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Very interesting sentence for killing a woman.


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We don't punish people for the result of their crimes - we punish the intent.   If we punished the result then we'd never punish people for "attempted X"


What he did was reckless, and he is culpable, but I suspect the court believed that at no point did he intend to hurt anyone. 


Plus, 10 years of probation and no alcohol/drugs will do much more to control him while allowing him to become productive in society.



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Heres another one, does the punishment fit the crime?  HELL NO.





Anyone who has had a kid on here can attest they test your nerves, my wife and I didn't sleep more than 30 mins at a time from the day he come home from the hospital until he was almost 2 weeks old, and for her it was less than 30 mins at a time.  Yet we never shook him.  Why isn't this person put to death just like he killed the innocent 4 month old.  Oh wait, the 4 month old was probably crying or screaming, that's right.  Wait, maybe if they take a huge butcher knife and start removing limbs from that scumbucket he will do the same, then they can just put a bullet in his head.  That'll stop the crying and screaming.  Trust me I could think of worse ways I'd like him to die, but probably take this to NSFW.

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