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Reynoldsburg Thieves! Keep Those Garage Doors Closed And Locked!


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It was Friday, 2:00 in the afternoon.  My sister-in-law had just finished mowing her lawn.  She parked the mower just outside the open garage door, then went and sat on the step to have a smoke.  A car pulled up and parked in front of her neighbor's house.  A guy got out, walked up the side yard, and slipped into her garage, between her car and the wall.  He was looking for something to steal when she yelled, what the hell do you want?  He jumped and took off.  It scared the shit out of her. 


Keep those garage doors closed and locked, all the time.  Ya hear me?



Edited by JackFlash
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Groveport had this problem earlier in the season, like early spring.  Neighbor leaves his open all the time, granted he ain't all there and has 1,000 bows, and gun's out there all the time.  Plus his 4 wheeler, mower, power tools, etc. but anyways.  Guy walked in during his nap and took about 5,000 worth of stuff.  I mean sometimes people are stupid both ways, NOT your family member, that's scary right there.  But this guy.


I had someone try to break into my shed about a week later, not sure why, thing is built like fort knox after someone tried to break into my dads and we came up with some slicker ways to make the locks more durable etc.


Lucky for them myself, not my dog woke up, or it could have been ugly.  I HATE THIEVES.

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i never understood the people leaving their garage doors open... i mean do you really want to show of everything thats in there to anyone who drives by? might as well just set the stuff on the lawn with a sign that says "please take this stuff". close that door and lock your shit up. remember, hoodrats don't stay in the hood to steal things. they come to "nice" neighborhoods where people have ""nice" things. 


i dont even leave my door open if im IN there. i dont want someone to be able to drive by and look in and say "oh theres a garage with a bunch of tools, motorcycle etc... maybe ill come back at 4 am..."


it would be awesome if we all lived in mayberry and didn't need to lock our doors, but we live in the real world, and people steal things.

Edited by John
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We know who does not live or belong in our hood, so we are all very watchful and aware at all times. We have the very rare car break in sometimes "along the street" but other than that things are pretty quiet. Bad things from bad people can happen anywhere and anytime, but I am not going to be paranoid about it......more like prepared. Nothing in my garage is worth dying over, but somebody with the balls to come into my home had better be ready to meet some serious hostility. 

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A block watch was started this summer on my street.

Our fourth meeting is coming up at the end of the month.


I've heard stories of things going on that I wasn't aware of,

right here, under my nose.  It's good to get your neighbors

together regularly to share things going on in your neighborhood

and neighborhoods close by, so that you can guard against

bad things before they strike.


The police can keep blockwatch groups informed of crime trends

in other areas of the city so that you can stay one step ahead of

the criminals.



Edited by JackFlash
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I live in an apartment complex & have a garage. I never have the door open unless I'm going in or out or it. My neighbor saw me on my bike the other day and said "hey I didn't even kno u had a bike?" Which is a good thing, bec I dont want anybody knowing what I own - lesser of a chance for them to steal it!

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