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Recently started an aquarium, and just curious what fish others are keeping. Looking to change my fish as the aquarium is fully cycled and I know lots more now than I did a month ago. Also want to do some aquascaping. So plants that you have in them would be great to know too. Plan on moving to a larger tank within a year and using this smaller one as a hospital/quarantine tank.


5 Glofish (don't want them unnatural)

2 Sailfin Mollies (both male one needs to go and be replaced with two female)

3 Cherry Barbs (future fish food probably)

1 Glass Cat

3 small I don't know what they are (future fish food)

1 Clown Loach (need more)

1 Upsidedown Cat

1 Pleco

1Violet Gobi

30-40 gallon tank not real sure of size, it's a bastard hex shape.

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Is the Pleco a Bristlenose? If it's just a common pleco, it'll get huge, like need a 100g tank huge. Barbs tend to be aggressive and are a schooling fish, the more you have the less aggressive they'll be to other fish.

I have 3 Angel fish, from osumj, she may have more she'll give away. They can be aggressive if they don't have enough room but tend to only fight themselves. I have 4 platies. I had now but lost some in a move. They aren't anything special but are live bearers and can breed like crazy. I have a bristlenose pleco that is doing great, and three panda Cory catfish that are my favorite. They are very active and have great personalities. Make sure any bottom feeders like the cories and pleco get algae wafers too.

Sand substrate it great because it changes with the water movement and bottom feeders. I also recommend getting Malaysian trumpet snails. They will break down fish waste and keep the substrate clean. They will also give you an idea if you are overfeeding because their numbers will boom.

I also have live plants although I can't remember all what they are right now. Amazon swords are good and I have a few of them. Also something spiralis, it's thin and tall. Live plants will require plant fertilizer and correct lighting. You can get easier plants that don't require CO2 injection.


Oh btw. The Pleco requires driftwood. They eat it and it helps their digestion.

Edited by chevysoldier
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Nah its a common pleco. I'm aware of its size potential. And i can tell where he has been messing with the wood. I picked the way I did to expedite getting a bigger tank. Gobi will run 18-24" loach 8-12" but a shoaling fish and need a few. Thinking I would like a Black Ghost Knifefish then whatever wife wants. She really likes the Cichlid family of fish. And the 125 I have my eye on would be full.

The loaches will eat snails. We are doing lots of homework before getting more fish, learned some hard lessons. Like crabs are assholes. Great fun to watch but eat fish at night when your sleeping. We lost 3 of them to the crabs. And they will escape your aquarium. They barely made it a week before the got to ride the water slide. Over feeding wreaks havoc on your tank too. Still woring getting everyone on same page with the feeding.

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I go for low maintenance, peaceful, hearty fish.  Also, I prefer a school of small fish to a few large ones. 


Amazon Swords are good easy plants, so are Anubias Nana.   Do not put any kind of moss in your aquarium.  It looks good, but it will quickly overgrow the entire aquarium and you'll never get rid of it.

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  On 10/29/2013 at 5:41 AM, chevysoldier said:

Oh, and a bigger tank is easier than a smaller one. The water will stay more constant because there is more of it. I started with a 5-10 gal and now have a 55 gallon. The 55 is easier to take care of. In the process of upgrading to a 90-100g


This is one of the biggest things I have learned over the years!  I started with a 10 gallon tank over 20 years ago, and within months picked up a 40 long (same footprint as a 55, but shorter) then a few years later got my 75 that I still have.  I have 2 angels, a spotted raphael cat, bala shark and this pictus cat that has been in there since the 40 gallon tank, probably close to 15 years!  


I have an undergravel filter with a couple pretty big powerheads, about 2 inches or so of gravel on top of that, the a fluval 404 canister filter.  As long as I don't over-populate the tank (there's a story behind that one) my tank is virtually maintenance free.  I have gone for 6 months without doing anything other than feeding the fish (not the normal situation, life just got in the way.) I typically do a 30-50% water change monthly.


I have had several ghost knife fish, and I just haven't quite found the "trick" to keeping them around more than about a year.  They are a TON of fun to watch though!


Sometime soon, I want to add some fish to the mix.  Possibly a few more angels, I like glass catfish, and usually have a few, so I'll probably pick up a few of those, and who knows what else!  We are also pondering setting up another smaller tank (I have a few around here that aren't being used) for my son.  It will probably have some of the more colorful fish in it.

