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Federal Helmet Law Coming?


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Have you ever heard of a "no farting section?" Just about as effective.

Ya mean like free speech? Like yelling "fire" in a theatre?

I'm having a banner day. Taking counterpoint from IP and Mags.



enforcement should be up to the owner, not the government...

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People in Ohio are stupid amd want the government running their lives. He'll this whole country has gone,full blown retard and wants the government making decisions for them. Yes the smoking ban is retarted and infringes in a business owners rights. No one is forcing anyone to patronize or work at an establishment allowing smoking. Bottom line, you have the freedom of choice to enter a smoke filled building or not.

I think a federal helmet law is even more full blown retard. All it's going to do is create a bunch of brain dead zombies, because those that don't want to wear helmets are going to buy the novelty helmets with fake dot stickers and when they wreck it will provide enough protection to not let their brains spill out on the road

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You HAD the right to decide to go into any establishment where smoking was allowed or not you let some azzhats take that freedom of choice away from you let the sheep vote away your freedoms only because it will not affect you the government is slowly taking away all of your rights most of you do not even realize everything that has been lost over the last 30 years freedom of speech being one of them and what is a shame most of you under 40 have no idea what I am talking about LET POLITICAL CORRECTNESS RULE LOL The government should not be involved with any freedom of choice issues that was what America use to be about

Side note I were a helmet 99% of the time this has nothing to do with helmets to me it’s only about my freedom to choose for myself and not let someone else tell me what to do I already work for a living and get paid to have some dick head do that. In car accidents most deaths are caused by head injuries and that adds up to a lot more then with motor cycles so at what point in time will the insurance companies want everyone in cars to start wearing helmets.

Edited by HeavyDuty
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So the people decided not the government?

Yes, the people decided.... so when an overwhelming majority decide that motorcycles should be outlawed, and pass a law to do so, you'll be cool with it?

People have spoken man... they don't want their roads polluted with motorcycles. They are public roads, right? More so than private businesses that sell alcohol and serve greasy food.

Edited by magley64
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Yes, the people decided.... so when an overwhelming majority decide that motorcycles should be outlawed, and pass a law to do so, you'll be cool with it?

People have spoken man... they don't want their roads polluted with motorcycles. They are public roads, right? More so than private businesses that sell alcohol and serve greasy food.


Last I checked, 2nd hand smoke is a health hazard "and smoking is just plain disgusting", and don't even get me started on those that litter everywhere with their cigarette butts. There is no such thing as a non smoking section when there is smoking in the same building, the smoke just cannot be contained nor can the smell. Restaurants should be the one place where nobody should have to be subjected to smoking, although I persoanlly feel that true bars should be allowed to do whatever the owner decides. You go into a bar knowing it is a bar, and smoking and drinking for many seems to go hand in hand. I did not agree with how the non smoking laws went down, there needed to be some exceptions in there for sure. Motorcycles are not going to be banned or up to a vote for the public, so even saying such a thing is ludicrous and not even a good comparison at all. I believe that you are of the mindset like too many are becoming these days, where pretty much anything goes and it is acceptable "as long as it does not affect you negatively". If it feels good and you enjoy it.....do it....right? Duanes world......the perfect world.

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Last I checked, 2nd hand smoke is a health hazard "and smoking is just plain disgusting", and don't even get me started on those that litter everywhere with their cigarette butts. There is no such thing as a non smoking section when there is smoking in the same building, the smoke just cannot be contained nor can the smell. Restaurants should be the one place where nobody should have to be subjected to smoking, although I persoanlly feel that true bars should be allowed to do whatever the owner decides. You go into a bar knowing it is a bar, and smoking and drinking for many seems to go hand in hand. I did not agree with how the non smoking laws went down, there needed to be some exceptions in there for sure. Motorcycles are not going to be banned or up to a vote for the public, so even saying such a thing is ludicrous and not even a good comparison at all. I believe that you are of the mindset like too many are becoming these days, where pretty much anything goes and it is acceptable "as long as it does not affect you negatively". If it feels good and you enjoy it.....do it....right? Duanes world......the perfect world.


I'm a non-smoker, and I've never really been bothered by second hand smoke... especially from another room... and I love the smell of cigars, in spite of never having smoked one.


Back when there were restaurants with smoking or non smoking sections I would tell the host/hostess to put me wherever there was more room.


Smoking is disgusting to YOU, but your steak might be "just plain disgusting" to someone else.


Littering is a separate issue... if there are ash trays on the table, then you can just put cigarette butts there, right?



As for the perfect world, I'm pretty happy with the one I live in... 

Edited by magley64
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I'm a non-smoker, and I've never really been bothered by second hand smoke... especially from another room... and I love the smell of cigars, in spite of never having smoked one.


Back when there were restaurants with smoking or non smoking sections I would tell the host/hostess to put me wherever there was more room.


Smoking is disgusting to YOU, but your steak might be "just plain disgusting" to someone else.


Littering is a separate issue... if there are ash trays on the table, then you can just put cigarette butts there, right?



As for the perfect world, I'm pretty happy with the one I live in... 


