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I'm a few days late, but this is really the first time in 5 days that I've accessed the internet from a computer rather than my phone.


My wife started having contractions Tuesday morning, but not with any regularity, so I went to work to tie up loose ends, return all the files I had at home, and try to catch up the other attorneys who were going to have to cover my cases...


By Wednesday morning, it was pretty clear that the baby was coming that day.  Nora finally made her appearance at 6:39.  All 8 lbs., 9 ounces of her.


Sara managed to go through labor and delivery without any drugs or sedatives, which was both impressive, and terrifying to witness.  We came home from the hospital Friday morning, and mom and baby have both been doing great. 


I am back at work today, but heading out early (I hope) to go back to being dad.  Which is totally weird to say, but surprisingly not strange to be/do.

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No drugs for the delivery? Sweet christ, you better not piss her off. If she can tear out a 9lb baby jesus out from her sweet meats al naturale, she will probably fuck your shit UP.

That said, congrrrraaaaaaatsssss!

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No drugs for the delivery? Sweet christ, you better not piss her off. If she can tear out a 9lb baby jesus out from her sweet meats al naturale, she will probably fuck your shit UP.



Not so much as an aspirin.  Her doctor said she's delivered over 4,000 babies and never had a mom deliver  her first baby without any drugs whatsoever. 


My wife did a ton of research while she was pregnant, and the general theme throughout all of it was that the US sucks at delivering babies, and the fewer interventions you use, the fewer risks there are of complications.  We also got to go home a lot sooner, because Sara hadn't been numbed from the waste down.



the 5-day update is:


- I slept through the night last night and only woke up at 5:24 when Nora started crying. I just got up and showered at that point.

- Nora was up 3 times, but just to be fed.  She went right back to sleep.  Wife texted me and said they both slept pretty great.

- Kramer (75 lbs) is afraid of the baby.  He'll sniff her, but won't let me put her down next to him.

- Henry (30 lbs) is jealous.  He'll bark at whoever is holding her, but just for the attention.  He licked Nora's cheek once, and she almost "nursed" on his nose :-P

Edited by redkow97
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