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Yeah I go for low maint. Between the snails, plants and canister filter, I don't do much other than feed daily or every other day, plant fertilizer every week or and 25% water changes every three or four weeks. I maybe clean the glass of minor algae every 6mo and even that isn't needed. Oh, one more thing to add, having the light on a timer is great. It'll give them just enough light but not too much to have an algae problem, 8-10 hrs a day.

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  • 2 months later...

So I picked up a 100 gallon aquarium with fish and need to rehome them. Going to make the tank a Peacock Cichlid tank.


1 9" Common Pleco. He is rearanging my tank and throws the scale of the fish way off.

1 4" Chinese Algea Eater. Don't like him.

2 Tiger Barbs. Match the Loaches but I think they are fun nipping.

A few others but they can be future food for all I care.


If you are interested PM me.

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I've got 4 big angels in a 29 gallon tank.  I'd like to get some new fish (including a pleco) at some point but am patiently waiting for at least a few of my angels to 'move on'... or for me to be able to get a larger tank. :)  Makes me kind of sad to think these are the last 4 that I have from the hundreds that were in the tank, but it will be nice when I can get some new ones.

Good luck finding the fishes a new home!

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If they were other types, I'd consider it but I don't want a common pleco or Chinese algae eater and tiger barbs are too aggressive for my tank. Good luck though. If you can't find anyone to take them, some fish stores will and possibly give you a credit.

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It's my wife's 90. I couldn't name everything in there if I tried.

She texted me the list below.

Oh! And big dory. She's in the quarantine right now with swim bladder disease so she basically lays sideways on the bottom. Completely alive though. The quarantine is a 20 with copper.

She manages a Jacks pets, so she frequently comes home with new arrivals...

Edit official list: " have 9 chromis 4 blue damsels, 5 black oscellaris, 3 tomato clowns, 5 yellow tangs, a hepatus tang, a spanish hog, a leopard.wrasse, 3 pj cardinals, 6 electric flame.scallops, 2 cleaner shrimp, a peppermint shrimp, decorator.crab, a sea hare, a coral banded shrimp, snails and hermit crabs." Plants:" :Ok corals, octo bubble, two rose anemones, two bubble anemone, green button polyps, a toadstool, striped mushrooms, zooanthids, yellow polyps, and I think thats it. And if anyone asks, yes I know its overstocked, I have a filter that filters 300 gallons. And I do frequent water.changes"



Edited by RSparky
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  On 1/18/2014 at 4:43 AM, chevysoldier said:

If they were other types, I'd consider it but I don't want a common pleco or Chinese algae eater and tiger barbs are too aggressive for my tank. Good luck though. If you can't find anyone to take them, some fish stores will and possibly give you a credit.


I really like the "Rhino Pleco" compared to the common or Chinese plecos.  I may be looking to add some livestock to my tank sometime soon.  All I have in there are 2 large angels, a decent sized bala shark, and my large, really old (at least 15 years) cat fish.   

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I started with fresh water but everything died.  I figured "they are fish, add some water, throw them in and good to go" yeah not so much.  So I got a 30G tank from Chevy Soldier and started a Saltwater tank.  I now have a 55G saltwater tank with 2 clowns, 1 purple fire fish, 1 blue hippo tang, and 2 emerald crabs.  I also have a few corals.... Green Star polyps, Duncans, Frogspaws, and a blasto.  I have a rose bubble tip anemone and it split about a month and a half ago so now I have 2 of them.  My daughter wants to keep her own fish tank so I started teh 10G tank back up for her, we are waiting for the cycle to complete then we will get her some fish.  I also have a 150G tank setting in my garage, this Spring I am going to set it up in my basement.  Once it's set up I will move everything from the 55 to to the 150.

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  On 1/18/2014 at 4:33 PM, jporter12 said:

I really like the "Rhino Pleco" compared to the common or Chinese plecos. I may be looking to add some livestock to my tank sometime soon. All I have in there are 2 large angels, a decent sized bala shark, and my large, really old (at least 15 years) cat fish.

I have a bristlenose pleco, he's gotten huge because he eats everything...his wife, his kids, other fish disappear ...
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