Were you to pick a smoking or non smoking area in a restaurant "if given the choice" which would you go with? People have the right to smoke, but people also have the right not to be succumbed to breathing it in a privately owned, state owned, sports complexes, arena's. stadiums, and federal owned or corporate owned establishments. There are good, better, and best places to light up and enjoy a cancer stick....just not in places where the majority are not smokers. I have ZERO issues with a person choosing to smoke, but should there not be some boundaries set forth in which to do that beyond being alone or in your home or vehicle? I don't recall any teachers or professors lighting up in the classroom, there is no longer smoking on practically any hospital campuses "unless designated" across the country, I don't recall seeing anyone smoking while at Church, or how about during court cases or in any federal buildings. It should be out of respect as much as for other obvious reasons, everything in life is not a free for all and do as you please. The planet we live on is just fine, people on the otherhand many times are not......we are far from a Utopian society.

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Were you to pick a smoking or non smoking area in a restaurant "if given the choice" which would you go with?

I've already said, whichever is less crowded, but I liked to be given the choice.

People have the right to smoke, but people also have the right not to be succumbed to breathing it in a privately owned

Screw you, if it's privately owned, it should be the choice of the owner what is or is not allowed.

state owned, sports complexes, arena's. stadiums, and federal owned or corporate owned establishments.

The argument for these I understand...

There are good, better, and best places to light up and enjoy a cancer stick....just not in places where the majority are not smokers. I have ZERO issues with a person choosing to smoke, but should there not be some boundaries set forth in which to do that beyond being alone or in your home or vehicle? I don't recall any teachers or professors lighting up in the classroom, there is no longer smoking on practically any hospital campuses "unless designated" across the country, I don't recall seeing anyone smoking while at Church, or how about during court cases or in any federal buildings. It should be out of respect as much as for other obvious reasons, everything in life is not a free for all and do as you please. The planet we live on is just fine, people on the otherhand many times are not......we are far from a Utopian society.

I've got no arguments against hospitals, federal buildings, or state buildings... people typically don't go there by choice... But if a church wants to allow smoking, far be it from me to tell them what to do... if a guy running his own BW3 or QSL wants to allow smoking, they should be in charge of that.

I'm just surprised most bars haven't gone to being "private" and just charge a dollar for "membership" to get around the smoking bullshit.

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Smaller places just allow smoking and ask patrons to chip in when they get a violation.

My roommate and I used to stop at every bar on our way to the good bar. (Winter. Snow. Cold). All of them but the good bar had people smoking in them.

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Last I checked, 2nd hand smoke is a health hazard "and smoking is just plain disgusting", and don't even get me started on those that litter everywhere with their cigarette butts. There is no such thing as a non smoking section when there is smoking in the same building, the smoke just cannot be contained nor can the smell. Restaurants should be the one place where nobody should have to be subjected to smoking, although I persoanlly feel that true bars should be allowed to do whatever the owner decides. You go into a bar knowing it is a bar, and smoking and drinking for many seems to go hand in hand. I did not agree with how the non smoking laws went down, there needed to be some exceptions in there for sure. Motorcycles are not going to be banned or up to a vote for the public, so even saying such a thing is ludicrous and not even a good comparison at all. I believe that you are of the mindset like too many are becoming these days, where pretty much anything goes and it is acceptable "as long as it does not affect you negatively". If it feels good and you enjoy it.....do it....right? Duanes world......the perfect world.

remember when the federal government almost banned sport bikes? And when they compared sport bikes to Harley's and felt that they were competing to much? Be it through lobbying or just plain old idiot politicians... There is a chance they will be banned one day, not today, not tomorrow but one day they will be banned from the road and restricted to a track. After that it will go the way football is heading now,, it's to dangerous so the federal government will ban it one day. I bet 10 Ben Franklins that within 15 years football in this country will cease to exists. And shortly after that, when all the racing riders and drivers start having complications from sitting in or on a race machine start surfacing, ya well... It's just a matter of time til all we can do is eat an mre pill, get into our self driving car, go to work, get back in our self driving car, come home eat dinner mre pill and go to sleep while obamas anthem is forcibly played over your tv that you can't turn off.

Also, as to the smoking, simple capitalism yo, if you allow smoking in your restaurant and no one wants to be around it, you have no income for your staff, your staff all quits and so on and so forth. Why can't we just leave everyone to be and make their own decisions. If you don't want to go into a smoking restaurant don't fucking go its that simple.

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  • 1 month later...

Government that forces motorcyclists to wear helmets and drivers to wear seatbelts is the same government that give the keys back to repeat drunk drivers.


My mother and the kids she was a nanny for were hit head on by a drunk driver and she still has trouble walking. The other driver was drunk and it was his sixth time being cited. He is still driving.


Next thing, government will mandate helmets because these dumbass kids are knocking everyone out walking down the street but they can't punish the criminal, so better to inconveniece the victims.


If we just had a justice system that worked. Maybe the Koreans could teach us a thing or two on how to deal with the opposition????

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Amazing how people think that we have a justice system who never convicts anyone yet we have the highest % of out population behind bars of ANY country in the world.

Yes, more than China, Russia, Iran, etc.

Should we put more in jail?

Will that solve the problem?

I doubt you will see a mandatory helmet law in your lifetime. If it happens, it won't be the worst thing but it will piss me off.

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We are so far ahead of those (or behind depending on perspective). And those countries who everyone would likely trust their reporting it's crazy. Finally the far right and far left are coming to the agreement that we are a prison society and shit needs to change. As for estimating the numbers, I'm pretty sure they rely on more than just the official government reports. The countries I listed all allow foreign media within their borders.

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