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Ohio National Guard training to fight 2nd Amendment supporters?


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You're too fucking much man... Target shooting isn't just about practicing for the real thing.. Some people buy guns for target shooting as a hobby or a sport.. There's so many different kinds of target shooting... But basically, according to you, all target shooting is training to kill... Long distance shooters? Training to be the next freeway snipers? Terrorists? Can't possibly be that some people just like shooting targets for fun

You really are a cunt... I usually try to not even acknowledge you, because I hate arguing with mentally handicapped people, but shit man... You're one of the most awful wastes of flesh I've never met. Fuck your parents for having you.


Okay, Call me clairvoyant or psychic, But i'm predicting there will be another Highway sniper, or rooftop sniper at some point in the not too distant future...

I'm also willing to bet that this person, before shooting at people, shot at targets to improve their skill level...


If shooting at targets isn't "effective practice for the real thing", why does the military, when training soldiers, use targets? HMMM?

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If shooting at targets isn't "effective practice for the real thing", why does the military, when training soldiers, use targets? HMMM?

Using the "Real thing" got too expensive. :crazy:   You should be happy that people are shooting paper targets these days.  There are only so many prisoners, criminals and political dissidents to go around and they would eventually work their way down to gun hatting internet trolls to use for target practice. :lolhitsign:


Oh and another firearm that is used to save peoples lives,  Flare guns.  So suck it misinformed troll.


Nail guns have a productive, and functional utility, they aren't designed as weapons. As with many of the other things you listed

Yes but what your missing the point is that all of those items started out as real firearms and they have been converted to serve a function that is no longer deadly. Well other than the nail gun because a bunch of asshats die from those things every year.  You asked for examples of firearms than are deadly and destructive and I gave you a full list and I find joy in watching you stick you head back in the sand and ignore the fact that I presented you evidence contrary to your beliefs.


I mean shit dude, according to the CDC there where 28,600 people injured by nail guns in 2005.  Why don't you dirrect your hatred to something much more dangerous than real firearms.  http://www.cdc.gov/DataStatistics/2007/NailGun/

Edited by vf1000ride
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Okay, Call me clairvoyant or psychic, But i'm predicting there will be another Highway sniper, or rooftop sniper at some point in the not too distant future...

I'm also willing to bet that this person, before shooting at people, shot at targets to improve their skill level...

If shooting at targets isn't "effective practice for the real thing", why does the military, when training soldiers, use targets? HMMM?

Nowhere was it said that it wasn't efficient practice. But you're saying everyone who shoots targets is only practicing. Therefore, anyone who ever shoots long distance is training to be more effective at killing. Guess that means they will all go out and become highway snipers, why else would thousands of people take up that hobby? They're training to create a militia of Highway snipers!

Not responding to your stupid ass anymore on this topic, you're too stupid to hold a conversation with. Please go get AIDS. Miserable fuck.

Edited by Steve Butters
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That explains drivers ed.  They are training to kill people with their cars!! Those cones are just fake little people.



if you were in a weaponized vehicle, and the object was to run over as many cones as possible, you might have a point...

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My daughter shoots competitive archery. Guess what she shoots? Paper. When asked what she wants to do with this skill she says "I want to go to the Olympics". Not once has she said "to kill as many mother fuckers as I can". So there is a sport centered around a weapon designed to kill that the person honing that skill has no intention of harming anyone with it.

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Well I'm getting ready to go out, I'll be carrying my sidearm all day. Regardless of what Magley thinks, it won't be with the intention to kill people. It will be for the defense of me and my family should some other fucker want to harm us. Magley still can't understand the aspects of intention and neutralizing a threat that seeked me out in the first place. Some days I think he's just a troll, other days I think he's one of the biggest liberal morons in Ohio.

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Use all the euphemisms you want, we all know what you mean by neutralize a threat. It means to mortally wound, and yes you intend to use it if a situation arises that you feel is justified to do so.(Whether you're actually justified or not)

Edited by magley64
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Use all the euphemisms you want, we all know what you mean by neutralize a threat. It means to mortally wound, and yes you intend to use it if a situation arises that you feel is justified to do so.(Whether you're actually justified or not)

Uh no, neutralize means stop a threat. If I pull my gun on a bad guy, be drops his gun and surrenders, the threat is neutralized and not a round was fired. S

You really have no idea, get over your assumptions. They are all pretty much wrong.

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Uh no, neutralize means stop a threat. If I pull my gun on a bad guy, be drops his gun and surrenders, the threat is neutralized and not a round was fired. S

You really have no idea, get over your assumptions. They are all pretty much wrong.

Ley me get this straight, in this scenario, someone has already pulled a gun out and aimed it at you, you think is likely that a: they won't squeeze the trigger in the time it takes you to pull out your own gun, and b: they will be so intimidated by your gun that they will drop the one they've already pulled on you, and surrender?

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No magz got it right i train to be more proficient in my ability to hit my target under stress. I carry a gun everyday and better be able to hit my mark if need be. And by hit my mark i mean double tap to the chest followed by a head shot. I am training to be a sharp shooting sniper murderer.

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That old man clearly violated the victims right to his money. That old man should be incarcerated, and he should give up everything he owns to the victims. I am becoming much more astute to liberal logic!

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Ley me get this straight, in this scenario, someone has already pulled a gun out and aimed it at you, you think is likely that a: they won't squeeze the trigger in the time it takes you to pull out your own gun, and b: they will be so intimidated by your gun that they will drop the one they've already pulled on you, and surrender?

You missed the fucking point again. Try listening this time. IF, FOR EXAMPLE, E.G., I pull my gun on a bad guy and they surrender, there is no longer a threat, the threat is gone, the threat is neutralized, the threat is no longer. Maybe the bad guy was aiming at another innocent, yeah I think I could fire before he turns and fires on me. If I fucking shoot him in his toe, he trips, falls abd drops the gun and surrenders our runs away, the threat is neutralized, no longer, gone, ended. The reason you shoot center mass is because it's the biggest target area and harder to miss under stress. If the goal was to kill, all shots would be head shots. Shooting at the largest target, under stress to stop the threat from harming you is the goal. Got it this time? Probably not.

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