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Wayne Closed Due To Gubment Shutdown

max power

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Well I'm a government employee and I am "required to report for duty" but the people whom process the payroll are considered non-essential so I won't get a paycheck for awhile. If they get this crap fixed by Friday I may be ok but otherwise it will be at least a month between checks before I get a paycheck. Luckily I pay most of my bills out of my first check. I've got a bit put away but after looking at the savings balance and the out going for bills and living essentials its a little scary looking ahead. I'm hoping if this goes on too long my car loan and mortgage company will allow me to defer payments without a negative hit to my credit. I've got coworkers that have scheduled leave (vacation days) scheduled for over a year and they have been cancelled. Even though they made plans to fly and paid for tickets they are still required to report to work.

I will eventually get a check for the time I'm working now but I don't know when. It's hard to budget for that. Then when I do get paid its going to be on 1 check and in a higher tax bracket. So basically the government is going to make money off me.

So Casper you know what I do if not I can PM you but what have you got job wise in my field? What's the pay look like? I like my current job and pay I get now when I receive it but wouldn't mind being back in Ohio.

I'll put my feelers out. PM me what you need/want to make. I have a couple ideas.

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I didn't pay for a membership. I paid for a trail access pass. If I can't access the trails, I'm not getting what I paid for. Pretty simple actually. I don't find it lame at all, although I never bitched about anything. Simply letting you know your facts are not actually facts. For those who aren't getting a paycheck (for any reason, not just gov't failure), let me know what you do for a living. I'd be more than happy to help you find a job. If you are receiving a paycheck and the gov't failure hasn't impacted you, but you still use it as a pawn in a fruitless argument; get bent.

Well said! plus Rep to you good sir.

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Wayne "official" closure notice.

The trails are not blocked and there were lots of riders on the trails Saturday.

According to those in the know, there are 3 rangers still patrolling, but none were spotted by anyone I talked to.


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The government is using staff they cannot pay to evict people from sites that don’t cost them any money  




right, it's just there way of a power trip! That shit with closing Veterans memorial is beyond BS. 



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