called "White Hispanics". 

Isn't it odd that if Hispanic or white that is mentioned in the first three paragraphs.

Isn't it odd that in any Democratic scandal the public servants party affiliation is never mentioned unless they are a Republican.

Isn't it odd that all dogs are "Pitt Bulls" all guns are"AK-47s" Two slingshots are an "Arsenal" All guns are "Machine Guns". " Even a .22 is an "Assault Rifle".

Isn't it odd that all republicans are "Right Wing Extremists" and "Religious Fundamentalists".

 Isn't it odd that Muslims are a "Religion of Peace" which can be clearly seen from the last 1000+ years of their history as well as their present day actions.



 “Four hostile newspapers are more to be feared than a thousand bayonets..”

Napoleon Bonaparte


Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.

 - Winston Churchill



Move along citizen, nothing to see here, move along.



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Another of those 'what has this world come to' incidents.  This kind of thing is becoming all too frequent.  Obviously the 'legal system' is not working otherwise these pos's wouldn't dare do something like this for fear of the reprisal they would face.

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Public hangings, no better way to get the point across. Send out Special Forces units, kill all gang members on site and any and all aspiring to be gang members.

I know this is in no way possible, legal, probable, or going to be done, but I fully support that. But then new "thugs" would take over its a never ending cycle.

Sent from my iPhone.

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wow. michael jones sure looks a lot different in his police mugshot. good job worldnet daily. they sure are a bastion of journalistic integrity! :rolleyes: did they just grab a pic of a random black dude or did he somehow become a white guy when the police arrested him?






im surprised they didn't just google MIKE JONES and use this photo:



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I know this is in no way possible, legal, probable, or going to be done, but I fully support that. But then new "thugs" would take over its a never ending cycle.

Sent from my iPhone.


I feel that when they actually have something to fear and worry about, then they will indeed get the point or.........DIE.

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