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Biker road rage? or Scared prius driver?


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I can see how his manuver was interperted as an act of aggression.

That being said you probably scared the piss out of him riding like a fool.

Would like to hear the other side as well.

(from the video I saw it looked like a prius)



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Seems like there has to be some degree of bullshit in the drivers story.  It would be a bold act indeed to get close enough to reach the windshield of an SUV going 70 mph.  Especially an SUV who has demonstrated a predilection for swerving around motorcycles. 


And to generate enough force to crack a windshield from that awkward angle while maintaining control of the bike?   Strains credulty...

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My BS detector is definitely beeping. Cracking a windshield with the a hand (no object} while riding a motorcycle down the freeway. That is only slightly more believable than saying they were riding unicorns.

Why in the hell do they show the reporter riding around the city in a car? That adds nothing to the news story. What a waste of news time.

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