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Really curious to know if this is real ...


Edward Snowden, the hacker who gained access to every secret corner of the Internet during his tenure at the NSA, has come forward with details of a classified project to alter the world’s climate. The shocking truth, as he says, is that chemtrails are part of a benevolent program aimed at countering global warming. By cooperating in secret with jet fuel manufacturers, government agents have carefully kept the massive chemtrail efforts completely under wraps.

Snowden added,

“I am only revealing this program because there is no oversight in the scientific community, no public discussion, and little concern for the side-effects which are well known only to a few privileged people interested in continuing the decades-long chemtrail program in secret.”

According to Snowden, chemtrails are the only thing keeping the US from global warming incineration, but at what price?

Because climate change is a threat to U.S. agriculture, it has been labeled a national security issue. With the influence and cooperation of Monsanto, a secret Geo-engineering lab dubbed Muad’Dib has been operating since the late 1960s, and the chemtrail program is often referred to by insiders as its “crown jewel.” Muad’Dib has aimed to protect North America’s climate at all costs – even if that means accelerating desertification in Sub-Saharan Africa or spreading trace amounts of carcinogens over lightly populated areas. Other side effects, which scientists at the secret Muad’Dib Geoengineering Lab have predicted, include droughts in the Amazon and powerful windstorms along the East Coast.

Snowden shared decisive documents with The Internet Chronicle, but out of concern for national security, only his testimonial can be published. These documents contain references to scientists who would surely be targeted by foreign counterintelligence, and their knowledge is vital to short-term survival of the United States.

Snowden said, “If this program were to stop, the scientists behind it strongly believe that within just one year the North American climate would spiral out of control, and crop failures would lead to a series of devastating famines that would quickly depopulate urban centers.”

Because the program has been carried out on such a massive scale, skeptics might find Snowden’s story unbelievable. However, Snowden explained that the chemtrail program has been incredibly easy to hide, especially with the cooperation of jet fuel companies, a crucial part of the military-industrial complex. Snowden said, “The chemicals which are released by passenger airplanes have been covertly introduced as ‘additives,’ supposedly to improve efficiency. Only as the plane reaches cruising velocity does the heat and atmospheric pressure cause a chemical reaction that synthesizes the top secret carbon-trapping molecule. This process is imperfect, and many of the by-products are incredibly dangerous even in trace quantities. The most dangerous thing is that although chemtrails are keeping the climate of the U.S. reasonably stable, citizens are bombarded every day with an invisible rain of carbon-laden molecules, and the effect on health is totally unknown.”

Edited by gen3flygirl
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Interesting until I saw it was a quote from http://www.chronicle.su/


edit: Also interesting... the SU internet suffix changed to RU. The SU is now a rogue address. ".SU, assigned to the then-Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (U.S.S.R.) in 1990, a year before its dissolution, is now a refuge for criminal hackers, according to the AP’s Raphael Satter."



Despite the fact that the Russian party Nashi, which is connected with the President and Prime Minister of the Russian Federation still uses it.

Edited by ReconRat
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Chemtrails = complete bullshit.

No science behind it, nothing to support it aside from nut jobs. Con trails are just condensed water vapor from engine exhaust. Sometimes they fade immediately, sometimes they hang in the air for hours. Has to do with temp, pressure and relative humidity of the air. Look up old film of ww2 bomber formations over europe, huge con trails...those guys didn't bring one ounce of gear that wasn't necessary, let alone barrels of chemicals.

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Chemtrails = complete bullshit.

No science behind it, nothing to support it aside from nut jobs. Con trails are just condensed water vapor from engine exhaust. Sometimes they fade immediately, sometimes they hang in the air for hours. Has to do with temp, pressure and relative humidity of the air. Look up old film of ww2 bomber formations over europe, huge con trails...those guys didn't bring one ounce of gear that wasn't necessary, let alone barrels of chemicals.

They know there is water vapor, but in addition there is poisonous gas....

Haha crazy conspiracy theorists, next they'll be telling me that they put floride in my water supply.

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Poisonous gasses? Like the ones you get when you burn jet fuel? Lemme guess...there's also traces of aluminum, titanium and other metals....like the kind the insides of a jet engine are made of?

And you can fuck right off with your flouride conspiracy. Omg the evil govt conspired to prevent tooth decay.

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Poisonous gasses? Like the ones you get when you burn jet fuel? Lemme guess...there's also traces of aluminum, titanium and other metals....like the kind the insides of a jet engine are made of?

And you can fuck right off with your flouride conspiracy. Omg the evil govt conspired to prevent tooth decay.

No, poisonous gasses they designed to turn you against God, and make you subservient to your masters in Washington. The kind of poisonous gasses that give you ball cancer so you can't win the tour de France without massive amounts of doping. The kinds of poisonous gasses that stabbed Nichole brown Simpson and framed OJ... Duh

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